**** 2020 F*ck Covid MLB In Game ****

He just has to handle bottom the order to cash Ff. Let’s hope he can do it without putting anyone on base and making us sweat a Acuna ab! Lol
Porcello been really good his last 2 starts. They yanked him to early in last one and of course pen blew it, let’s see if they can hang on after he gave them 7 strong?
Porcello been really good his last 2 starts. They yanked him to early in last one and of course pen blew it, let’s see if they can hang on after he gave them 7 strong?
Yeah. They can say Max left early but the batters didn't.

Toronto got a run. Let's add more.
Well 2-0, still kinda in same spot where we don’t wanna see anyone get on and Acuna come to plate, lol
This Bubic kid for kc made scrubbies look silly 1st time thru lineup. Wonder if they figure him out 2nd time around?
Rangers get a early run. Just on Ff, no interest being involved with the pens in that one, just hope Gibson can give me 5 solid innings and Manaea keeps sucking!
Rangers ran Manaea as expected. Just need Gibson to hold for 6 outs.. crazy to me Manaea keeps being lined like a top shelf pitcher when clearly he not right now.
Whew, rangers held on. So glad I only went Ff here. Might not be a bad idea to live bet oak, gonna be a pen battle with them only down one. Anyways I’m taking my money and running. Gl everyone.
Gibson turned in a really solid performance going 6 innings giving up 3. Not exactly world beater but about as good as I could have asked for and just enough to take the cash. It be interesting to see if the pen can hold the win for 3 innings? Kinda doubt it unless rangers can get some insurance runs.
Whew, rangers held on. So glad I only went Ff here. Might not be a bad idea to live bet oak, gonna be a pen battle with them only down one. Anyways I’m taking my money and running. Gl everyone.

Like clockwork rangers pen gives it up.
I’m glad I left this butt pirate/minny game alone. I was way off base how I thought that would go. Lol. Brubaker was so impressive his first couple goes out the pen but starting against this lineup clearly another animal! Sure didn’t think pirates would hit maeda either, lol.
Castillo having to throw a shitload of pitches, the 6th inning can’t get here fast enough for me!! Lol
Damn I shoulda grabbed yanks live when it was +211, told myself to hold out another inning or 2, that backfired. Lol