2018 CFL In-Game

This league has a major ref problem.

Has for 30 years although its been even worse than usual in the past few. Problem is its a part-time position. The economics of th league make it unfeasible to hire and pay full-time guys
If I weren’t on my Als +12 ticket already I’d hit Montreal 2nd half. They should be up 20+ but have killed them selves.

And 22 for the 2nd half....Carter is gonna get burned at least once in this 30 min.
Over might be the best 2H play but I think I'm holding off. Its too hot to think

Agree with you, my friend. Think over for sure is the play but just gonna sit back and hope Montreal doesn’t get blown out 2nd half. Value for sure in that total though
Bar none?

No bro. I luckily partied in the east coast of Canada in my early days. No hip hop bitches materialistic style bimbos.
More down to earth educated articulate style bitches there bro.
West coast great place great nature but too many gangstas and too many wankstas bro.

# East coast bitches
# West coast gangsters
# Bar trouble maker
Hamilton totally failed on that one. They got nothing for a slam-dunk future starter because of Manziel. Remember that in 5 years when Johnny football is gone and Adams is winning a Grey Cup
Fuck me...11PM and still 29c outside. I want to go back in time 3 yrs and tell myself that living with no AC is a terrible idea.
This game is so bad, I can’t stop watching simply to see which Player shows they’re the most inept on the field. It’s a real battle so far.
I remember watching mathews play in relief of Collaros in Hamilton. Eventually the safety started moving up toward the line when he realized that Mathews can't throw over 15 yards
Carter is an abomination on D. And he got that stupid head butt UR penalty in the first half too.

WTF is this team going to do with another game in 5 days? Against a team who has looked 2nd best in the league all-around so far? This coach fucked this situation up with this team so royally it is insane.