2018-2019 Offseason

Friday Flashback to 1973 College World Series, Dave Winfield Dominates


Rich Dauer, who played 10 seasons in the pros and is a member of the Orioles Hall of Fame, was a member of that Trojan's team and he has this to say about Winfield's performance.

"In my whole career, even facing the big boys in the majors, I have never seen anything like that, When Dave let go of the ball, it was three feet in front of your face and it seemed like it was going 110 miles an hour."​
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Luis Valbuena and Jose Castillo (ex-Pirate from 04-07) died in a car accident in Venezuela earlier tonight.
Confused about getting Goldy doesn‘t he typically hit bad outside of Zona. Um Carpenter/Jose Martinez at first base?
The bigger question is what the Reds are thinking with this deal. They added a lot of payroll with Puig and Wood while giving up two decent prospects. There is nothing that team can do to contend next season so adding just to try to win 75 instead of 65 is pretty dumb.
I'm more concerned about the Dodgers getting two legit prospects and shedding those contracts while only having to take on Homer for a season and pay 7 mil or whatever it is. Can live with them getting Harper if it happens
Nelson Cruz has the best life. Hit. Get paid. Now a twinkie. Mariners have chosen not to field a team in 2019.
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