***2017 Recruiting*** aka the LSU Thread...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Charlie Strong has picked up six of ESPN's top 300 recruits in the past week. And four of them in the last two hours.</p>&mdash; Mike Finger (@mikefinger) <a href="https://twitter.com/mikefinger/status/694897651246968832">February 3, 2016</a></blockquote>
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wait, i thought butter said he's a longhorn? did I miss the punchline
Heard yesterday that the Alabama coaches thought all the AJ Brown to Alabama talk was a publicity thing. Looks like it was true. Hoping for Jeffrey Simmons. Our class is shaping up nicely though
and what's with the ugly "cheerleaders" in the background of Jackson's commitment photo? Almost as bad as the UNLV ones from the game I saw a few years back.
And the Clemson Rivals webpage is down for the 3rd straight year on NSD. Clutch

Whole rivals network is down. What a clown show. They may have been first, but they are getting lapped by 247 and ESPN
at work but just saw a picture of Davis committing to Bama wearing a fedora much like that of Bear Bryant! awesome
According to Zach Abolverdi of SECCountry, the reason for Shavar Manuel’s decommitment was that he “would have had trouble meeting the academic requirements for UF enrollment.” I’ll leave the FSU academic jokes to you, but that’s what Abolverdi is saying​
saying they are SEC heavy?

No I'm saying our Rivals guys have been ingrained in the Clemson program for a while and have a ton of sources. They are always first to break all of our recruiting news because of those sources. Other teams may have 247 sites that have the best connections to the program

There is at least one thread per week on our private board asking the owners to leave the Rivals platform. We realize the Rivals platform sucks but the guys who run the Rivals site have far superior knowledge than anyone else outside the coaching staff