2016 NBA Playoffs: Second Round Discussion

Risky playing either of these teams 2nd half. Both teams known to fold late in games.
Toronto tt u47.5 for me 2h, Heat at pk was an option too but prefer the team total. Think this gets very conservative and will likely get smoked by OT again...can't think Raps are thrilled with the 7pt lead after that half
This is impressive, and by that I mean impressive how awful it is to watch. Winning I guess, but this is just bad
Instead of shooting until 1 am he should have gone out to a strip club and got laid. Dude is just thinking too much.
If the regular season meant nothing, the Kings would be in the playoffs.

im referring to wade and his ability to just coast through the season with the playoffs pretty much a given.... he has to save it for the playoffs
Way to disguise the play, 7 fucking seconds and all five defenders knew it was Lowrey two seconds into it. Fucking awesome.
Every college player that fucked that play up is laughing at Kyle right now ffs