2016 NBA Playoffs: Second Round Discussion

But doesn't hockey have like 3 different lines going in and out. And 2 long intermissions to rest. I brought that point up
20 minute intermissions and typically 3 lines, but skate all out for a couple minutes over and over and see how that compares to hooping it up, dead sprinting for a couple minutes at a time and stopping doesn't seem easy. I say this without having ice skated in my life but it seems obvious
lets just be honest the nba n nhl playoffs should go like this game, day off, game, day off...
Always. You would never have a problem with that. Game off game off.
Duds for commish of all playoffs
Didn't baseball for a while have the 2-3 format for 5-game series, or am I dreaming that? I think they had a stretch when the HFA team started on the road for 2 games in a best of 5.
MLB did 2-2-1 but I remember the Yankees and Oakland playing in NY on a Sunday then playing game 5 on a Monday in Oakland
Yeah NBA did the 2-3-2 for most of my existence in the finals, they change that now? I honestly don't know.

World Series is still 2-3-2
I was right. '95-'97. This was the worst playoff format ever.

[h=2]1995–1997: Pre-arranged seeding[edit][/h]Throughout its existence, the Division Series has been best-of-five; however, both the method of awarding home-field advantage in the series and which games the team getting the advantage would host were changed in 1998.
Originally, the Eastern, Central and Western Division champions rotated home-site priority, with the two of them getting the extra home game and the third one and the wild card not. The 2–3 format was used in which the team with the disadvantage hosted the first two games and the team with the advantage hosting the remaining game(s). This meant the team with the disadvantage had absolutely no chance of winning the series at home. A similar format had also been used for the League Championship Series from 1969-1984. It also allowed the disadvantaged teams the unusual luxury of starting a series at home, possibly having home field advantage in a three-game series, and a guarantee that they play the maximum number of games possible at home (2).
This format was changed in 1998 to a 2-2-1 format. Also changed in 1998 was who played who in the division series rather than a rotation deciding. This was needed because there was a 39.5% chance each year that at least one of the leagues would have their top two division champions meet in the Division Series, allowing the worst division champion to have the "advantage" of playing the wild card.
Baseball needs to change it up asap, it's the one sport where home field gives you an actual mathematical and situational advantage with final at bat. But we'll just let the all star game sort that out
Sure, travel is part of the gig

I have a buddy that has to go to fly to Albuquerque and SD for day trips twice a month, he's still expected to perform even though going to the airport, parking, security, flying....there and back in a day can be taxing but no excuses. That's the job.
Do team planes still have to go thru the airport? Or do they get shuttled straight to the team hotel?
Sure, travel is part of the gig

I have a buddy that has to go to fly to Albuquerque and SD for day trips twice a month, he's still expected to perform even though going to the airport, parking, security, flying....there and back in a day can be taxing but no excuses. That's the job.

Let's throw this guy into the discussion. NHL players, NBA players, or kj's buddy.
He's happy, sells liquor and wine for a living. No complaints that I know of from him tip, other than he's a 45 yr old and balding
I'm unclear on how the porn industry makes money in 2016.

lol, is this the ingame?
twink, is this fight going to be any good? In other words, should I order it, and what is the bet?
What really sucks about fighting is that I don't even know a thing about the fight last Saturday, it's sad
Probably will TKO them. I went in on GSW tonight thinking G4 would be the one Portland nailed down but gonna get a bit of my ass handed to me

I was expecting you to play the 2nd half over...was waiting for it lol
twink, is this fight going to be any good? In other words, should I order it, and what is the bet?

not being a dick, but do you order fights? I know you check in here and there....

But, honestly the fight WILL be good. Both guys come to fight all the time. Concern for you for value would be Khan gettin KOd early( my prediction.....that and 50 cents gets you a free Sprite)

But I bought it

main event comin on next

like i said....shit wont go til 10
not being a dick, but do you order fights? I know you check in here and there....

But, honestly the fight WILL be good. Both guys come to fight all the time. Concern for you for value would be Khan gettin KOd early( my prediction.....that and 50 cents gets you a free Sprite)

But I bought it

main event comin on next

like i said....shit wont go til 10

Lol what does his past fight ordering matter?
he asked u a yes or no question
I order fights. It's so easy, click of a button. The bill is tomorrow guy's problem.