2016 NBA Playoffs: Second Round Discussion

Spurs were -300 prior to the series. There's no way it's that high now that they lost Hca. The only reason it went up that high is because the thunder were not the thunder in game 1.
Anything less than -200 and I hammer the Spurs. That game one beat down is more of the way I see this series going. It took everything for OKC to pull it off. They'll have to beat the Spurs three more times. I don't think they can do it. We'll see what the price goes to but I doubt it's less than -200.
-175 sounds about right.

Maybe a bit lower, not too much though.

Definitely not a +100
Looks like Aldridge is blocking the view of the push for the ref you can see. He'll only see the Spurs player flying backwards although common sense would say that something made him take a tumble ...
Looks like Aldridge is blocking the view of the push for the ref you can see. He'll only see the Spurs player flying backwards although common sense would say that something made him take a tumble ...

The look on L.A.'s face after the push is funny...it is like a 'wtf, that just happened' look.
Looks like Aldridge is blocking the view of the push for the ref you can see. He'll only see the Spurs player flying backwards although common sense would say that something made him take a tumble ...

The referee is standing right next to waiters. He's the one that should've made the call.

The worst part is the refs said they'd never seen anything like that before
Well I was way off as usual.

Spurs -240

spurs gotta win on Friday because I don't think they win a Sunday home game on Mother's Day in okc.
Looks like manu embellished it a little bit. Lol. I also thought it was a 5 second violation. The refs sucked.

I thought for sure it was a 5 second count.

Danny Green really blew it after gaining possession by not passing to Manu flying in on his right side because Manu would have gone to the hole and gotten clobbered and ended up on the line. Mills blew it by either not pump faking and jumping into Adams, or blowing by Adams for an open look, or kicking it to his left where Danny Green was wide open for a 3.

I'm not worried because LaMarcus is just beasting and I've never seen anyone own Ibaka like this before. Pop has got to stop going w/ West and Diaw as the 2 bigs especially when their up against Adams and Kanter, he needs to stagger Duncan and LA getting their rest. OKC's lack of bench production will kill them as this series goes on, besides Kanter nobody else is producing and they have a starter in Roberson who gives them nothing on the offensive end.
It looked like Manu stepped beyond the line, so Waiters pushed him. In the end, the Spurs still had a 3 on 1 which they failed to convert to end the game.
The referee is standing right next to waiters. He's the one that should've made the call.

The worst part is the refs said they'd never seen anything like that before

So did pretty much everyone involved in the game, announcing/commentating the game. Has anyone ever seen a guy who is inbounding the ball push the guy covering him at the out of bounds line?

It was also mentioned in that CBS article posted in here, but Waiters also left his feet before throwing the ball in. Oh, and the clock started before anyone touched the ball. Lots of missed calls on that last play, should have been a tech on Ginobli for stepping on the line before anything else.
So did pretty much everyone involved in the game, announcing/commentating the game. Has anyone ever seen a guy who is inbounding the ball push the guy covering him at the out of bounds line?

It was also mentioned in that CBS article posted in here, but Waiters also left his feet before throwing the ball in. Oh, and the clock started before anyone touched the ball. Lots of missed calls on that last play, should have been a tech on Ginobli for stepping on the line before anything else.

Wouldn't have been a tech, a delay of game.

Also, why is Waiters throwing it in lol...besides him not being what I would consider a headsy player he is short and as you mentioned jumped to get the inbounds pass in.
Wouldn't have been a tech, a delay of game.

Also, why is Waiters throwing it in lol...besides him not being what I would consider a headsy player he is short and as you mentioned jumped to get the inbounds pass in.

A delay of game with less than 2 minutes left is a technical foul, and results in a free throw for the opponent. It was in the CBS article...OKC would have gotten to choose who shot the FT.
I'm concerned about the public perception of these 2 teams right now. But the Heat as a 4.5 point dog just seems wrong.

Yup feel the same way. But it's best not to overthink in the playoffs. Also not a bad idea to go with the NBA storybook.... Cavs/Heat ECF....
Please let tonights game be a 1pt game with 20secs left so I see what crazy no calls are not made.
A delay of game with less than 2 minutes left is a technical foul, and results in a free throw for the opponent. It was in the CBS article...OKC would have gotten to choose who shot the FT.

in summary, all that outrage and the team that actually got fucked was OKC.
That delay of game would never be called in that situation. The ref would just inform manu to step back. Could you imagine if it actually was called? That would be so much worse. Waiters could have turned to the ref and said something but instead be elected to crouch over and make room himself.

Bottom line is the Spurs failed to execute and they played like shit for most of the game.

Refs let players decide the game in the closing minutes. Unless it's an obvious foul they're gonna hold the whistle. This isn't college basketball
Guys, did you see Steven Adams fly at patty mills on that last shot? Wow, all mills had to was one dribble and go up for the shot. Adams would have sent mills into the stands, he was going all out to block that shot..
mills gets two free throws and game most likely over, OT if he goes 1-2.
That delay of game would never be called in that situation. The ref would just inform manu to step back. Could you imagine if it actually was called? That would be so much worse. Waiters could have turned to the ref and said something but instead be elected to crouch over and make room himself.

Bottom line is the Spurs failed to execute and they played like shit for most of the game.

Refs let players decide the game in the closing minutes. Unless it's an obvious foul they're gonna hold the whistle. This isn't college basketball

Agreed that the Spurs cost themselves the game with their poor offensive play/flow, but that call would have been made. The ref could not have simply asked Manu to move back, there is no warning in the final 2 minutes. Had he tried to simply warn him, Billy D would have gone ape shit and they would have made the T call. I think the could you imagine if he simply tried to warn him outweighs the could you imagine if they made that call in that situation.
Everyone loves the heat. Everyone down on toronto
raps in a blowout tonight
1h Heat for me, just playing the team early that coasted in g7 vs the team that won a game neither team really seemed to want to win
Keep your head in the game Whiteside. I'm always worried about him. More so if they're getting blown out.
I don't get the NBA scheduling. You had a great game between OKC/SA yesterday and you have to wait all the way to Friday to watch them play again. They should be playing tomorrow.
I don't get the NBA scheduling. You had a great game between OKC/SA yesterday and you have to wait all the way to Friday to watch them play again. They should be playing tomorrow.

You're not going to get only 1 day off when teams travel. The league is all about putting the best possible product out there so that includes giving players rest. A lot of it has to do with the schedules of the other games
Honestly can't believe how tentative Lowry is. Grow a pair dude. What happened to the bulldog mentality?