2016 NBA Finals: Cavaliers - Warriors Discussion

If Lebron loses badly what can Cleveland tell him why things will improve?

They haven't accomplished anything yet. Going 7 would be a nice accomplishment. But to date, they've done nothing.
If Lebron loses badly what can Cleveland tell him why things will improve?

They haven't accomplished anything yet. Going 7 would be a nice accomplishment. But to date, they've done nothing.

I don't know. Let's watch the games first.
I guess they could say look how close we were to an easy matchup against the Thunder. And hope for something similar next year.

I suppose we could watch the games.
Draymond Green Props

Over 15 points +100
Over 10.5 rebounds -115
Over 7 assists +110
Over 3.5 FTM +135

5d has much better odds on these. Unfortunately I locked in with my local before checking. Soft lines IMO. Completely different matchup than vs okc.
If Lebron loses badly what can Cleveland tell him why things will improve?

They haven't accomplished anything yet. Going 7 would be a nice accomplishment. But to date, they've done nothing.

Not TRUE. 2 straight Finals is something
Six straight for one guy, on two different teams, is pretty impressive too, I don't care what you think of the east. To use azkid's argument from a different thread, when those Celtics guys did this, the league had 10 teams, one playoff round. Round, singular, not plural.
Oh no doubt. Lebron is amazing. Without a doubt. Just don't think the team is ready for what's about to hit them. The western conference competition day in day out is on a whole another level.
It's a nice career accomplishment for Lebron.

But in reality your asking the 2nd best player in the league to lead his team to be 5th? Or 6th overall?

That's the walk through in the LEast
* We'll keep this the discussion thread*

Golden State's defense against the Cavs has been unbelievable. For 7 games in the finals, 6 last year's finals and today the Cavs have yet to crack 100 points. Klay did nothing. Curry did nothing. The Cavs even doubled up on the free throw attempts against the dubs.

Lebron is going to have to carry his team. I'm talking go for 50. Don't defer. This is Lebron's hand picked team. His hand picked coach too. No excuses.
I'm just going to say, let's see how games two and even three play out. Cavs didn't play with a lot of confidence tonight. Pretty choppy. Don't think the GS D was suffocating, some CLE supporting players didn't show up, home team pulled away. It happens.
The coach and Lebron are both to blame but Lebron most.I never thought the coach was ready for this but Lebron??? You will NEVER beat GS without constant defense. If you allow open shots the game is over and Lebron should have watched every game in the GS OKC series at least twice. This game gets no forgiveness.
Meh. Cavs knew they weren't winning every road game, so one wouldn't expect them to put in a "winning effort" in every road game. Possibly they thought they'd take GS's best punch tonight and consciously or not decided not pour a lot of energy into a game they didn't expect to win. They need every game at home, but only one on the road. They put in a similar effort in game 3 for the same result when 2-0 down, then dust off the brooms.
They need to focus on winning one at home, that effort was actually ok, just not sufficient to beat a much better team. Avoid the brooms.
Irving is a nice little offensive player but he leaves more than a lot to be desired defensively. He is downright awful.

Another question ..... a friend of mine brought up the argument that a Cavs win in this series would make the warriors title last year seem less legit since they are better this year but facing a healthy Cavs this time. I disagree but the Warriors-got-lucky crowd would have some ammo.
Meh. Cavs knew they weren't winning every road game, so one wouldn't expect them to put in a "winning effort" in every road game. Possibly they thought they'd take GS's best punch tonight and consciously or not decided not pour a lot of energy into a game they didn't expect to win. They need every game at home, but only one on the road. They put in a similar effort in game 3 for the same result when 2-0 down, then dust off the brooms.

Not disagreeing but wasn't this the best spot in theory for them to steal one? They can still steal one somewhere else, no doubt ... but this is the spot they really needed. If GSW win game 2 it is just hard to see this team lose to the cavs in 4 out of 5 games.
Divol and teamblatt must have loved tonights game with the GSW staff coaching the Cavs staff under the table.
Cavs had the lead late in the 3rd quarter, would believe they wanted this game.

Expect the league to deploy Foster, Brothers and Zarba as the Game 2 officials.
Not disagreeing but wasn't this the best spot in theory for them to steal one? They can still steal one somewhere else, no doubt ... but this is the spot they really needed. If GSW win game 2 it is just hard to see this team lose to the cavs in 4 out of 5 games.

Why was this GS's weak spot? Because they were off a game 7? Off 3 straight wins?

Off a 7-game CF series vs. a road opponent who wasn't off a 7-game CF series during the last 20 years, home teams have gone 3-1 in game 1.

Overall, from 95-96 to 2014-15 (the last 20 years), home teams have gone 17-3 in game 1 vs. 13-7 in game 2.

If you excise overtime (slash an enforced lottery to get a final result) games from the overall numbers and just look at regulation results, things become even more emphatic:
home teams 16-1 in game 1 vs. 13-6 in game 2.

My expectation would be that the home team comes out like gang busters not to lose HCA immediately, and upon winning they inevitably get comfortable about how they feel about themselves re game 2. The numbers, at least as far back as I cared to look, seem to bear this out.
Okay gents,

I moved about 60 posts from the first quarter or so over to the INGAME thread so this one can be used for capping and discussion.
Cavs had the lead late in the 3rd quarter, would believe they wanted this game.

And OKC led in the 3rd quarter of game 5 (by 1 point) vs. GS and their effort that night never once said, at least to me, they were seriously in that game to win it. It always seemed like they'd set themselves to win game 6.

That the Cavs led by 1 point in the 3rd quarter (3 times in a short space of time, the last time being responded to by a 15-0 GS run) says more to me about GS screwing around than it does about the Cavs having any serious intentions of winning. That 15-0 run was punctured by the 3rd/4th quarter break. GS scored more pts during that run (8) after the start of the 4th than headed to the end of the 3rd. Usually long runs occur uninterrupted within a given quarter. That the Cavs came out with so little intensity after that break (which as a natural occurrence should've acted to subdue that run) and allow what was then only a 7-0 run (6 pt deficit) to more than double in size says volumes to me about their intensity.
I was never a top level athlete but I don't remember spending much time while i was waiting around for a week to play my next game about letting that one go so I could play the same guys three days later and try hard then. The minutes also tell the story in this regard.. Love 37, Bron 41 Irving 38 vs Curry 36 Green 40 thompson 24.

BTW in your four series with the 3-1 stat .. how many series did the home team win?
Understand but the Cavs just don't match up with Golden State.

The Cavs main glaring weakness (bench) was exposed mightily last night.

Would also figure the Dubs would find nothing sweeter than sweeping this team,

And putting an end to all the 'got lucky' talk from last postseason.

This championship would carry a ton more weight and put the Dubs up there with the greats.
Couple Quick Thoughts

I want to say first, I have yet to see Game 1 in its entirety. I will watch it later tomorrow evening.

Couple of boxscore capping tidbits...

-Cavs Assist to turnover ratio was 1:1
-Meanwhile The Warriors were just over 4:1
-The Warriors assisted on 29 of 43 FG's.
-There were not too many fouls, 33 total. King Whistle couldn't draw a call, and he was pretty aggressive.
-Both teams 33% from deep. The Cavs kept their total down again.

Now, here is where the game ultimately ended. The Cavs made a nice 3rd quarter run. They even took the lead. At the 0:34 mark of the third, Lue took out Bron as GSW led 71-68...

Lue had to take a full timeout at the 11:11 mark of 4th as the lead had ballooned to 10 points in just over a minute. He failed to put Bron back in the game at this point...

Finally at the 9:37 mark, and now down 84-70 he re-inserts James but it is too little too late...

I am not saying this was all that happened but it was horrid coaching. You just had almost a week off. Now lets factor in that thee series is spread out over 18 DAYS. You have TWO FULL days of rest after tonight. Yes, I get he played 41 minutes. With that being said, you can rest over the summer too. Terrible, terrible coaching right there.