***** 2015 MLB/NCAA/Baseball In-Game Chatter *****

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wow a k lol omg thiere is not a god but a chance at something that prolly means nothing again in this next inning. Phew glad thats over......
Hey alex can u change my quote above my avy. I dont remember but i think a mod changed it for me a while back and i duno any other way
Evan Marshall is the only pitcher in that pen that could have come into that situation and saved that result. That was a loss that was afforded another opportunity.
Got my hopes up
They were actually asking fans to contribute money to get it made and would give out memorabilia for low end cash and like hangouts with them and movie preimeres for high end cash like 25g,s or so. Seems like a cool deal but seems a lil odd. Guess its a new way to get fans involved but why take so much money for it. i dunno.
They were actually asking fans to contribute money to get it made and would give out memorabilia for low end cash and like hangouts with them and movie preimeres for high end cash like 25g,s or so. Seems like a cool deal but seems a lil odd. Guess its a new way to get fans involved but why take so much money for it. i dunno.

There's a local movie being made doing the same thing. Suppose to involve a bunch of Packers

hanging changeups are what we search for as single men

And those of us who want to be single

lol actually i wanted it like that

:rofl: and here I thought I was the drunk one. Instead my gf and Gurv were wrong.
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