***** 2014 MLB Playoffs In-Game*****

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Weather or not he gets out of this jam Donnie fucked this all up by allowing him to stay in too long.
It's like Donnie was unprepared for this situation. He thought Kershaw was gonna cruise though 8-9 innings.
Crazy. Even my 6yr old son asked me why they don't take him out of the game - and that was when it was 6-4
same story over and over...how many times does everyone need to see the kittens and smogers blowup in the playoffs before they stop considering them favorites? these teams are not contenders.
Not intentionally trying to hit him but absolutely intentionally brushing him back. Fuck the Cards and their pitchers. Yes I'm still pissed about Hanley last year.

That's baseball though, if you're going to dive over the plate, the pitcher is going to pitch inside. Don't dive over the plate and you don't have to worry about it.

Now we're getting upset about people pitching inside? Especially to hitters who dive over the plate? JFC, we might as well just stop playing the game.

I get it, you're a Dodger fan. But, I'm neither a Cards fan, nor a Dodger hater...I just get so sick of guys bitching about getting hit when they create the situation themselves by how they dive into pitches. The funny thing is that Puig didn't even get upset initially about getting hit, because he clearly knew it wasn't intentional...and he's a guy who gets pissed way too easily (like when he recently got hit with an off-speed pitch that clearly got away from the pitcher)....so if HE didn't get upset, what the fuck was Gonzo bitching about?
He managed to hang his MVP out to dry and show his pen that he has zero faith in them all in the opening fucking game of the playoffs.
That's baseball though, if you're going to dive over the plate, the pitcher is going to pitch inside. Don't dive over the plate and you don't have to worry about it.

Now we're getting upset about people pitching inside? Especially to hitters who dive over the plate? JFC, we might as well just stop playing the game.

I get it, you're a Dodger fan. But, I'm neither a Cards fan, nor a Dodger hater...I just get so sick of guys bitching about getting hit when they create the situation themselves by how they dive into pitches. The funny thing is that Puig didn't even get upset initially about getting hit, because he clearly knew it wasn't intentional...and he's a guy who gets pissed way too easily (like when he recently got hit with an off-speed pitch that clearly got away from the pitcher)....so if HE didn't get upset, what the fuck was Gonzo bitching about?

I get it as well, people don't like Puig. Dude has been thrown at time and time again this year and last. It gets old.
How 'bout all the runs so far in these playoffs? Where's Betcrimes when we need him to tell us what the fuck this means?
Fuck man just got to work and see the Dodgers pissed away their lead. Down 0-1, i took them -115 for a pretty good size bet and would have never thought Kershaw would blow that lead. Fucking Mattingly man.
I get it as well, people don't like Puig. Dude has been thrown at time and time again this year and last. It gets old.

Because he dives into the plate and pitchers want to pitch inside. It's going to happen forever to him if he continues to dive into the plate every AB. It's not him, and has nothing to do with people not liking him, it's his approach to hitting. There are other guys who experience the same thing because they dive into the plate as well.
Because he dives into the plate and pitchers want to pitch inside. It's going to happen forever to him if he continues to dive into the plate every AB. It's not him, and has nothing to do with people not liking him, it's his approach to hitting. There are other guys who experience the same thing because they dive into the plate as well.

Thats certainly one way to look at it. I see teams openly talking about his "antics" and then sending chin music and hitting him. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
How 'bout all the runs so far in these playoffs? Where's Betcrimes when we need him to tell us what the fuck this means?

To this point right now, there's been 3 x 3-4 run innings vs. 4 x 5+ run innings. I'd expect the ratio would be at least (for playoff ball) 5:2, nothing like the current negative ratio for the 3-4 zone.

The extra big innings are obv. what's making for the craziness.
Thats certainly one way to look at it. I see teams openly talking about his "antics" and then sending chin music and hitting him. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.

Yeah, his antics certainly don't help...guys want to get him out and establish the inner half of the plate even more.

Shane Victornio is another guy who comes to mind who does the same thing...and gets hit an awful lot...sometimes with pitches that are borderline strikes.
He swung himself out. LA pays for the 2 out 3 run homer that came after all the damage Loseball allowed Kershaw to allow. That's how pathetic that inning was for them. They'd have won if they'd contained STL after Kershaw left.
Hopefully. I like this Angel team and I'd hate to see them blow this great regular season to bow out so early in the playoffs. I think the offense can get going too, maybe i'll look at the OVER.
yeah i wasn't expecting them to look like absolute dung through the first 2 games of the series...the whole season after they have gone through a few games of no offense they have responded with explosions...shields doesn't impress me at all either.
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