2013 'Bankrupt Ain't Gun Stop Us-But Jimmay WILL' Detroit Tigers Thread...

Wild-Card Race


[TD="class: ysptblhdr, colspan: 5"]American League

[TD="class: yspdetailttl, align: left"][/TD]
[TD="class: yspdetailttl"]W
[TD="class: yspdetailttl"]L
[TD="class: yspdetailttl, width: 13%"]GB
[TD="class: yspdetailttl, width: 13%"]Left

[TD="align: left"] Tampa Bay Rays (5)

[TD="align: left"] Cleveland Indians

[TD="align: left"] Texas Rangers

[TD="align: left"] Kansas City Royals

[TD="align: left"] New York Yankees

[TD="align: left"] Baltimore Orioles


Rays @ NYY (3), @ TOR (3)

Tribe v. CWS (2), @ MIN (4)

Rangers v. HOU (2), v. LAA (4)

Royals @ SEA (2), @ CWS (4)

Yanks v. TB (3), @ HOU (3)

Orioles v. TOR (3), v. BOS (3)
Yankees sweep of the Rays (their last hope) could set up one hell of a final weekend.
always love this week for baseball and the races are tight, looks like 2 of tb texas and cle get in....rooting for the tribe fo sho. tb and tex my biggest concerns for tigs
pop a bottle:announce:, sad peeps arent appreciating this in the d, in 5 years when our team sucks we will regret it, spoiled ass fans (ie wings, pistons run)
Fear the Feather.

Looks like Salazar vs. TBD on Wednesday night. Looks like Masterson is being pointed more for the 9th inning than the 1st inning for the week ahead. If good things happen Wednesday, it's Ubie on normal rest @ Boston on Friday probably against Lester. Will Perez be on the playoff roster?

Assuming Max vs. Colon in the other AL series game one.
hope u guys beat either texas or tampa, do it for your boys in detroit as those two teams seriously concern me more than any other if we can get by those swinging A's
I definitely have low expectations for the tigs in these playoffs...but glad they got in. Oakland is a bitch.
Tough to go against Detroit ... Max, Sanchez, JV. Going to have to flip a switch though, they been coasting.
Pitching is good, hitting not so good. Pen is inconsistent.

Oakland out for blood after last year and gonna be tough to win there.
I guess I've just been discouraged the last month...Miggy looks hurt, not the same...bats aren't cutting it. They go as Ajax goes and he gotta step up in the playoffs.

Indians are hooootttt..I think they can beat Boston, but Boston is the best in the AL if that makes any sense.

DO you guys think the playoffs are mostly luck?

Or are you in the club where it is 60% pitching because you can use some of your aces 2-3 times possibly?
Hmmm.. if "luck" was the overriding component to results, then I don't believe Colorado - insanely hot at the time - would've been butt whipped in 2007. How can a team's "luck" go from a 22-1 run to 0-4 in the blink of an eye? There were 2 close games in that series, but imo (biased as I obv. am re that series) they were never really close. I never felt Colorado were in danger of beating Boston. It's imposible to say luck doesn't have a bearing on matters, but short of injuries affecting a team (thereby their opponents benefitting from such crucial absences, the kind of truly impactful luck San Fran benefitted from twice last p.s.) I wouldn't say it's mostly luck at all.
It's about who has the least holes, & who's mentally the strongest. When the team with the least holes is also the mentally strongest, you have the greatest likelihood of a WS sweep. And that to me is what happened in 07. Rockies had more holes & were mentally weaker = got their asses whumped. Detroit's mentality I believe should reap the benefits of last post season's experience. Texas certainly showed in the '11 WS the benefits of experiencing their '10 defeat. There is a power to having paid your dues.
Also, I think the Miggy injury concerns are a sucker punch re Detroit's ALDS chances. I don't believe Oakland would've won the AL West if Nelson Cruz never got his suspension, huge loss for Texas in many ways. I'm not sold on the A's at all.
My cop out answer is it's not 60% pitching, it's more like 90% pitching. Low scoring games are the rule. But it's still not easy to predict who's going to pitch better in a short series. Baseball history is littered with luckbox pitching efforts from scrubs and disappointing efforts from aces. So my answer is pitching and luck, with a healthy dash of defense and maybe one improbable three-run bomb along the way. Enjoy the ride.
I agree with both of you guys. It's a little of both just like anything I guess. The reason I ask is because I read an article a few weeks ago where billy beane said you build your team for the regular season then the playoffs are luck. I just found it interesting.
I think we've seen enough examples in recent years of teams getting hot at the right time. I love the baseball playoffs, but I'm no fun to be around when the Indians are playing. Wife has already announced she won't be joining me on Wednesday night.
Baseball history is littered with luckbox pitching efforts from scrubs and disappointing efforts from aces

Cue mental strength. A scrub knows that 1 solitary playoff effort can overcome a reg season's worth of crud, whereas an ace knows he's got everything to lose and nothing to gain (he's expected to reproduce that reg. season form as almost a given). The phenomena you describe here I'd still not assign to the ranks of luck.
I read an article a few weeks ago where billy beane said you build your team for the regular season then the playoffs are luck. I just found it interesting.

Since when have Billy's teams tasted ALCS success, let alone WS success? IMO he's covering his own ego with such an answer. His shortcomings (whatever they maybe) aren't (in part) to blame for the A's go-nowhere p.s. results, it's all luck. Let's see what his answer would be if the A's had won multiple WS titles on his watch.
My wife's experiences with me at Indians playoff games aren't pleasant, sort of proud of that. Two notables ...

1995, ALDS vs Boston, game one
This was the first Indians playoff game in my lifetime, and I was freaking 26. It was cold, it was rainy, newborn baby at my parents house, 13 innings. She wanted to bail. Do you think I left this game? Tony Pena off Zane Smith.

2007, ALDS vs Yanks, the Joba bug game
So this time, I have my wife and two kids. Game's pretty tense, I got a Yankee fan or seven in my section giving me the business, I'm giving it back, I got my wife in my ear telling me to cool it, and Fausto's tossing a gem. I don't know if I'm in heaven or hell. Tribe wins game and series.
Baseball history is littered with luckbox pitching efforts from scrubs and disappointing efforts from aces

Cue mental strength. A scrub knows that 1 solitary playoff effort can overcome a reg season's worth of crud, whereas an ace knows he's got everything to lose and nothing to gain (he's expected to reproduce that reg. season form as almost a given). The phenomena you describe here I'd still not assign to the ranks of luck.

Well, a "scrub" beating an "ace" in the playoffs is usually something other than probable, right? Unless you know how to climb into a pitcher's head.
The occurrence of the improbable doesn't have to involve luck at all. Your last sentence sums it up. How much the role headspaces play is something we don't usually get to know (unless someone gets extremely honest in a post-game presser). But take last year's WS Game 1. JV is struggling, and that clown decision to send out a coach. Next minute it all turns to shit. As "improbable" as that sizable JV meltdown was on paper, you knew it was coming. He didn't want the coach coming out, you know anything that coach said to him went in one ear & out the other, because all JV was thinking was, wtf are you doing here, get back to the fucking dugout and let me pitch. After that visit he was mentally shot. What then occurred was no suprise to anyone paying attention. To those not paying attention, SF "got lucky" in getting to face an "off day" by Detroit's ace.
BC, you're on a different level than I am when crunching these numbers and probably even making observations (although I'm a close second there), but I think you're making some wild assumptions as to why shit happens in an isolated baseball game. Sometimes the ball finds a hole, sometimes swinging hard in case you hit it does the trick, and sometimes the Cy Young just doesn't have it. It's why we bother to watch.
As you are all well aware a playoff baseball team is much different than a regular season team. Depth, especially in the bullpen, means nothing, and your fifth and fourth (for the most part) starters are irrelevant. The Tigers rotation has 2 of the top 5 AL pitchers this year, with justin Verlander as a 3rd. Couple that with a top 3 offense in baseball. Team is built for a playoff run, although with the small sample size of a series anything can happen obviously.
In a vacuum, I like Detroit's chances against anybody, AL or NL. In Cleveland instead of a vacuum, so I guess I'll go Tribe. How often do I get the chance?
By the way, 10 straight to close the season and they needed every one of 'em. That's pretty cool. I know gyno agrees.

split in Oakland and win both at home(selfish..wants a game 4 at 5pm tuesday...could be a dangerous day...)
Heading down...

Eat em up Tigs...or at least hit the ball a bit...

Fister scares me...thinking reverse jinx Oakland TT over ;)