2012 - 2013 Offseason Thread

teed you said a one year deal for like 12 milly for Haren had to risk and you hate this signing? That's odd to me. Both of em suck.
hope your joking. Lannan is a joke, but Jurrjens is a gas can as well.

Marcum at 4m woulda been a hell of a 4th starter tho.

Agree, Marcum is only 31 and somewhat "injury prone" but you've got to especially respect the job he did for 3-4 years against some damn tough AL East offenses.
teed you said a one year deal for like 12 milly for Haren had to risk and you hate this signing? That's odd to me. Both of em suck.

Haren can eat innings and if healthy can still be a great starter for a contender

Maybe jurrjens can rebound but he had looked broken to me last 18 months. He doesn't strike anybody out. Pitches have no movement. If his era is below 6 In the al eastI would be shocked thats an auto fade for me They would be better off ggiving the starts to whomever of matusz, Tillman, britton, Bundy miss out on the rotation
Baltimore is not going to make the playoffs next year without vast improvements. Their run differential will most likely not be such an outlier compared to their record. They can't waste games throwing jurrjens out there

Nats are a legit contender and paying 12m for one season on a guy with aace potential is no risk. If he sucks they
move him out of the rotation and with their talent they can make up lost games

If jurrjens sucks for 4 starts that's 4 games they have to catch up on 3 tteams with much more talent in their division
teed I agree whole heartedly that Baltimores front office needed to realize that they caught lightning in a bottle and they arent actually that good. Seems like they bought into their own hype, and its gonna suck when they are fighting to be .500
Whats wrong with Durbin?

Good move imo

the pen is one area that didnt need tweaking. and now a guy like aumont or JDF is gonna end up in AAA. It just goes back to Ruben never understanding advanced metrics, judging buy by the wrong stats (durbin was fine in 08 but last yr has a real low babip. hes done), and seems to think that major league experience makes a guy 10000x more valuable than he actually is. Hes stuck in 1985 when gms still cared about RBIs and veteran presence.

Id rather have any of Aumont, JDF, even Rosenberg or Stutes, over Durbin. He just hates youth and would rather have a guy whos washed up but has played in the league for awhile than a guy who is young but has swag and upside.

oh, and Yuneski Betancourt
That makes one of us then...

you love those young bullpen guys and Im not sure why

none of em have shown anything

Id rather have Durbin and 3 of them than no Durbin and 4 of them
Betancourt will never get a regular season AB with the Phillies unless Rollins and Galvis both get hit by a megabus so I dont know why everyones panties are in a bunch over that one
Betancourt will never get a regular season AB with the Phillies unless Rollins and Galvis both get hit by a megabus so I dont know why everyones panties are in a bunch over that one

Its just the overall concept. RAJ is the last person who should be bringing Bentacout in, even to the minor league system. He has now brought in arguably the two worst players in baseball in the last week.

Bentacourt doesnt belong in our minor leagues, he doesnt belong in spring training with us, and he doesnt belong being called up of Rollins or Galvis gets hurt. That is a player that the Astros should be signing for organizational depth, not the phillies. He makes Mike Fontenot look like Albert Pujols
no tip, he is. statistically he is the worst player in the majors over the past 5 years. his numbers are below replacement. his being on a team actually hurts that team
I like the Jurrjens signing for Baltimore. $1.5 million, why not? Many people said JJ Hardy was a bad signing for them and he's worked out to be a great pickup
Fanalytic fiends like D-Woww will tell you Jurrjens sucked even before he sucked, he was just initially lucky.
I like the Jurrjens signing for Baltimore. $1.5 million, why not? Many people said JJ Hardy was a bad signing for them and he's worked out to be a great pickup

if you dont mind paying a guy 1.5 million to pitch batting practice to opposing teams.
Fanalytic fiends like D-Woww will tell you Jurrjens sucked even before he sucked, he was just initially lucky.

he was never an all star pitcher like he looked like at times, but injuries are what have made him go from 3/4 starter caliber to not worthy of a major league contract
tip that is exactly the same kind of player. cant hit, cant field, cant run.

There's always a spot on a bench for a middle infielder with a whisper of sock in his bat. I prefer these guys to Craig Counsell or Jamie Carroll.
Every baseball season brings something new and exciting to cheer for. I can't wait until Yuni Betancourt delivers a game-winning pinch hit.
There's always a spot on a bench for a middle infielder with a whisper of sock in his bat. I prefer these guys to Craig Counsell or Jamie Carroll.

id prefer to give that last infielder job to a guy who can't hit a lick but gobbles up anything close to him and can play 3 or 4 positions.

personally i thin id take carroll or a 5 years ago counsell over either of the other 2 guys
Every baseball season brings something new and exciting to cheer for. I can't wait until Yuni Betancourt delivers a game-winning pinch hit.

haha. im afraid that delmon young hits .300 in april and hits a few home runs and people come at me for ripping the signing.

those people will be ignoring the fact that his obp is the same as his ba, and that he has prob cost the team a ton of runs in the field.
They'd have to be pretty spotless defensively, like John McDonald or someone like that. I hate automatic outs.
They'd have to be pretty spotless defensively, like John McDonald or someone like that. I hate automatic outs.

thats fair enough. neither of us are wrong. id prefer the defense. nothing pisses me off more than a game winning hit that is 4 feet to the right or left of a fielder who can't make the play, because it goes down in the books as a hit and very few ppl realize who the goat was
if you dont mind paying a guy 1.5 million to pitch batting practice to opposing teams.

Even if he ends up being a 3/4 starter, he's a bargain at 1.5 mil. Had knee issues, and had surgery. Worth a shot at this price. They have to find a way to compete with the teams in the East trying to buy championships....
Even if he ends up being a 3/4 starter, he's a bargain at 1.5 mil. Had knee issues, and had surgery. Worth a shot at this price. They have to find a way to compete with the teams in the East trying to buy championships....

i agree with the 2nd part, but i dont think they went about it right. look, i dont know everything, i just talk like i do, and you could be right, but i think its going to end up being a - transaction for the Os, or any team that signed JJ.

Frankly I think hte O's are fucked. The move for them was to sell high on as many players as they could, as a ton of them outperformed their potential. Obviously keep Weiters and Jones and Machado, but id have spent all winter trying to move Hardy. Especially with such a terrible SS market, you could probably get value for him and then Machado could play ss where he becomes even more valuable (altho the kids a stud either way)

The pitching isnt going to repeat last year, nor will the 1 run wins. It was fun, I rooted for the O's last year bc it was so nice to see a team come out of nowhere, but this year I am afraid they may be fighting the Red Sox for the cellar
You could be right D. But I don't thinnk anyone, anywhere expects them to repeat last season. I disagree about Hardy too. I mean, realistically how much would they get for him? Not enough to go out and start retooling a team. Aside from him, there aren't any other big names on the roster to do that with. Markakis maybe? But he's worth more to them than what they would get for him. Machado still has a lot to prove. If Reynolds wasn't bailing him out with gold glove worth scoops at first all year, the kid would have had 30 throwing errors.

They have starting pitching concerns in a big way. Why not throw 1.5 mil on a longshot to make the starting 5....
doggy, approximately how much am I going to hate Mark Reynolds?
It will be love/hate Tip. I'm assuming Cle is putting him at 1B. If you play him at third, then he will be your least favorite player.

You know the deal with him Tip - he'll hit 6 home runs in a week, then won't do dick for 2 months other than K and BB... If you can live with that he's your man.

It was interesting watching him in the dugout, the guy must be a real asshole. Nobody ever seemed to talk to him, and he seemed to be away from everyone in the dugout. I had seats for a bunch of games last year right behind the visitors dugout so I was looking directly into the O's bench Even when he was on fire hitting bombs, teammates seemed to avoid him like the plague.

On the plus side, his defensive abilities at first base were a big reason the O's hung around last season. I couldn't beleive the scoops, and stretches he made. It was night and day from what he was doing in the field at third.

Honestly I had mixed emotions when I heard Baltimore was getting rid of him. Good luck.
He's going to play 1B. Model of consistency, I noticed, .221 in 2012, .221 in 2011. Anticipating around .221.
Staying in the east, mighty quiet offseason in the Bronx, right? What gives there?
Even if he ends up being a 3/4 starter, he's a bargain at 1.5 mil. Had knee issues, and had surgery. Worth a shot at this price. They have to find a way to compete with the teams in the East trying to buy championships....

I think that's the miracle scenario of a 3/4 starter

the even if should be even if he keeps his earned runs allowed under his innings pitched
Maybe Teed - but unless you see something I'm missing in Britton and Matusz somebody is going to have to take the hill for this team
Yeah, get off doggy's back. We bottom-feeders sometimes need to Derek Lowe it for a couple months, see what sticks to the wall, see what implodes on the mound in horrific fashion as women and kids hide their eyes.
Also, if Baltimore had a guy ready, he'd be up. Whatever happened to that system, used to be an arm factory.
I think Britton has a great year

and Matusz has a chance for one as well, worst case scenario Matusz can be a great lefty out of the pen, I still think he can start though