2008 CTG Fantasy FB League I ONLY

I like Barber but I think Felix Jones takes some GL and 3rd down carries away, more than Betts away from Portis or Rhodes away from Addai. Think Portis might be the sleeper here if you can say that about a #1 back.

I'm worried that Portis doesn't get as many touches as the last few years, he relies on touches since he doesn't break any long ones....We will see...I think that Lynch will be solid this year. I like him better than Barber.
i know one thing. we have got to have more trades this year. i think we had 1 last year. everyone was really conservative. i remember trying to get jerious norwood off of believe last year early. thank god he "had to hold on to him" ;)
Who is interested in the 8th pick.

Im stuck at 8th Im thinking of drafting Thomas jones or Rudi Johnson.

i know one thing. we have got to have more trades this year. i think we had 1 last year. everyone was really conservative. i remember trying to get jerious norwood off of believe last year early. thank god he "had to hold on to him" ;)

I remember those discussions, but I dunno what the trade was for. I remember I drafted a whole bunch of RB's, and I thought I had a surplus, but a few guys didn't pan out.
i know one thing. we have got to have more trades this year. i think we had 1 last year. everyone was really conservative. i remember trying to get jerious norwood off of believe last year early. thank god he "had to hold on to him" ;)

I made two trades, one with horn and one with Tide...Got me to the playoffs but lost because AP laid a dud.
who is it if they are both gone?


Here's what I got:

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2. Peterson<sup>8</sup><o></o>
3. Westbrook<sup>7</sup><o></o>
4. Joe Addai<sup>4<o></o></sup>
5. Portis<sup>10<o></o></sup>
6. Jackson<sup>5</sup><o></o>
7. Barber<sup>10</sup><o></o>
8. Lynch<sup>6</sup><o></o>
9. Frank Gore<sup>9</sup>

Now, assuming Brady goes before this pick and Jackson is signed, that leaves pick #8 with a choice of Gore or Lynch. I like Lynch.

Here's why I don't like Gore:

Current San Fran Depth Chart:
QB: O'Sullivan
RB: Gore
FB: T Norris
WR1: Bruce
WR2: Bry Johnson
TE: Davis

Who are you going to focus on?
Yea, I know Buffalo SUCKS.

OR so we think...

I think they aren't so bad. I dunno who the QB will be, but Evans and Hardy are very solid WR's. And Lynch is a sick RB. He had unreal #'s as a rookie in LIMITED action.
CTG 100 Mock 1st Round:

1 - Team BossUp - Tomlinson
2 - Team Smith1051 - Peterson
3 - Team JumpOnBoard - Westbrook
4 - Team BeLIEve - Jackson
5 - The Wearo Dogs - Addai
6 - Team Kramer - Portis
7 - Trout's Trollips - Brady
8 - Stanfield - Barber
9 - Team Tide is so High - Gore
10 - Team SHSUHorns - Lynch
11 - Seabass Win - Moss
12 - Team T-dot - Manning
1 - Team BossUp - Tomlinson
2 - Team Smith1051 - Peterson
3 - Team JumpOnBoard - Westbrook
4 - Team BeLIEve - Jackson
5 - The Wearo Dogs - Addai
6 - Team Kramer - Brady
7 - Trout's Trollips - Portis
8 - Stanfield - Barber
9 - Team Tide is so High - Rackers
10 - Team SHSUHorns - Lynch
11 - Seabass Win - Gore
12 - Team T-dot - Moss
1 - Team BossUp - Tomlinson
2 - Team Smith1051 - Peterson
3 - Team JumpOnBoard - Westbrook
4 - Team BeLIEve - Jackson
5 - The Wearo Dogs - Addai
6 - Team Kramer - Brady
7 - Trout's Trollips - Portis
8 - Stanfield - Barber
9 - Team Tide is so High - Rackers
10 - Team SHSUHorns - Lynch
11 - Seabass Win - Gore
12 - Team T-dot - Moss

i think you have 4 and 5 switched...I think Believe is High on Addai and Jackson can not be passed on a 5.....

Rackers....well hes a stud.
I might reach for Lynch as well at 7....I think he is top 5 material...less injury prone then Portis.
CTG 100 Mock 1st Round:

1 - Team BossUp - Tomlinson
2 - Team Smith1051 - Peterson
3 - Team JumpOnBoard - Westbrook
4 - Team BeLIEve - Jackson
5 - The Wearo Dogs - Addai
6 - Team Kramer - Brady/Portis
7 - Trout's Trollips - Portis/Lynch/ JON KITNA
8 - Stanfield - Barber
9 - Team Tide is so High - Lynch
10 - Team SHSUHorns - Gore
11 - Seabass Win - Moss
12 - Team T-dot - Manning

Changed it a Little

Check Gore's #'s over his career. They are good, but not great.

Plus he is very fragile...WHo else are they gonna hit on the 49's. What a joke this team has become. They have little to no upside and they continue to make horrible draft picks......
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If Gore is available at 11 I will almost definitely be taking him, not sure where the word got out that I hate him, but its not true.
I rember that you said something ot htat effect last year when I took him early....I guess I was wrong...Gore at 11 is value IMO....