08/09 Preseason thread

With Quinn being out, looks like Chalmers and Banks are gonna help share the load at point. Not trying to hijack your thread SF, just giving a helping hand to kick things off. GL with whatever you play.

no problem at all. I like it, and its probably best that we have a common preseason thread so people dont have to hunt thru other threads for information.

As far as the Heat game, I'm likely off of it. Have no idea what to expect from the line. Miami has said again and again that they are gonna try to win these preseason games to gain momentum. Last yr going 0-7 i nthe preseason, wade feels started their season in the wrong direction, so they want to win these preseason ones. However, short-handed and out-talented. NJ with a lot of talent and potential. They're also taking this game pretty seriously. Gun to head- Miami
Looks like 2m will be a basic 1 play day. have to see. but loving utah. Old ass Phoenix still no Amare/Barbosa on a b2b. Very thin bench, as although Tucker/Amundson were solid last night, cannot expect it to continue, esp not on the altitude and road of Utah's first game. Boozer listed as a game-time decision, but it was the hammy that kept him out of 50 games 2 yrs ago, so he said he will not play if its sore.
starting to look at Houston as well. Thomas/ Salim out for Spurs. Tmac still out. IMO they are the deeper team and have a bit more to play for. Doubt Duncan/Finley/Bowen/Parker plays 15 minutes as Pop is very conservative with his starters in preseason. Houston standing a bit deeper despite tmac and shane out. lot of depth at all positions. 20-25 minutes from ron and yao should be enough
Boozer said he may play in the Jazz's first home exhibition game Thursday night against Phoenix at EnergySolutions Arena, but probably only if he's able to go on the hamstring today. "If not," Boozer said, "I'll wait until the swelling goes away."

Carlos Boozer and Kosta Koufos, both nursing strained hamstrings, will be "game-time decisions" for Thursday night's preseason home opener vs. Phoenix, a Jazz spokesman said tonight.

"The soreness is starting to go away a little bit," he said before taking part in some, but not all, of the practice. "We'll see how it goes."
Boozer tore the same muscle three years ago, when he missed 49 games of the 2005-06 season. That in mind, he wants to take extra precaution to not cause further damage during exhibition play. "Instead of trying to push it and being stupid about it, we're going to be safe and make sure the soreness goes away," he said today
what time have they been releasing these preseason lines? Its 630 AM here in sf, gettin ready to sleep. But wanna lock in my plays before I sleep so I dont gotta worry about waking up
The first signs that the Suns are surrendering part of what they have been for what they think they can become played out in Wednesday night's preseason-opening loss at US Airways Center.
The Suns lost 100-96 to the Atlanta Hawks, but what mattered was how they adapted to the changes that new coach Terry Porter installed during eight days of practice. <SCRIPT type=text/javascript>OAS_AD('ArticleFlex_1')</SCRIPT><SCRIPT src="http://gannett.gcion.com/addyn/3.0/5111.1/133600/0/0/ADTECH;alias=azcentral.com/sports/basketball/nba/suns/articles_ArticleFlex_1;cookie=info;loc=100;target=_blank;grp=255483;misc=1223562947825" text="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
They were apparent when Steve Nash still recorded nine assists in a new motion offense, when no starter was on the floor as the lead grew over nine first-half minutes and when a defense under construction looked good.
"We're just pouring the concrete," Nash said.
It was good for the Suns to give up 12 first-quarter points, but not when they gave up 36 in the third quarter.
It was good that Josh Smith wound up on his behind twice when he took off for the rim because of Porter's hard-fouls-over-easy-layups edict. It wasn't good that rookie center Robin Lopez fouled out in 16 minutes with Porter hoping he will remain aggressive.
"That's part of what makes him special, having a 7-footer who can come out and be aggressive," Porter said. "He can't worry about that."
The Suns found the sweet spots for Shaquille O'Neal, who had a 21-point outing in 22 minutes, a point total he eclipsed once last season with the Suns.
"Shaq is still the force to be reckoned with when he gets an opportunity," Porter said.
Though it won't always be the Hawks' Zaza Pachulia on his back, O'Neal repeatedly got the ball deep in the post after scoring first on a leaning drive off a pick-and-roll.
"I can do what I do and get everybody else involved," O'Neal said of the new system. "That's how games are won."
Louis Amundson and Alando Tucker got chances in the absence of Amaré Stoudemire and Leandro Barbosa and combined for 19 points in the first half, when the second team outworked some of Atlanta's stars. That same crew couldn't hold the lead in the second half, when Marvin Williams stayed in the game for Atlanta to ensure its win.
The first 18 minutes of play Wednesday were enough of a template to call the evening a success. The Suns led 32-21 and the Hawks had shot 32 percent at that stage.
"When we had a chance to set our defense, it was pretty good for the most part," Porter said.The Suns' training-camp star, newcomer Matt Barnes, did not have the same shooting touch Wednesday. He made 5 of 15 shots.

Free throws

• Stoudemire, recuperating from a torn right iris, was cleared to work out Wednesday. Porter said Stoudemire needs two weeks to prepare for game time but wants him to play three preseason games.

• Porter said the Suns' starters would play fewer minutes Thursday at Utah. "I'd like to see how our young guys respond early in preseason as far as the road," Porter said.

• The Suns decorated a locker room wall with four decades of dedications to the first team, Dick Van Arsdale, Jerry Colangelo, Cotton Fitzsimmons, Connie Hawkins, Alvan Adams, Gar Heard, Paul Westphal, Walter Davis, Dan Majerle, Tom Chambers, Charles Barkley, Kevin Johnson, Jason Kidd, Shawn Marion and the returning seven Suns stars.

• The Suns waived Coleman Collins after the game.

• It took more than three years and four visits to Phoenix, but the boos for Hawks guard Joe Johnson were barely audible Wednesday night.
The expression on the face of Utah Jazz forward Andrei Kirilenko never shifted when he was asked about coming off the bench.
Instead, his expression stayed emotionless, much like a poker player before delivering that winning card. And the answer from Kirilenko came in a few layers without the hint of it being a problem for the eight year veteran re-enacting his role as sixth man for the first time since the 2005-06 season.
"I thought we played all right last night," Kirilenko said referring to Utah's 99-90 pre-season opening win over the L.A. Lakers. "Last night we used a few different lineups. I would be happy with coming off the bench. It wouldn't hurt my ego at all. I'm 27 years old. I've
<TABLE class=clikTable><TBODY><TR><TD class=clikTableTD>Suns at Jazz
Tipoff: 7 p.m. Wednesday
been in the league for eight years and I've played professional basketball since I was 15 ..."
With that, Kirilenko's voice trailed off. Because Carlos Boozer was on the mend with a tweaked hamstring, Jerry Sloan started Paul Millsap at power forward, threw C.J. Miles into the starting lineup and used Kirilenko off the bench.
And for one night, the change worked. Millsap and Miles were both very productive on the offensive end, scoring 20 points between them, with Kirilenko being active on both ends of the court.
Sloan has hinted to the change being more permanent over the coming weeks, especially with Matt Harpring out with an ankle infection without a timetable set for
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his return. Sloan's reasoning is simple. Bringing Kirilenko off the bench would bring a much needed veteran presence to the second unit. He likes the energy Kirilenko brings off the bench and the fact that it wouldn't take him long to get into the flow of the game. Plus, it's likely Kirilenko would be able to handle the ball much more than he would as a starter, simply because so much of the offense runs through Deron Williams, and being a facilitator is something that he's thrived at for his entire career.
"It would help the bench a lot," Millsap said. "The second group really lacks a creator, and that's where Andrei would help a lot."
Still, there are a number of signs beneath the surface that suggest this being a temporary deal. For one, Kirilenko doesn't historically play well off the bench. In 63 starts three years ago, the 6-9 small forward averaged 15.7 points per game, 8.2 rebounds and 4.4 assists and shot 46.5 percent from the field. In six appearances off the bench, Kirilenko wasn't nearly as effective, as he saw those averages dip to 11 per game, with 6.3 rebounds and 3.3 assists and 38.6 percent from the floor.
Secondly, there would be matchups - the Lakers, Houston Rockets and New Orleans Hornets come to mind - where having Kirilenko on the floor as a starter would be the best thing. For his part, Kirilenko sees advantages to both starting and coming off the bench. Either way, he's likely to play the same amount of minutes, starter's minutes. And if coming off the bench helps Sloan better navigate through one of the deepest rosters he's ever had, then Kirilenko's all for it.
"I don't really care either way as long as I'm playing," Kirilenko said. "Coach knows how to use me, and he knows that I'll adjust to any role that he gives me."
No way Shaq plays as much tonight... thin team vs. a really, really deep team. Jazz owner expected to attend game after being sick for last couple of months... perhaps some added inspiration?
too much depth missing from Miami; Nets have capable young players; have Wade Marion Beasley on international stage might want to shine; laying off; interesting totals have just come out

Nets Miami-188
Rcokets-Spurs 182
Suns Jazz-201.5
Clippers-Lakers 197

trying to digest.. i refuse to post picks have gone 6-1 last 2 days staying away from posting feel im a jinx to myself
man. just woke up and its fuckin 6. FUCK YOU GUYS! all get better line than me. I wouldve made a max wager of 5 units at 4.5/5. but
Utah -6- 4 units
Now 6.5... debating throwing 1 more on at that #.... hmmmm... nothing else looks to enticing besides a smaller play on Houston?
so lets get to talking

bulls vs mavs bull -1.5 o/u 196

bulls roster (people who matter): Deng, Gooden Gray, Gordon, Hinrich, Rose, Hughes, Nichols, Nocioni, Powell, Sefolosha, T.Thomas,
mavs: kidd, wright, dampier, howard, dirk, terry, stackhouse, diop, bass, george)

my take: rose 1st game at chicago management wants a win after all chaos gordon has caused; roster has tremendous talent from top to bottom; mavs impressed me against Washington but Washington was depleted and was hanging in until jamison's injury; feel starting lineups might wash but huge advantage off the bench for chicago; mav's have their win they wont care

Prediction: Chicago 105 Dallas 88
Recommendation: 2 oranges on Chicago
spurs vs houston
houston -3.5 o/u 180.5

spurs roster (bonner, bowen, duncan, finley, horry, mason, oberto, parker, s. stoudamire, thomas, udoka, vaughn)
houston (head, alston, ming, artest, scola, brooks, hayes, harris, barry, landry)

my take: spurs starters get 20 min as do houston's. Starters to me are wash and probably play slow; bench slight advantage to houston with quicker pace. With mcgrady battier and ginobili 3 players who help overs out this will be slow paced game

Houston 88
SA 85

1 orange on under/can get screwed if reserves just chuck and hit which is possible

clippers want to show they're back; kobe wants them to show them they're place; no rhyme or reason to know who will play, how hard they will play; not interested in betting this game
ending propositions

1 orange parlay bulls -2 /jazz -6 to win 2.7 oranges
.5 orange pleaser bulls -8/jazz -12 to win 3 oranges
so lets get to talking

bulls vs mavs bull -1.5 o/u 196

bulls roster (people who matter): Deng, Gooden Gray, Gordon, Hinrich, Rose, Hughes, Nichols, Nocioni, Powell, Sefolosha, T.Thomas,
mavs: kidd, wright, dampier, howard, dirk, terry, stackhouse, diop, bass, george)

my take: rose 1st game at chicago management wants a win after all chaos gordon has caused; roster has tremendous talent from top to bottom; mavs impressed me against Washington but Washington was depleted and was hanging in until jamison's injury; feel starting lineups might wash but huge advantage off the bench for chicago; mav's have their win they wont care

Prediction: Chicago 105 Dallas 88
Recommendation: 2 oranges on Chicago

very well stated. i was feelin both factors, motivation and roster quality, as heavily in chicago's favor.

i wanted to roll with houston but roger mason and salim stoudemire scare me.

a little uncomfortable layin 6.5 with the jazz considering the dog shit lineup they'll put out there in the 4th, but they should build a sizable cushion in the first half and its not like the suns bench is exactly stacked either, and the whole b2b deal for the suns definitely makes them fade worthy.
pretty much feel that these 2 teams will be playing harder. Chicago definitely wants to win their first game at home. Lot of depth on the team, and young depth. More of an assumption than anything that they'll do well

Houston bet is a fade of SA. Houston is deep, and SA is old
I didn't know about Timmy. I knew about Salim, Thomas, and one other... ughh... forget... but.. hey works better for us
Point guard Beno Udrih said Wednesday he is questionable for Friday's game against Oklahoma City after straining his left hip in the second quarter of the 110-81 loss at Portland. Udrih's injury is not considered serious, though it certainly was unwelcome considering the Kings' pressing need to improve as a unit.
"I could probably go (Friday), but I was thinking that it's preseason, so (I'd) take time right now," said Udrih, who didn't practice Wednesday and spoke with coach Reggie Theus and the team's training staff afterward regarding his condition.
It's better than in the season, because when this kind of stuff happens and you try to go through it, you get hurt more."Udrih wasn't alone. Forward Mikki Moore missed practice with a sore left knee but is expected to play Friday. Shooting guard Kevin Martin practiced after missing Tuesday's game with a right quadriceps strain. Center Brad Miller, who also missed the game, is expected to practice today and remains questionable for Friday.
ugh sorry for any that took utah with. damn what can I say. 14 missed FTs from guys that normally knock them down. and when Barnes gets 21, and Tucker gets 19. just gotta say fuck
The Nuggets open preseason play on Friday, at 7 p.m., at the Pepsi Center against Minnesota. Coach George Karl expects everyone to be suited up and ready except for Chucky Atkins (right knee) and Sonny Weems (groin strain). As for how he'll distribute minutes, Karl said, "I would say the top-10 would get 20 minutes or more, and another two or three guys 10-15 minutes."

coach George Karl said: "We're banged up a little bit, tired of hitting each other, but some good stuff out there. Offensively, we've put some stuff in the last couple days that make us smooth, but at the end there, we kind of ran out of gas."
The Nuggets, who play their first preseason game on Friday at Pepsi Center, have numerous players nursing injuries, notably Kenyon Martin (left knee inflammation and right shoulder inflammation), Sonny Weems (sports hernia), Chris Andersen (left Gastroc contusion), Ruben Patterson (right hamstring strain) and Allen Iverson (left knee contusion), who missed practice to be with his wife, who went into labor with their fifth child, a Nuggets spokesman said.