Would you want to face GS???

there is no way I would want to play GS.....especially on their homecourt. Where you been Philly.....I hope your last yrs run in the playoffs continues
The hospital keeps me really busy...no time to gamble at all...without research...cant really thrown the money around...its been light today so I get a chance to watch this game...will try to be around during the playoff...GL
would i like to play them?


that means i'm in the NBA Playoffs,
that means I'm not playing Dallas/Phoenix/San Antonio,
that means I'm a millionaire that has hot strangers come to my hotel room on the road to fuck me...

Yes I want to play Golden State, bring em on
Before anyone counts the chickens, GDS could yet get Phoenix - who IMO I think they'd want more than Dallas - if the Lakers results go a certain way in relation to theirs.

Its one thing to look good down the stretch in the reg. season when half your opponents are playing for nothing, its another to man up against the same side game after game in the playoffs.

How have GDS gone on the road vs the West (w/Davis & Richardson) since the ASB?

Lost to Utah (Uggh, and how horrible has that team been?)
Lost to Lakers (Uggh, and how even more horrible has that team been?)
Lost to Spurs handily
Beat Houston (TMac 7 mins/0-3, Ming took 4 shots - Rockets night off)
Beat Sonics (by 1 point - SEA 25-39 entering that game)
Beat Kings (BFD)
Beat Grizz (BFD)

They beat the teams they should, and lost to those they should, and some (if they're really in that place to beat Dallas or Phoenix) who they definitely shouldnt have.

Needless to say I dont see them winning more than 1 in Dallas (I'd give them a shot at 2 in PHX). They keep Dallas winless on the road? Theres only 1 answer.
would i like to play them?


that means i'm in the NBA Playoffs,
that means I'm not playing Dallas/Phoenix/San Antonio,
that means I'm a millionaire that has hot strangers come to my hotel room on the road to fuck me...

Yes I want to play Golden State, bring em on

I would if you guys can get me the ball down low I can score on them. I pretty sure i can out board them. If we can find someone with an outside shot I think we can take them lol.

I think they are gonna give the Mavs trouble and f tey go off from 3 watch out.
Yes, if I were the Mavs I wouldn't mind playing Golden State. Nellie ball doesn't win in the post season. Reason being there is no defense required from his team and lets not forget one thing right now about the season series so far. The Warrios whooped the Mavs the first week of the season when Dallas didn't have their shit together. Then they beat them pretty good in Oakland in a really bad let down spot for Dallas playing a back to back at LAL vs a depleted Lakers team. Now they're going to play GS this week and likely lose this game as well. So what? I'm more than willing to say the Mavs will dispose of the Warriors in 5 games. It won't even be a good series. They're going to destroy them.

I'm going out on a limb and predicting Toronto to lose in the first round unless they play Washington. The Nets playoff experience will be enough to beat the Raptors. Mark it down as you heard it from dandy Handy!!
I think all teams like to play that run and gun basketball but good defensive teams will probably do away with them but they are damn fun to watch...Gotta love Monta and Baron
Handy, I agree with you about Nelson's D-less small ball in postseason, but I would go with the Raptors against New Jersey.

Could be a sweep as well.
well the first Q....is done and I wish I would have taken my own advice...should be a good series...NO I am not saying that GSW will win this game...but I am saying that it will a great series...esp in GS
I realized that for the first time GSW or really to fast for the Mavs. It's probably a first I've seen for them. Like the great coaches say to win a series you must have an advantage or be equal in atleast three positions. I see GSW stronger in 4 positions. I still think dallas wins this series, but I wouldn't be surprised by the GSW either.
Gstate is super quick. Dirk was sweating profusely last night at half from the speed of the Warriors. This series is the best of them all to watch.