World Cup **Sweet 16 Stage** Discussion

i love this mexican team..really play with a chip on their shoulder but dutch have two superstars..i picked dutch, france, columbia, mexico to win it all..couldn't resist prices.

really like the ticos all.
The Swiss have not been this big of an underdog since 2011 where they were against England in the Euro qualifier where they ended up drawing 2-2

Swiss +1 +108 would be outstanding to me if I had pinnacle. Aguero being out (even though he hasn't done shit in this WC) is one less dynamic player the Swiss have to account for which means more pressure on Messi. Argentina already struggled badly against a well organized Iranian defense and now are facing a team that has looked very good on the counter in this tournament. That manlet Shaqiri is playing his ass off as well and could cause all kinds of problems if Argentina fall asleep in the back.
I agree the past doesn't rule out present possiblities, but as is the case with Chile facing off against Brazil, the past can condition players to either expect or fear general outcomes, or expect games to be tight or (in this case, the Mex/Holland history) not to be low scoring. And from there, I'm a big believer in mindsets generating outcomes.

Also this game being in Brazil I fully expect some VERY questionable fouls to be called in VERY dangerous areas in Brazil's favor.
I also believe messi can carry this team on his this point it will get tighter and he has to be the most feared player left.
Mike where are you getting the historical prices from ??? Do you have them yourself or is their actually a place online to get them ?

KJ I agree about Uruguay w/out Suarez being able to beat Colombia. I strongly believe that when you are in a pressure cooker situation like a Super Bowl (ATL in 99 w/ Eugene Robinson arrest or Raider w/ Barret Robbins) or in the World Cup your team has to have total focus on the game. Hence why I took Mexico over Cameroon in their match and stayed away from Ghana vs Portugal in the last set of games. The Suarez situation has to be a distraction as well as the loss of their top goal-scoring threat, not to mention Diego Forlan was a non factor in the match he did play vs Costa Rica.
I don't know if I can handle watching this Mexico team get into the quarters considering how shit pipe they were literally 6 months ago.
I don't know if I can handle watching this Mexico team get into the quarters considering how shit pipe they were literally 6 months ago.

tell me about it, just seemed like yesterday they were on the brink of being eliminated and now this?
sometimes teams just need to get in. this goes the same with Uruguay.
I also believe messi can carry this team on his this point it will get tighter and he has to be the most feared player left.

agree, huge home crowd advantages as well, and its not like his teammates are scrubs.
yup...they find a way to get him the ball...if the dude has the ball within 20 yards of goal anything can happen.
it use to be "where is Messi" during international games, now he's stepping up, the rest of the team have to pick up the slack. They have a similar passage like the Dutch to the finals so they better take advantage of this.
Think the teams on the other side of the bracket have it harder.
I'm starting to lean on US/Belgium o2.5
Really think the Americans can score on them.

Mike, you were all angry talk earlier today and now you seem to be bringing the quality. For all the talent, Belgium's midfield has been average in the group stage. I expect the US to mud butt and clog the mid field as much as possible and get fabian / Zusi / Beasley out wide and do what the US does best, cause chaos in the box. It's going to be night and day the energy level we see from this US squad on full rest. I'm an absolute believer in Manaus taking it's toll on teams, especially after 3.5 days rest.
they will try to clog the middle , can't let hazard do work inside, but Belgium has quality outside on the wings
colombia has been pretty solid defensively as well...and pretty good offensively..tough to score 3 against greece....columbia has given up 2 goals..1 was in 90th minute.
man that would be was clear that first game he was a beast on the wing.
they will try to clog the middle , can't let hazard do work inside, but Belgium has quality outside on the wings

Fully agree. If we can get quality possession from bradley, look out. Jones, Beckerman, and Besler are playing the best football of their lives and Beasley looked like the hungriest player on the field in the Germany game for us. We can absolutely punch this Belgium team right in the mouth if they come in and fart around like they did at the start of every group stage game. Call me insane, but I'm not too worried about hazard, I think we really play physical with him all game and get him pissed off and whining early (you know I'm really knocking on wood right now).
Yeah, I just don't see how you can come back from a hamstring injury that quickly, but Im not an athlete, far from it. Im sure he has been getting world class treatment around the clock
Mike, you were all angry talk earlier today and now you seem to be bringing the quality. For all the talent, Belgium's midfield has been average in the group stage. I expect the US to mud butt and clog the mid field as much as possible and get fabian / Zusi / Beasley out wide and do what the US does best, cause chaos in the box. It's going to be night and day the energy level we see from this US squad on full rest. I'm an absolute believer in Manaus taking it's toll on teams, especially after 3.5 days rest.

you just don't know what's going through my mind...

FWIW we are, at worst, as organized in the back as any team in group H. And considering how well Beckerman and Jones are playing I think we're better than any of the group H teams by a decent margin in the back. Considering how frustrated Belgium was during most of these group games I really think we can get them off their game if we come out and play physical in the mid-field early outworking them and clogging up easy passing lanes with pressure.

Ninja edit: Cameron better play, I was terrified watching Omar on the ball even if he had a good game.

Chile 2.60 Draw 3.60 Netherlands 2.75

Chile 2.59 Draw 3.63 Netherlands 2.79

Chile 2.58 Draw 3.35 Netherlands 2.75

Chile 2.95 Draw 3.23 Netherlands 2.41

Just because your book closed with Netherlands fav doesn't mean that the rest of the world followed suit, if you are calling me out that way then I'd suggest you rethink about what I said.

My book? I have more outs than anyone in here. All of that info is rubbish, i charted close in all of those games at pinny, MB, betfair, CRIS and anyone who bothers to take more than a nickel before they start tossing people out. I didn't go out for the Holland game like I do for most (and i will sunday AM). Please don't throw some link that means nothing into letting you think the Dutch were steamed against and give yourself the chance to pat your own back or suck your own pecker, there was strong Holland money at pinny (which they chose to hide from your free lines lookup) and betfair at post.
Do you know where the holland line will go Rex? If you like holland should you take them now? Wait if you like Mexico?
Mike, what's worse? Shitty Chuck Giampa's wife is the person who had 114-114 in the Gary Russel / Lomachenko fight last week (horrific decision against Lomachenko) and Chuck works for Golden Boy who is heavily invested in Gary Russel. Fucking Embarrassment.

as we've seen in this tourney, physical play vs skilled teams will do wonders. If Bradley is going to suck shit being a creative force the least he can do is just cause havoc amongst the softer Belgian creative mids. I'm a bit worried about how the US will deal with Fellaini this dude is such a matchup nightmare for the US.
That Belgian D has not really been tested in group play so I'm going to just throw that out the window for the moment and just analyzed at the emphasis of their style. Very much like Bosnia they depend on their midfield to generate some sort of play, they have solid foundations at the back that lead up to the final 3rd. The problem or so it seems lies on their finishing. They are really struggling to find that target man that they so use to have during qualifiers, Lukaku is really meh so far and the way they are winning their games right now is not convincing enough. I'm also not too sure if I have enough faith in Wilmots to manage this team very far, we've seen managers with all the skilled players in the world but still have no clue how to manage them. I'm going to give the tactical advantage to JK at least he knows what he has on his team and isn't going to sugar coat it. He doesn't have absolute world class players but he's got a bunch of dudes that will play at a very high work rate. If you look at how Belgium played against teams with high work rates they tend to mess up and disrupt and it seems as if it takes them 60mins to make a move. So what the US need to do is go all out very quick and just shock them. Force the issue and press because the Belgians have shown they will "experiment" or dick around for the first little while and then when it really matters turn it up in the final quarter.
As I said I do fancy o2.5 at plus money and I'm going to look for the "Both teams to score market"
I also think you will see quite a bit of cards here, Witsel, Alderweireld are good for 1 each and I can see Bradley getting pissed off and taking out Fellaini :)
I dont expect to see a lot of long shots here, set pieces will be crucial both Courtois will be tested as great keepers as they are I am pretty certain they will be faced with a shit load of close range headers and shots.
if Altidore can come back that would be huge cause I feel that Dempsey my get more than a broken nose playing by himself. He needs some space and I think Altidore would give him that, no Jozy is world class but I do think he can have an impact like Emenieke did vs Bosnia dude fucking just bossed up front by himself. Size matters here...that's what she said, and right now the US have taken quite a physical beating in their group game. THey will need to muster up as much physical presence vs the likes of Kompany, van Buyten and Witsel as they possibly can.
Mike, what's worse? Shitty Chuck Giampa's wife is the person who had 114-114 in the Gary Russel / Lomachenko fight last week (horrific decision against Lomachenko) and Chuck works for Golden Boy who is heavily invested in Gary Russel. Fucking Embarrassment.


Chuck has a wife who is a judge too? Wonder what's on her mind too.
Is Chuck the Brent Musburger of boxing?
My book? I have more outs than anyone in here. All of that info is rubbish, i charted close in all of those games at pinny, MB, betfair, CRIS and anyone who bothers to take more than a nickel before they start tossing people out. I didn't go out for the Holland game like I do for most (and i will sunday AM). Please don't throw some link that means nothing into letting you think the Dutch were steamed against and give yourself the chance to pat your own back or suck your own pecker, there was strong Holland money at pinny (which they chose to hide from your free lines lookup) and betfair at post.

interesting yet asian books say otherwise too, so there is conflict.
I'm providing info what the rest of us see not what you see. So I don't get it I guess what you're saying is that everyone else in here that is trying to provide a view on the lines is rather useless?
Weird well I guess some syndicates were getting duped too
as we've seen in this tourney, physical play vs skilled teams will do wonders. If Bradley is going to suck shit being a creative force the least he can do is just cause havoc amongst the softer Belgian creative mids. I'm a bit worried about how the US will deal with Fellaini this dude is such a matchup nightmare for the US.
That Belgian D has not really been tested in group play so I'm going to just throw that out the window for the moment and just analyzed at the emphasis of their style. Very much like Bosnia they depend on their midfield to generate some sort of play, they have solid foundations at the back that lead up to the final 3rd. The problem or so it seems lies on their finishing. They are really struggling to find that target man that they so use to have during qualifiers, Lukaku is really meh so far and the way they are winning their games right now is not convincing enough. I'm also not too sure if I have enough faith in Wilmots to manage this team very far, we've seen managers with all the skilled players in the world but still have no clue how to manage them. I'm going to give the tactical advantage to JK at least he knows what he has on his team and isn't going to sugar coat it. He doesn't have absolute world class players but he's got a bunch of dudes that will play at a very high work rate. If you look at how Belgium played against teams with high work rates they tend to mess up and disrupt and it seems as if it takes them 60mins to make a move. So what the US need to do is go all out very quick and just shock them. Force the issue and press because the Belgians have shown they will "experiment" or dick around for the first little while and then when it really matters turn it up in the final quarter.
As I said I do fancy o2.5 at plus money and I'm going to look for the "Both teams to score market"
I also think you will see quite a bit of cards here, Witsel, Alderweireld are good for 1 each and I can see Bradley getting pissed off and taking out Fellaini :)
I dont expect to see a lot of long shots here, set pieces will be crucial both Courtois will be tested as great keepers as they are I am pretty certain they will be faced with a shit load of close range headers and shots.

I see I beat you to this one Mike :cool:. And you're mistaken, the fight is not between Caillou and Fellaini, it's between Beckerman / Fellaini, which should produce serious fireworks consider Beckerman has backed down against absolutely no one in this tourney so far. US punishing Belgium physically in the midfield is so far and away the key to this game for us that I KNOW JK's tactical ringers he brought in (because by all accounts JK is not a tactical man) are on it and will make this an incredibly choppy game.
Do you know where the holland line will go Rex? If you like holland should you take them now? Wait if you like Mexico?

sharp on beaners, i'm waiting, so i hear. I could have +101 (after commission) for 20k right now (which is what i want to get all that shit back that these ******* have cost me lmao) but I think +110 is plausible from the intel i am gathering, which is fucking tremendous (and when betting this much, every penny matters)
CKR might be the only person who hates Mexico more than I do on this board.... Well my brother (Turkas) was thrown out of a USA / Mexico game for throwing beer cans at the Mexican section....
interesting yet asian books say otherwise too, so there is conflict.
I'm providing info what the rest of us see not what you see. So I don't get it I guess what you're saying is that everyone else in here that is trying to provide a view on the lines is rather useless?
Weird well I guess some syndicates were getting duped too

Do you really think that the asian books you are "seeing" are really "releasing" their closing lines to the world? Please tell me you don't buy that because it's rubbish. I assumed you were way smarter and/or above that? There is 0 chance they are going to show you slappers the real lines at close and let you reverse engineer that. I've got nothing else to say on the topic :shake:
I see I beat you to this one Mike :cool:. And you're mistaken, the fight is not between Caillou and Fellaini, it's between Beckerman / Fellaini, which should produce serious fireworks consider Beckerman has backed down against absolutely no one in this tourney so far. US punishing Belgium physically in the midfield is so far and away the key to this game for us that I KNOW JK's tactical ringers he brought in (because by all accounts JK is not a tactical man) are on it and will make this an incredibly choppy game.

Thus that's why I think cards could be a great bet here just not sure about the ref, definitely would like manu's insight here. Chippy affairs bound to happen. Wonder if anyone has a stat on the yellow cards rate in knockout stages? certainly has to have some time wasting in there some how?
sharp on beaners, i'm waiting, so i hear. I could have +101 (after commission) for 20k right now (which is what i want to get all that shit back that these ******* have cost me lmao) but I think +110 is plausible from the intel i am gathering, which is fucking tremendous (and when betting this much, every penny matters)

Thanks, had a feeling sharps like Mexico . England and betting against costa rica have been my nemesis this wc, haha
balrog i am scared sir that we might be somehow related, were you born in Indiana to step-parents somehow? It's semi-scary at how often we agree. I like your Swiss also at this price. Working on writeups for them games later or prolly tomorrow, cheers
Do you really think that the asian books you are "seeing" are really "releasing" their closing lines to the world? Please tell me you don't buy that because it's rubbish. I assumed you were way smarter and/or above that? There is 0 chance they are going to show you slappers the real lines at close and let you reverse engineer that. I've got nothing else to say on the topic :shake:

CKR if you want to give me true closing lines I will gladly work on reverse engineering for the both of us. :cool: