**********WORLD CUP IN-GAME***********

Japan was ahead of Senegal before these matches started in the group standings.. They're both losing 1-0 and both teams have each received 1 yellow card, so what has happened for Senegal to leap-frog Tora Tora Tora? nothing.
Means Eng/Bel 2nd place now gets Colombia, suddenly 2nd place don't look as attractive, but I agree with the earlier post that it's more about avoiding Brasil/Argentina/France/Portugal before the final
Means Eng/Bel 2nd place now gets Colombia, suddenly 2nd place don't look as attractive, but I agree with the earlier post that it's more about avoiding Brasil/Argentina/France/Portugal before the final
I'd relish playing Colombia especially w/James on ice
Going to do something stupid here next games, not sure if I'll regret it tomorrow or Saturday, but regret for sure
I don't get angry about losing bets, it's gonna happen a lot. And it's also why I have friends, anger management never been an issue sweet tits
I’m alone right now and I’m in heaven.

I could call a number of people over but honestly I’m not interested. I’m interested in rest and silence.

Life is hectic. Taking a break away to chill is good.

Gather your thoughts.
Glad you quit pretending to be all high and mighty and virtuous. Gonna take the high road for once and sincerely hope you dont have to lose a friend
Why would I lose friends? I don't mind losing, it's inevitable. Makes you sleep better, dream better, eat better, play fair....you still need help but this is the Thursday special.

There's your free session, next time I'm billing you