Wimbledon 2022

Pretty sure Spaniards walk around naked 24/7

You guys are trying too hard (pun intended)
I feel like I wouldn’t like the guy who came to my swinger party and didht bring a chick! Lol. I’m not much of the swinger type tho, maybe they don’t care?
I feel like I wouldn’t like the guy who came to my swinger party and didht bring a chick! Lol. I’m not much of the swinger type tho, maybe they don’t care?
He was my roommate in a condo. Always brought a couple home and went to pound town. I didn't ask questions.
Well Tan was a huge letdown. I woulda been ok if she just gave me a good exciting match anx lost, that woulda been worth my small bet, this crap didbt really give me any entertainment value! I’m going back to watching baseball!!!!
He was my roommate in a condo. Always brought a couple home and went to pound town. I didn't ask questions.

I guess I’m more the curious type, plus I never shut up, surely I’d have to talk bout that!!! After we sent the ho’s packing of course!!! I’m assuming you got to participate In pound town, surely he shared?
He has to have taken steroids, nobody is bald that young

That not true. One my best friends had a receding hairline in high school!! Another I remember always wore a hat by mid 20’s to cover up his baldness until I convinced him he get way more pussy and respect if he stopped being self conscious and shaved his head like a man!! lol
That not true. One my best friends had a receding hairline in high school!! Another I remember always wore a hat by mid 20’s to cover up his baldness until I convinced him he get way more pussy and respect if he stopped being self conscious and shaved his head like a man!! lol
That's hilarious
That not true. One my best friends had a receding hairline in high school!! Another I remember always wore a hat by mid 20’s to cover up his baldness until I convinced him he get way more pussy and respect if he stopped being self conscious and shaved his head like a man!! lol
Just glad I don't have that issue

That's hilarious

Kinda :). I fucked w friend number 2 about it hard cause I was a real asshole back then, lol. I was just trying to help tho, stupid to be all self conscious bout something so dumb, embrace your faults, highlight your strengths and you be way better off. Once he finally shaved his head he then started doing mma and ironically juicing and got him a bad bitch!! She kinda runs his ass cause he a wussy deep down but not really the point!!

Far as rafa goes I’m not saying he not a juicer, I don’t care if he is, juice is awesome, seems dumb not to juice if you a athlete!! just saying the baldness probably has nothing to do wit it: I used to do cycles of test and I wish my hair would thin out some at least, shit so thick it crazy! I was always prepared to go the Bic bald look but my damn hair just Keeps growing thick as fuck, I shave it with clippers and no guard cause it makes me so hot!!