Week 2 CFB

Better overturn this TD, run some more time off the clock. That review in that BC game was bullshit, fuck there was no way you could tell if his knee was touching out of bounds before the guy caught it.
Gotta just hope this whole quarter was an aberration ha, fuckin I hope so. This was unexpected for sure. I mean I know how bad both of these defenses are, there is no doubt on that.
Yeah better just figure out my 10 team parlay now. The last desperation hail mary, chances are not good there. Think I got a few good ones. Not sure about all 10 though, that will be tough to hit. Well if the Vols cover I can make some more straight bets too. So you guys better load up on Arkansas St, probably gonna go down right there. Was hoping I could catch fire, but doesn't look like it will happen.
Here we go the shootout begins now haha, yeah I bet. I mean you never know with these teams. I remember when I was in Vegas there would be guys that would offer ya money like a small portion of your ticket, just buy it, when it looked bad ya know, cuz there was no live betting at that point not there or anywhere I don't think back then. You could have a 200 buck ticket on an over looking horrible and somebody might buy it for ya know 50 bucks or something, then hope it starts rolling ass. Right now though my Wazzu over, I could not get 20 bucks for my over 66.5, ummm, no, well 20 maybe, lol. It was kind of funny how you could sell off things there.
Chances are going down by the minute. Fuck nobody would buy my ticket for 50 bucks now, my 200 buck ticket no, would have to be some crazy ***** to do that. Shit this over ticket needs OT at this point, unless it just gets crazy in up in here.
You never know though, it could get going. I wouldn't have sold for 50 bucks no, there is never a reason to do that really, maybe 100. We have an uprising here.
I do freak out and panic a lot about my bets, which that isn't good. It is why I don't do in game bets barely ever, unless I'm smoking bud then I make a bunch and lose em all ha.

Damn I do post a lot when I'm drunk, no harm done I guess.
Yeah kj I get so damn down on shit when it isn't going perfect lol. It seems though for me, things need to go perfect or I lose always, I don't know, I don't win a lot of close games and get a whole bunch of comeback wins ya know.
Shit Wazzu is really cranking it up now, better tempo, don't know why they weren't earlier.

Damn it tipped, dropped.
QB might just be seeing straight again, looked like that early shot kinda rattled him for a bit
That may be it not sure there kj. I was wondering what they were doing taking forever Wazzu, it was not what I expected at all. I figured quick up to the line go, go, go.
I knew though a while ago this shit was dead. Fuck anything I could have got for my ticket would have been nice. I mean somewhere around maybe 55 is where it is gonna land.
Fucking damn it, now I'm gonna be all pissed tomorrow all day, and then Monday I have to apply to work at somewhere terrible. Fuck this sucks, not gonna enjoy the Husker game tomorrow that is for sure. Damn it this blows, well that's what ya get for being stupid and ruining your record, and hell it is all fucked up. Not sure what I expected anyway as far as going on some run on gambling, shit I can't ever get that going. I mean I can get hot for a bit, but it isn't gonna last any damn way. Should have just gone to the horse track again, and hoped that would work, probably a better shot there than with these idiots.
Come on OT, yeah that is the one hope now. There is no way it is going over otherwise. Shit that 34 total they have at half, I don't think that will probably happen, fuck I hope it does, but from what I saw I doubt it. I'm not taking anything at half though saving up for my 10 team parlay lol, I have close to 10 now, but may have to add a couple. Nothing like swinging for the fences when your down and out, well ya know maybe I get lucky.
Ha that would be the shit if I connected tomorrow on the 10 team parlay. Oh man I would go get a pile of blow then, and just be in it all night. Would probably be on here posting to myself all night. Doubt anybody would party with me. I will put up my 10 team parlay here, not yet, I'm still thinking about it.
Ha well Steed, counseling and therapy done both of those spent 30 days in a rehab clinic, no good. They don't work no. I have been in a bunch of programs there is no use. Well I don't believe in anything so they don't work. The only thing that keeps me sober is probation which has happened, then the betting I don't ever stop unless I'm in jail. Now I will have to I'm not gonna have any money.
That 30 day program thing they were like you need to find God, or some kind of spiritual place haha, I was thinking well I don't believe in any of that so not sure how I'm gonna find some spiritual thing they were talking about. Then they were like, well it doesn't have to be God, just some spiritual thing for you, where you can find yourself, and find an inner peace. The inner peace is not happening here no, I don't know how to find that.
Shit I just like to get faded, and I don't know how that will change. I'm gonna be going to work drunk now, fuck sacking groceries or working at shopko or this fast food place by my house Runza, ha, flipping burgers drunk, will be for sure. Not like you need to be sober for that crap, fuck I can be drunk as I want to do those jobs.
Ha I do need to hold out hope, just wait for my inheritance, lol. It is coming, I saw what my parents inherited from my grandpa, and they already had a lot of money. Fuck that is years away, cuz they aren't giving me anything, I would have to live another 25 years, I'm in no condition for that, no way. It pisses me off that my dad won't just give me a little money ha, but then he would have to give everybody some. My sister doesn't need it, she is loaded cuz her husband is an engineer that is raking it in, fuck maybe 125 k or more there.
But grandpa did give me 1 k haha, that was nice, I wasn't expecting that, all the big money though went to his kids, 3 of em there. Sucks to cuz everybody is loaded, shit I could use the damn money, although I would blow it ha.
Fuck I saw a statement when I was at my parents the other day laying on the table, and whoa, I mean it was 7 figures what they got from my grandpa. Shit and they already have a bunch, then I'm gonna be working at a damn grocery store ha, well I don't understand it. But then when I talk to my dad about giving me some money, he is like no, you need to work for it just like I did, nothing is given for free. I mean damn he has plenty, I don't understand why he can't help me out, but whatever guess I will go sack groceries.
Shit I know damn well why he won't just give me money, cuz he knows I'm a serious addict, a fucking junkie, that's why.
He is probably like well he will just blow it on gambling, booze or drugs something. He is right on that haha, yep would do that. He is just like my junkie kid I'm not gonna give him money.
Well and then a while ago I decided to invest money in the stock market, let my dad invest it for me, and it made a bunch, but then when I got fired I took it out haha, and my dad was like what are you doing? Get another job this is your retirement plan here, and I just pulled it out ha, then I had to pay some capital gains or something I don't remember what there were a lot of taxes and shit. But got my money eventually, liquidating stocks is quite the process.
Too bad my nephew isn't older he is gonna make millions in the NFL haha, well he would share with me cuz I am his favorite fo sho, well I always wrestle with him and play with him, he is a big fan of Tuck, shit I am the favorite outside of mom and dad fo sho. That whole thing though isn't happening him in the NFL, I mean there are a bunch of college players on my bro's wife's side, and her dad Husker DT, so my nephew's grandpa, but that is a huge long shot to expect any NFL outta a kid, shit the Huskers are a long shot for him. Well and he's so damn skinny, I keep thinking he will gain some weight and get bigger, but no, they feed him a bunch but he doesn't get bigger at all.
I am the rich kid junkie, ha, but then I don't get the money to blow it damn it ha. I mean they aren't super rich my parents not like those Shah guys, that my brothers wife watches, that reality show, those guys are filthy rich, but still rich enough they could kick me some damn money. Ha I don't know what that show was my brothers wife watched, but those guys were really loaded, some dumb reality crap I don't know, the Shahs or something.
Still they are going to Chile, then damn San Diego, I mean it is pissing me off, can't they share with their junkie kid haha, no, I understand they no what I do, they just want me to work cuz they think it will be good for me, keep me from getting wasted. It won't I will tell ya that, if I'm flipping burgers or sacking groceries shit I will be wasted everyday, when I go in I will be drunk.
Well shit I am really a loser of the family. Fuck I had a grandpa that had dinner with the fucking President, fuck a few of em like 3. Don't think I am having dinner with Obama anytime soon, lol, no, that would be something.
Well ya know I gotta make a fucking play now damn it. Shit I am not to be fucked with ha, I mean I am dangerous, but hey, got to make it here, get the cash. Yeah everybody is probably like fade this shit, haha, well you can, but realize I can roll it to 9-1, won't win, cuz I don't haha, but 9-1 can happen. Then Purdue will fuck me lol, I am not betting the Purdue game however here, so no chance they fuck me.
Here we go, fucking 9 team parlay, gonna hit it win over 30 k, we're good then.

90 wins 31 k on a 9 team parlay

Ark St at Vols -16.5
W Kentucky +5 at Illini
UAB +27.5 at Miss St
South Alabama -3 at Kent
USC +3 at Stanford
Mich St at Oregon over 56.5
Mich at Notre Dame over 56.5
Virginia Tech +12 at Ohio St.
Oklahoma -24.5 at Tulsa

Yeah won't happen I'm sure, but hey I will take a shot, go down swinging baby. That is how I do it, shit nobody is gonna make me bitch out, will throw down til the end, so whatever happens happens, bring it.
Should be bold

90 wins 31 k

Ark St at Vols -16.5
W Kentucky +5 at Illini
UAB +27.5 at Miss St
South Alabama -3 at Kent
USC +3 at Stan
Mich St at Oregon over 56.5
Mich at Notre Dame over 56.5
Virginia Tech +12 at Ohio St.
Oklahoma -24.5 at Tulsa
So ya know going for 31 k, ha yeah like that will happen, probably not, but hey I got a shot baby, let's go. Really UAB and W. Kentucky are who I'm most worried about on there.
Couldn't go for the 64 k on the 10 team parlay, didn't know who to put in for the tenth, ha, well this will work. Hit this I'm partying mothafucka, shit it won't stop, and it don't stop. Not sure who I will party with, may be myself and then on here. I could buy a hooker I guess, but there isn't a big selection here.
Ha that 30 day rehab program I was in, I actually was hoping it would work, but it didn't do anything at all. Well they didn't have any real good ideas on how to stop my craziness. I was hoping they would have something, but no. I think the only way for me would be if there was a drug that would keep me from drinking, the gambling hell I don't know how that would ever stop either unless I'm out of money, like I'm gonna be now.
Fuck not gonna be out of money cuz 9 team parlay bang, 31 k, haha, yeah right. Well at least I get to see my biggest fan tomorrow my nephew we are going to the Husker game, shit it does make me feel good when he is so fired up to see me always. That is my *****, ha, and he is a *****, only 25% though.
I do hope he can make it big, probably not though, but for him he doesn't need to, shit my parents will give him a bunch of money when they die. Just sucks they won't do it now, oh well, can't fucking worry about it. I mean it is fucked I would share with my kid even if he was a junkie like me, but oh well, it isn't happening.
Yep junkie Tuck, no money coming in, this is it baby, fucking parlay for 90 bucks to win 31 k, and a 220 buck bet on the Vols haha, yeah that is what I have left as far as gambling money. I mean I have a little beside that, but it isn't much, well a few thousand, but you can't just gamble down to your last dollar with no job haha.
I mean Carter I don't know he is a real skinny kid, but he has a pedigree with his family, on my brothers wife's side. We will see I guess, I mean he can't gain a damn pound ever, my brother just loads up butter and syrup on his pancakes, and loads up anything else fat ass he can, but the kid is just skinny, and can't gain weight. I was thinking there is no way he will be fast, cuz his grandpa Husker DT yes, but he wasn't fast, then my bro no he was o line not fast, doubt he could play anything but a DT or something or O line.
Ha it is funny I am breaking down my nephew's shot to make the pro's. Shit there is a NFL player for the Lions in my brother's wife's family, and then a ***** leagues hall of famer, but otherwise it is just all college guys. There is some talent there though, I'm hoping my nephew has it ha, probably not, I do like him though he is the shit, hope he rolls ass and just makes it.
They are all broke ass though, the guy that made the NFL and played with the Lions he is broke ha. Then the ***** Leagues hall of famer he was broke, but he died. Guess though that makes sense, how would you have any money playing in the ***** leagues, or the NFL in the 80's fuck you wouldn't. A lot of broke ass people in my brother's wife's family haha, well that is what you get when your black, shit that is really racist. It is true though, unless you get lucky somehow, black=broke, usually, now I'm not saying always, don't get me wrong.
Should not have said that, sorry, but it is true a lot. I mean all my relatives on that side on my brother's wife's side are broke ass, pretty much. Shouldn't comment on it however.
Shit I'm scheduled to have dinner with Obama tomorrow, so you better think about taking my bets ha. I think about my grandpa having dinner with the President and I think whoa, I really suck ass, I am a total loser. But ya know sometimes it happens to where you are a bit dim, and not all there like me ha, and a huge addict.
It is funny cuz really I'm sure people would dispute my claims, but I am not at all my grandpa had dinner with 3 presidents, but he was this big head guy of some newspaper thing, I am not sure what it was. Newspapers were pretty serious back then. Fuck I wouldn't bullshit anyway, who cares about it, but it was funny that he did, I can't imagine getting invited to have dinner at the White House haha, no way I'm getting that invitation.