Week 2 CFB


Pretty much a regular
At least I made something out of nothing so far. Well I barely had shit in my account and was at 200 bucks or so around there, then won 4 in a row. So yipeee at almost 1 k in my account. That is nothing, but gotta start somewhere, and hope I can get hot I guess. Thing is I don't have a lot of money right now anywhere, so my plan is bet 200 or so a game then hopefully keep winning, and then up my bets every week until I'm throwin dimes haha, good strategy, a risky one for sure, and could end up in disaster of course. That seems to be my pattern. Start hitting at about a 80% clip and just rolling ass build up 25 k in winnings, then the wheels fall off and I lose it all back when I start hitting at 30% or worse for a month. I am a superstar at making a bunch then losing it back in a month or less ha. The streakiest mothafucka on here, yep, I think when I start losing then it just builds up, like the losing mentality, and I can't right the ship. Don't know what my fucking deal is. Better hope I land a decent job soon, cuz my gambling isn't gonna be the answer I don't think. Well everybody here has seen what I do by now, with the huge streaks both ways. Oh, but I'm hot right now haha, 4 in a row, that isn't much. Maybe a start of a 25-5 run, could be, that happens a lot for me. Think if I do get hot I will try some of those 100 buck 10 team parlay's on Saturday's, cuz I can hit one when I'm on fire maybe. Almost did in college hoops.

Arizona -7 at UTSA, at -115 at 5 dimes, risking 230 to win 200

I just think Zona has too much firepower offensively for UTSA. A lot of speed big time for Zona on offense, and the new qb looks fine and competent. Fucking 787 yards in the opener whoa, that is something, a lot more yards than they had vs UNLV last year. Granted UNLV's defense blows, but still that is impressive. I don't really think UTSA can shut down Zona with all those weapons they have. I mean they shut down Houston, but Houston their o line looked awful to me, and Okorn he was terrible, that is putting it mildly with those throws he was making oh my. Zona has a much better o line and should be able to handle those UTSA guys a lot better. I just look at UTSA and wonder how they could generate enough offense to hang within 7 points. I'm not sure how, with what I saw at Houston. We'll see, I wasn't impressed with Carter, so if he looks better and passes for close to 300 yards or more, then I'm fucked I guess. They didn't have to force it last week, cuz Houston just gave em a bunch of points ha. This week Carter is gonna have to sling it, the training wheels come off, we'll see what he has, I'm thinking not enough.

Hope kj doesn't disagree with me ha. Sure he will weigh in later, or tomorrow. I may add one for Friday not sure yet.
That fan duel thing is pretty crazy. I mean that is gambling right there, but it is legal, cuz it's fantasy football. Not sure the difference between betting games, and playing fantasy football for money haha, a lot of shit that doesn't make sense though like that. Just saw the fan duel commercial that's why I brought it up.
Then here in Lincoln, this another thing that doesn't make sense. The horse track here is trying to get slot machines, so they can build a track for live racing, and there are a bunch of people against it, they just have simulcast now. I have no idea why they are against it. There is this group called don't gamble with the good life, it is called that cuz Nebraska's state motto is the good life haha. There is this stupid bitch that is organizing rallies and all kinds of crap so people vote no on the ballot in November, vote no on the proposition to get slot machines here in Lincoln at the horse track. It is crazy cuz there already is gambling with the good life you stupid bitch. Fuck you can buy lottery tickets all you want, or bet keno at every damn bar in the city. I don't understand it at all.
I want the live horse racing back here so that was pissing me off, that stupid don't gamble with the good life group, those fucking bitches. Well I just liked it cuz all my buddies would come out to those on Friday night when we had live races here, and it was always a good time. But you know, can't fucking have that cuz there are a bunch of pussies with a stick up their ass about gambling ha.
I know though what it is. Those guys in the don't gamble with the good life group, they don't want their wives blowing their money on slot machines while they are at work all day ha, yep that is it, their big fear haha.
The Husker game at Fresno, kj was talking to me about it a couple days ago. The more I thought about what he was saying, it may be a good idea to not bet that. I do homer a lot with my team, the Huskers are my only team that I'm a fan of, don't have a pro team. He was right about how you know Fresno game of the year and shit, and Huskers have Miami on deck. I do look at that game though and think Fresno is in trouble. I mean I saw what I saw, and the Huskers are legit this year. That Florida Atlantic game, they would have never done that to em a year ago, not close.
I don't even wanna go to the Husker game this week vs Mcneese, but guess I will. My nephew wants to go Carter, so I'm gonna go with him, the 3 year old he hasn't been to a game yet. Shit he is gonna be a player there someday haha, yeah right, maybe I guess. Bloodlines are there for that, my part black nephew. Has a big grandpa that was DT for em, not my side of the family, no my brother was nowhere near making the Huskers. We have 4 tickets, but there are 2 in one spot and 2 in another, suppose though we could all sit together since there will be a bunch of open seats with this crap game.
Mcneese I saw that spread was -34 for the Huskers then got bet to -36, I was looking at em, and I don't have any idea what they are gonna do as far as scheme wise. I mean have no idea who is playing qb for Mcneese, and then they lost their 3 year starter at qb. I saw what they did last year was a lot of 2 tight end sets with one back, and the qb under the center most of the time.
I have the exact same thoughts about the Zona game. Don't see how UTSA keeps pace.

Best of luck this weekend.

P.S. If you want a winner, bet South Alabama!!!
Jimmy, hey, haven't seen you in a while, good luck to you to. South Alabama huh, maybe, they were kick ass last year I remember, I always worry about somebody that was good ATS a year before though, since you know 8-4 ATS, that could be different though maybe if you bet it at a certain time not sure.
I am thinking Michigan St looks good +12, but it seems like some kind of trendy pick, like everybody likes em, and they are a dog, so that isn't always good. Well any dog that is just getting hammered is not a good thing a lot of the time, doesn't mean it is a sure loser, but I always think uh oh, this is not the best for me and my bet, if everybody is betting a dog like that. I see though you know what people are betting there, and why I like it. Michigan St is a damn clone of Stanford, it is the same damn team, well same philosophy and everything. I can't see how Oregon is gonna just smash em, shit I think Oregon could lose the game straight up. It just worries me when everybody is jumping in like this, cuz the public underdog, that is not something you want fo sho.
It's funny cuz my nephew's grandpa he gets to go to a game every year, and gets to go down on the field if he wants to. They just offer that to every former player I think, where they can go on the field once a year and watch. He only did it once so far though, think last year he did for one game. I'm not sure about how that works though, but I know he got to for one game last year, be on the field. Fuck me and my brother here we got our little Husker DT now, we gotta train him ha, make him an NFL DT, shit no way. I won't be around anyway, but my bro isn't a complete disaster like me, so he will be alive then if my nephew makes it. I think he is too skinny a kid, I doubt he will be some big bad ass, guess you never know.
Shit my nephew though is gonna get all the chicks fo sho, haha, fuck he looks too good to not get all of em. I always think damn it I wish I looked that good and was young, nope, I'm old and ugly and fat ha, my life is all behind me, the good times anyway, old balls here, pretty soon my sack will be below my knees ha. Well I think he just is cute and looks good cuz of my brothers wife, I mean my bro is no spectacular looking dude ha. It is funny I am even talking about it, but they will have trouble someday with him knocking up some chick when he's 16 or something, that won't be good.
Yeah it is Tuck money baby still pimpin ha, no not really. Well I can pay for a chick that is about all I'm getting, unless I get a wasted chick that is about passed out like after the Husker vs Wisky bball game.
Guess I better call it a night. Those dumb asses with the don't gamble with the good life, I want to smack them in the face ha. I just saw what they are doing here and it is pissing me off big time. Well I liked hanging with my buddies at the track on Friday nights during the summer watching the live races, and these fucks wanna stop it. There isn't any reasoning for them that makes any damn sense. They say don't gamble with the good life, but what the hell is that crap? There is already lottery, and keno everywhere, so what does it matter if there are slot machines here? I don't understand that at all, I mean how can you say anything about don't gamble with the good life, when there is already gambling. Guess they just wanna have a stupid cause to rally around for no reason, ha, I don't get it, but okay.
Thanks UT.

You like UTSA gorgolon, hmmm, I don't know I mean if they can throw it on Zona then maybe. Think it may be a tall task to ask that qb to keep up with em. Guess who knows maybe your right. Now at -8 I wouldn't want to lay that, just in case it ends up on 7. My 7 I'm ok with, then I get a push if all hell breaks loose with my defense getting shredded. I kind of doubt Carter is gonna throw all over my ass. Zona has some experience and talent in the secondary. I mean if Soza was still there maybe then I would have a tussle on my hands.

Added one for tomorrow.

Wazzu at Nevada over 66.5, at -107, risking 220 to win 205

This should be the usual Wazzu shootout end up around 80 points or more. Both defenses totally blow, and both offenses are pretty good. Nevada is sometimes a bit hit and miss on offense though, but so is Rutgers always, and they had no trouble what so ever moving at will on Wazzu's defense. It is a high total, but weather is nice, defenses blow, and Wazzu there is no way a team with the caliber of athletes on defense like Nevada is gonna slow down Leach and that offense with the weapons they have. Plus then Nevada I mean they will be all fired up and keep up, they have Fajardo at qb who leads the nation pretty much in total offense for any qb now. Read something about combining his rushing and passing yards he is the leader. So no rookie newbie qb, he will light up Wazzu I'm sure.
Oklahoma -24.5 is gonna be on my slate for Saturday for sure. Laying 24.5 road points ha, I never do that, but this won't be a road game the Sooners fans will take over that venue big time. I mean I came away depressed with both Tulane and Tulsa, that was a real retard fight there. OU is gonna roll their ass like 63-7 or something ha. That qb for Tulsa is worthless he will get his ass handed to em by Oklahoma's defense. How Tulsa could even score 14 I don't know, fuck there is no way.
I don't know I may be giving Tulsa too much credit saying they will score 7 points haha. Late they can punch one in vs the backups, yeah probably.
Thanks schrute. I really need to roll ass right now, not sure if I will or not. Guess about to find out.

That Michigan St game the more I think about it I don't if I should jump on that. I mean Oregon is a destroyer at home unless it is Stanford of course. That just seems like a lot of points to me 12 or 12.5 whatever it is now. But really Michigan St they are quite a bit like Stanford their style and physicality. Who knows the speed for Oregon might get em I guess.
I was thinking Illinois could be in serious trouble Saturday, against W. Kentucky. It is tough to say though with what Bowling Green lost defensively from last year you know. The 708 yards racked up by W Kentucky ummm that is impressive. Bowling Green was pretty solid defensively last year, real good against the pass. Sometimes the run would get em though. Really that could be a bit of a trappy game there, only getting +6 on the road vs a Big 10 team. I always wonder about a situation like that if it is a good idea to wander in. To me W. Kentucky looks like the better team, but is kind of a bad thing to take a team like that vs a Big 10 team on the road only +6. Gotta think it over.
Wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable but I believe AZ is the right side, they may light up the scoreboard in the dome

Wazzou/Nevada over, I like that alot. Good luck Tuck, get rollin
Shit that W. Kentucky, that is probably sucker Saturday. Ha this is kind of funny, at this sports bar I used to go to back in the day, Bleacher's here in Lincoln. There was always this guy there that would bet in the 2nd week on any team that was unimpressive vs a team that was really impressive the week before. He would just have a million bets going on the unimpressive teams from week 1 of CFB, and then he would usually win most of em, and be rolling around the bar yelling it's sucker Saturday, I'm gonna hand out the suckers. Probably not a terrible idea since everybody overreacts to week 1 kind of.

Glad you like em both Kj, that always makes me feel better.
The one thing AZ needs to avoid is a quick 14-0 type deficit, early turnovers, etc. Place should have some energy early, just need to ride it out.
Yeah I think as long as I get by the 1st quarter without big issues it will be fine there.

That NFL game I have no idea.
Not sure if this shit is gonna work out. Arizona should be pounding em right now, but they continue to decide to throw it for some reason when they get close, and then all FG's. Really Arizona could just run it every play and they would be fine. UTSA is you know getting creative and deceptive on offense and getting some things done vs Zona cuz they aren't getting pressure.
Okay we're up 10, now let's put this shit away Arizona, cram it down their fucking throats. Run it right at em, fuck throwing, pound their ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuckin crap, this shit is over probably now. Yeah, guess I can hope Zona gets a big play and scores, then hangs on for the cover somehow.
Gonna take something crazy now, a turnover I suppose. It is funny though cuz Arizona could have just run every play and have 40+ or so, but no they throw it all the time with a guy who is struggling a bit on the road.
Come on breakaway run baby, ha no chance. Never know though they could bust one, even then though Arizona would have to hold em out of the end zone in garbage time.
That was some bullshit, oh well, not gonna win em all. Am more than a bit pissed about that result, fuck these guys are stupid talking about this game now I gotta turn it, about Arizona escaped ha whatever. Arizona could have won easily just run it more they would have been fine, would have won by 10 points at least, but they threw it around with a green qb, that's what ya get. Enough, not gonna think about any bets I'm too pissed ha.
It makes me feel like that damn Tulane at Tulsa game that I lost last week. This is different I guess, but I still feel like I should have won, but didn't. The Tulane loss was just crazy crap where Tulane was winning the whole game and blew it in OT, then blew the +6.5 I had ha, that was worse. But this game, I mean I could have called the plays for a win there, it wasn't hard to see that the qb was struggling and the run was clicking big time. Fuck a damn FG every damn time, cuz they would start throwing it always when they got close Zona. Oh well, it is what it is, fuck Zona wouldn't have won by 3 if I was calling the plays. Would have been at least 10 or 17 more likely.
Anybody that argues with me about this game is wrong. Arizona should have covered fo sho, say whatever but it was apparent to me. Just bad play calling by Arizona in the red zone, NOT RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is part of the game though your play caller, oh fuckin well, need to quit bitching about it. Well and then UTSA converts a damn 4th and 11 to cover, chances of that are not good at all, ever.
Guess you can say well UTSA missed a FG late, but oh well they converted most of the time with TD's when they did get deep, which wasn't as much as Arizona did. Fuck I wish they would have made that damn FG, then in OT if Zona got the ball first TD, bang, push ha.
I'm just all pissed, should quit bitching. Well this is fucking do or die now for me, so any loss hurts badly. Better get over it, that was bad though, I was just sitting there when Arizona got in the red zone yelling RUN THE BALL!!!! Nope they would throw it, and be fucking retarded then settle for a FG every damn time.
Well at least I don't have to go see Marty tomorrow, ha, that d bag, although I wish I was cuz then I would be making a bunch of money working.

Gorgolon you lucked out bro if you took UTSA, I mean you have to admit that, as far as covering that was nuts. Stupid ass Zona throwing it around when they would get in the red zone haha, I couldn't believe that crap. They would move it down there running it, and then all of a sudden passes the whole time down there. Even when they got stuffed one time at the 17 I think it was and 2nd and 9, I was like fucking run it again, fuck throwing it, then oh no they throw it then 3rd and 9 fucking FG of course.
Oh here we go, detassling corn is on the news, have the local news on cuz it was after the NFL game. That is what I need to do go detassle corn ha, I can't imagine that, shit it would be hot and they would pay me 8 bucks an hour at the most, probably less. A lot of Mexicans doing that work I bet, yep they are talking about Mexicans doing it ha.
Shit I gotta come up with a business idea, I'm not sure what I could do there. Nobody will hire me with my record, ummm, what the hell business could I do, ha, talking about this on a gambling forum is stupid. I still think the Cubs need to hire me as the new announcer there, haha, I mean everybody is the same douche bag now on those games. I liked Haray Caray I mean he would drink all game, and not be right always on his calls of the game, but was at least entertaining and not so bland and milk toast the whole time.
Damn gonna be nervous times Saturday while the games are going and I'm at the Husker game vs Mcneese. Oh my, gonna be checking my phone there on my bets. I am going just cuz my nephew is so fired up about it, he called me, well my brother did, and then he gave the phone to him to talk to me about it, it was great. Can't really bet on the Huskers I don't think -36, well I could, I mean if Mcneese lines up in a 2 tight end formation all the time and runs basic pro style offense we will kick their ass big time. That is what they did last year, but have no idea now. They have a transfer qb from Kansas St Sams, and he is a runner big time. Shit I don't even know who is playing qb for Mcneese, the coach he said 2 guys will play, but he isn't saying who.
I mean just from watching Mcneese this week I think they are gonna get drilled. Cuz I've been watching games all week, and they were one team I watched that looks like they are totally fucked, but they are 36 point underdogs so, when it gets that high who knows. If they do line up straight forward 2 tight ends and try and do that shit, oh man, they will get worked, they would have to get tricky and spread it out do some shit like that to have a chance to hang. Fuck I may bet it, ha, I don't know.
I still got the local news on. They just showed the lottery numbers, oh man that has to piss off the don't gamble with the good life people ha, those fuck tards. I don't get it at all about their cause to fight slot machines at the horse track, it doesn't make any sense, cuz you can gamble on a bunch of shit here if you want, lottery, keno, pickle cards. They must hate horse racing ha, and hate my Friday night summers, cuz I would always be out there with my buddies at the live horse races in Lincoln.
The university bought the old track, and then it was done. Been a while now, but at their new location if they get slot machines they are gonna build a new track, so that will be the shit, but nobody here wants anything fun going on. The old horse track had a bunch of hot chicks too out there, not that I would get any, but there were a lot. It was just a good time, but I mean it was kind of a lot of alternative chicks out there, but I like those anyway ha. Well the mainstream people for the most part don't like horse racing.
I might take the Vols, have been looking at that for a bit. We'll see, I mean Arkansas St is gonna have a hard time doing better than Utah St did there. The Vols I know Butch Jones has recruited well, and a lot of those new guys were rolling ass vs Utah St. Kind of a lot of points though there, but Arkansas St, shit I think they will get beat down in that one.
The Vols look for realz to me, I mean maybe in the SEC not you know close to winning it, but against a team like Arkansas St they can beat their ass. Plus the play turn down for what on 3rd downs their when their on defense haha, that accounts for something. I do think that is the shit, I would like the Huskers to do that. I mean the players get pumped, I do like that, that is a good addition to the home field advantage for the Vols, I added a point to theirs haha, kidding, but it does work, I like it.
Man I fucked up that post. Meant they play turn down for what on 3rd downs when their defense is out there, the Vols. Little John baby, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm bout to bounce back, bout to bounce back. Got Juvenile on now, that song, I do like me some Juvenile from time to time.

You betta believe I'm bout to bounce back, you lucky mothafuckas that got paid on UTSA, shit, good luck if you are gonna make bets like that all year.