***Week 11 CFB & Week 10 NFL In-Game***

Wake Forest gets the ball at their own 20 with 1 minute left down 14 and run the ball. just fucking air the ball out. Retards. Not saying they are going to come back but FUCK IT what you got to lose.
This Browns running game has been absent for a month, good to see.
Everytime I hear this I start doing the schmoney dance


this is whats hot in the streets RIGHT NOW

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/bX1s-Y2BDOw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Thanksgiving weekend baby. Remember that game like 5ish years ago during the snowstorm? I think you guys won like 10-3 or somet shit
teed pointed him out the other week doing a radiers game, guy is going be a good announcer

yep I looked him up after that, he's rotating with McNabb and Kirk Morrison this year doing games with Dick Stockton

100% I think he's on a main team every week next year, he was great