Wednesday July 31st MLB Discussion

the word you're looking for is esoteric and potentially contrived (if u wanted 2b a d*ck about it) ;) couldn't argue w/ you either way lol

I don‘t think esoteric is the right word. If your query involved some higher-end physics then sure. But we all get temperature so its not esoteric.

I would go with arbitrary because the numbers are so specific. Contrived sure. The colloquial word would be forced.
Kyle Hendricks' last July start of the season. Hendricks' career has established a clear demarcation as far as profitability is concerned:

Fading him March thru July: 49-46 +$1,917
Backing him August thru November: 46-18 +$2,016

Holy crap. Good catch.
Mikolas on 4 days 6-14-1 O/U -$930
Mikolas on 5 days 15-6-0 O/U +853

Cards scored a lot of runs in those games on 5 days: went same as the over: 15-6 straight up +$800

Might look at the over..
Ump likes road teams and the CUB pitcher I bet it
Very relaxing this morning no involvement
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I tend to think It will be very hard to stop the Astros from winning this close to first place
Minor 27 pitches or moor first inning 2 walks 1 hit 1 run. Not really what you might expect
I actually had to think about Minn RL which was a terrible bet since they are up by 6
I am religious. I will bet on the best team a decent pitcher and probably the strongest homer ump in baseball
Fyi tomorrow we bet against Miami because The Miami pitcher stinks in the day,
the ump is Lance Barrett and with Pineda he is 2-0 11.2 innings ,77 ERA
Disagree, more meaningful as you get a game in with an opponent and then make adjustments to beat them rather than Tuesday which could be an opener or g2 of a series

I don‘t see how that‘s a coherent point when the opponent undergoes essential change (starting pitcher and maybe bullpen) every game. Its not like an nba series

I could see a team doing poorly in game 3 if it has the tendency to use the same reliever every game of every series although thats obv unlikely
I don‘t see how that‘s a coherent point when the opponent undergoes essential change (starting pitcher and maybe bullpen) every game. Its not like an nba series

I could see a team doing poorly in game 3 if it has the tendency to use the same reliever every game of every series although thats obv unlikely

Don’t feel too strongly but you get a better idea of when the opponent is running the bases, how they’re pitching your guys, bullpen use etc