Wednesday mlb discussion

Mets best tagging the ball. I can’t fucking believe they havnt gotten Manaea 1 fucking rum! Preying he makes it thru 7th but he gonna get pulled if he don’t get this guy.
Gotta like runs in Boston. I love Kremer and he looked way better last start but against a bunch of lefties I worry for him, I think he Bartle but prob only go 5+ at most! I think o’s get at least a few off Pivetta and into Sox pen. Those 2 middle relief and a 9? Think they both score 4 minimum
Anyone have a line they like on Baz? I lean to Philly going over 2.5 Ff at plus. But I’m not good capping Baz

Usually this kind of bullshit goes against me.

I had the Mutts tt over 3* and the game over 7.

The Jays have a 1-0 no hitter going into the ninth. Lead off batter jacks a huge homer, and the floodgates opened up!

Hopefully, the homies can push one across and erase that push too...

Usually this kind of bullshit goes against me.

I had the Mutts tt over 3* and the game over 7.

The Jays have a 1-0 no hitter going into the ninth. Lead off batter jacks a huge homer, and the floodgates opened up!

Hopefully, the homies can push one across and erase that push too...

You deserved ri win sooner bro and I got fucked not cashing manaea win. Mets hit that French prick hard all game just always right at ppl! That fat pussy Alvarez stared at 0-2 Hester down the pipe then just misses 2nd 1 in 5th or I cash it all!
God damn this like the best spot ever to play cards Ff tt ov 2.5 at plus money but can I trust these turds? This pitcher main pitch cutter and he can’t get fastball up enough to blow by cards old guys! No clue what Lynn does. I never do? lol
Can’t believe I’m doing this but

Cards Ff tt ov 2.5

If they can’t hit the cutter throwing bum I give up! He don’t have the velo to beat the old gutys and martial was actually smarty only starting 2 lefties cause change up his best pitch.
Give me the plus money on Bobby miller

Ov 5.5 k’a

Scrubbies gonna get a long overdue now, as in miller mowing them down!!
I can’t fucking bekueve kc got nothing in 1st? Shoulda had our 2 but at least 1!! That gonna fucking push my 1st 3 inning kc ml. Bases juices was anyone even out? Maybe 1?? Fuck
Kc doing just like I expect and make Gil
Work. Still shoulda scored that fucjing run. Don’t be like Mets who just hit every ball hard but right at guys for 8 fucjing innings. 2nd time around kc has this fuck
Fucjing shit. I didn’t post but have cowswe ov 1.5 h,r,rbi and daddy’s boy holiday stranded him at 3rd. Was hoping he have guys in in front of him cause daddy’s boy kinda a bitch!
Kc 1st 5 ml cashed at least. So pisses didn’t get 1st 3 innings and Ff ov 1.4, they really botched that 1st inning. They could make it up score 4 I guess, not really! Lol
O’s did same thing, stranded guy at 3rd and that way they didn’t cash Ff tt over 1.5.. that spoiled brat holiday a gaping black hole, I was never a huge fan his daddy ether!
Jfc one ya’ll should slap me if I even bring up
A cards over! What’s shiybag group of losers, this dude has like 2 pitches vs righties! Doesn’t have a 4 seamer or the velo to beat the old fucks! And they still can’t hang a few runs? It was a small but but I don’t like giving money away when it tied to winners! Be sweet if I tied it to the o’s and kc Ff overs! I might have but I put o’s Ff over in several. So mad at them.
Well at least I played kc Ff not gm. Really could use one more punch out. Heard his last chance vs judge. Cmon 1 big pitch to punch him
I’m so such of hearing bout Francis taking no hitter into 9th! That woulda been luckiest no hitter ever!! Mets were smoking balls all damn game just right at ppl!! Manaea pitched way fucjing better than Francis did! I won’t get over that for awhike! Love to see how many balls were 95+ off Mets bats??
One mistake by ragans, he deserves better. We at least deserved 2 runs minimum. Royals should do him a solid and take lead back here! ;and go over 3.4!).
It not worst bet I ever made cause the numbers screamed ro play it. I am embarrassed I played cards ri score ov 2.5 vs a little league pitcher! I’ve seen them barely get us va lifetime minor leaguers, they can’t even score of Hendricks, now they facing a guy w 2 pitches to righties, never one one them is heavy velo. And thsss losers still can’t score 3,?,?,,?,?,????,?? ! I’ll never figure mysemd for trusting these losers. Worst part there no hope in site cards gonna be in basement the worst division in baseball for 5 years!!!
I’m so such of hearing bout Francis taking no hitter into 9th! That woulda been luckiest no hitter ever!! Mets were smoking balls all damn game just right at ppl!! Manaea pitched way fucjing better than Francis did! I won’t get over that for awhike! Love to see how many balls were 95+ off Mets bats??
Edwin Jackson no hit the Rays a bunch of years ago while walking 7. It's a big deal because the defense was playing out of position in almost every inning lol