Wednesday Discussion Thread

Shit it already 4:15, I gotta get to work on night card, would you Mfers stop distracting me please! If it ain’t you then it my wife asking for help, I tried to give her enough drugs to knock her ass out for awhile! Lol
I bet em to make the playoffs at 10 to 1 a couple of weeks ago. Schedule got a lot lighter. Unfortunately, the braves keep squeaking games out. I think they need to go at least 22-6 the rest of the way to have a shot. Going to have to win series vs NYY and at LAD and then keep dominating teams like the Nats, Bucs, Rockies, and A's.
Bad bet. Homer or not, Cubs just not good enough to rip off a 10 or 13 game winning streak, Brew crew are unsexy but they win. Cubs are too late. May make it interesting but no way they make playoffs. Edit here... I know Brew Crew not the reason for a wild card for Cubs but there's nothing to indicate Cubs can even get a spot in the post season.
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Why the hell are A’s dogs again? I been singing the praises of this Bido kid, think he was wasting away in pirates organization since they have this redic fundamental belief they should make all their pitchers throw sinkers? Some guys don’t like that pitch and perform better without it. Smartly A’s have him throwing way less of those and way more his change up that gets swings and misses! He still walking more than my liking but since becoming a starter he has faced some good lineups and only once has he allowed more than 2 runs! Hitters do not barrel this kid up only having allowed 3 barrels Al year and holding teams to a 25% hard hit rate. Dunno why his k prop off board but a 4.5 would make for a nice over play! Ignoring that why is this kid who looks to be facing an opener by reds a dog? I’ll take the plus money on A’s all day and I also like the reds Ff tv u2.5 -110
Bad bet. Homer or not, Cubs just not good enough to rip off a 10 or 13 game winning streak, Brew crew are unsexy but they win. Cubs are too late. May make it interesting but no way they make playoffs. Edit here... I know Brew Crew not the reason for a wild card for Cubs but there's nothing to indicate Cubs can even get a spot in the post season.

I almost bet them at beginning the year. Im
Sure it was talked bout in the beginning the season thread, huge odds and my logic was mostly I thought the lineup was as good as any in the crappy nl central and it looked like they had potential for a decent pitching staff. Ended up passing but I thought bout. I agree 10-1 kinda short, not that they can’t stay hot but there are so many teams ahead of them or a WC spot it just doesn’t seen feasible to pass them all.
Yanks seeing about their 8th lefty starting pitcher in a row! Most of them been grizzly old vets, today they get one with arguably the best stuff but Gore has been a total mess! He was finally good again his last start vs arl so I have mixed feeling here, I been a gore fan and thought nats did good getting him in the Soto deal but after a good start to the season he has a miserable stretch, before last start he been getting knocked around by everyone and I sure couldn’t understand it! Did he fix the problem last start or was that just a one off with Braves swinging at everything?
Musgrove looked like his old self last game, I just don’t see cards beating him.

Jfc everybody but pena has a bomb! Yordan has 3!
Tested positive for covid btw, so it all makes sense now
Curious what made you test for it? I assume I've had it at least 3 times but wasn't going anywhere so didn't test, just had the symptoms. I have several tests here but only take them if I'm traveling or going to be around a group of people and haven't tested positive on any of them.
Curious what made you test for it? I assume I've had it at least 3 times but wasn't going anywhere so didn't test, just had the symptoms. I have several tests here but only take them if I'm traveling or going to be around a group of people and haven't tested positive on any of them.
Wife just came home with a few tests just because.. no idea really.. she's immune, my 5th time, she's never had it period
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Ugh I thought it was 2:45 and still had over an hour before first pitches this evening. Not sure how I lost an hour in there. Still reading emails and now have to go straight to capping.
I just don’t think cards in same class as pads, my one concern is pads very left handed and Pallante one these guys with crazy reverse splits, he been really good vs lefties, to me that means it manny mo time who been hot lately. So I’ll take manny mo over 1.5 h,r,rbi/pads ml

I’ll also go pads ml/o’s ml, I’ll pay to see Ferris Beuhler beat Balty and in that same spirit your damn right in playing o’s ff tt ov 2.5 at +115!!
Might need to keep an eye on the Nats for sneaky value with the kids playing like Crews, and just going out there and playing loose.
All I could come up with so far

Boston ML -135
SD/StL f5 u4.5 -130
SD/StL f5 u3.5 +135 .5*

Not even line shopping, all DK so far. Will punch around for later games.
Brew/Snakes ML parlay +180
O's tt f5 o2.5 +114 2*
O's f5 -.5 +110

All DK again, brain's too foggy to go crazy with all the other sites/apps
White Sox was definitely a smart wager that I couldn't pull the trigger on. Go figure. Need to just bet on shitty teams playing other shitty teams with a fat + number in front of them. It will pay off long term.
See what I’m saying @FadeTheHype can’t let one little pitcher getting pulled early get ya down. By my math we hit 3 more k props and a total outs prop after skenes let us down. I dunno bout you but I’ll take 4-1 every day!!
See what I’m saying @FadeTheHype can’t let one little pitcher getting pulled early get ya down. By my math we hit 3 more k props and a total outs prop after skenes let us down. I dunno bout you but I’ll take 4-1 every day!!

And if ya noticed most of them wernt like barely cashing, they going 2-3-4 k’s past their total!
Can’t believe twins didn’t score with bases juiced nobody out. I don’t care just crazy. Of course Royce Lewis sitting again, manager was like “so you were off yesterday Royce can I pencil you in tonight?”, Royce like “fuck no, that Chris sale pitching I’m gonna go ahead and chill w this video gm!”.
Oh what the fuck musgrove, you give up lead and fuck the 1st 5 under?? How you gonna let cards dog shit lineup score 3 in 1 damn inning?!?!?
Oh what the fuck musgrove, you give up lead and fuck the 1st 5 under?? How you gonna let cards dog shit lineup score 3 in 1 damn inning?!?!?
Amazing how it works when there's a sure fire under. It's like the assholes randomly forgot how to pitch, not like hitters are somehow on fire.
Fuck, I didn’t think he give up a run all night to these clowns then they get like 6 straight singles. Prob bunch of ground ball bull shit that found holes, I ain’t seen this cards lineup hit the ball hard 6x many night let alone 1 inning. That pisses me off. I www sure long as pads didn’t get to 4 this stay under:
Amazing how it works when there's a sure fire under. It's like the assholes randomly forgot how to pitch, not like hitters are somehow on fire.

I’d bet money at least half the hits were little dribblers or bloopers that just found a hole..
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I can live with it Costing me the under but it really gonna suck if pads can’t get that run back and win this game!
We are on maybe day 95 of 100+ temps, old record was 77 I believe. On day 100 next week it's going to be mayhem. Think I might wear snowpants and a stocking cap that day. We are basically senile right now and focus on anything is far from guaranteed. At least it's in the 80s at night, thus the sleep schedule right now. Missing day games blows though.
I was so mad I went to bet nats Ff and I know it didn’t start yet but they called it closed, then I figured I could just wait a minute and get the live line but no live options showed up for game while I was sitting across the river. Nothing came up for A’s reds live either, was just glad i got the A’s bets in before they closed.