Wednesday 12/12/2007


Pretty much a regular
I most likely won't be keeping a record anymore. Just want to share some thoughts each day on some particular games. I'll do what I can to answer any questions that anybody has as well or offer my thoughts on other games. I've played two for Wendesday that really stuck out to me. In all honesty I haven't even made it thru the whole card yet. Been busy lately and I've wasted some gambling time around here doing non-productive things, but no reason to go there.

Probably just add thoughts as I see them as this will end up being more of a self discussion thread.

First game that really stuck out to me was the 185 total in Philly. Sixers have been on fire offensively recently which started with a 57 point first half against Boston. Sixers have scored 100 or more in 4 straight and the TWolves aren't the team to slow down a team on a roll. They've given up 100+ in 12 of 19 games this year while never holding a team under 90. As long as Minny doesn't completely blow on the offensive I believe this game easily clears 190.

Other game isn't one that I can easily do a write-up for. Bobcats -5.5. Part of the play would be attributed to BC's home rest vs B2B thread, part of the place would have to do with the Clipps winning SU as big dogs on Tuesday, while part of the play has to do with reading the line. Bobcats are 1-9 L10 and they obviously shouldn't be favored by 5.5 over anybody right? Maybe, maybe not. I couldn't stomach laying the points with the Cats on the road but they've had decent success at home and I can certainly see the Clipps not showing up on the B2B.
Next game that I've been eyeing is the Bulls/Pacers total of 196.5 Bulls seem to have hit their stride finally capped by 123 points against the Sonics on Tuesday. Looking at recent Bulls games they scored 81 against the C's which is the only game that I have a hard time explaining. I guess the C's defense can be as good as anybody in the league when they have full effort. Beyond that you have 98 (43.8%) against the Pistons, 91 (47.8%, death pace) against the Bobcats, 98 (34.5%) against the Mavs, 111 (54.3%) against the Bocats. So wether they have a piss poor shooting night or a slow game they're still managing to get into the 90s which they weren't doing at the beginning of the season.

Meanwhile the Pacers are the Warriors of the East. 238, 217, 218, 248, and 214 are their last 5 home totals. Not much more needs to be said about them and their pace of play.

Both teams should get to 100 with the winner likely reaching 110.
what you think of orlando and phoenix?

No real thoughts on Orlando side as they're what 17-5 ATS now and off of two SU losses. I can't really answer wether they are questioning themselves or they go into MLW and kick the shit out of them. Line is short IMO and that would make me nervous as a Magic backer. The books aren't in this to lose money and they make a team that is 12-1 Road ATS a short fav over a team that has just got their asses handed to them in 8 of 9 games. Smells real fishy to me. Do lean towards the over as I think both teams get to 100. I'll pass though.

I would have loved the Suns here if the Jazz would have taken care of the Blazers. As is you've got two teams as SU losers as 12+ favs. I can't really answer how either team responds and props to whoever can. Jazz won 3 of 4 last year and the one they lost was when they were in a complete tailspin at the end of the year that lost them homecourt with the Rockets. By #'s alone you'd think this game goes over, but with the bit of dislike between teams and the SU losses as big favs I won't be surprised if you see some defense being played. That alone brings me to the point that the Jazz can't play D on the road. 95% sure I'll pass on this game unless I come across something that I haven't thought about.
BTW, had a makers on the rocks tonight.

yo avatar is like a god dayum sibliminal message
nobody on this team is as bad a shooter as it been is what was meant by that B.A.R. Still think we are yet to get that princton offense and the weave up top working right. timing is key with that. you can almost tell if lil ben is gonna have a good game by how good his handle is. if hes got that ball like a yo-yo hes gonna shot it good. if he's sloppy with his dribbling his shot will be bad.

however, there still are too many people who do one thing well and are mediocre at best at others on this team, no leader, and no star.

wallace is garbage that has gone past bad and we cant move.

joe smith is sexy.

deng and noch are as efficint you can find.

but our starting point guard is still an off guard who has no idea how to distribute when its crunch time. how he managed just 1 TO tonght ... o it was the supersonics, lol.
Agree with all but Joe Smith Sexy..this ain't 1994 maryland

Brew..tomorrow..Imma post a interesting article I read today...about Noc..and defending..kinda hard to explain now
Joe Smith :D

Great stuff JPicks, I may steal one or two of these myself :)

I'll name the source if I turn out doing so, you make a helluva case for those bets.

Hey JPicks I figured I owe you one from the night before. I'm attending probably my last Suns game tonight for the season :hang:

Jazz actually match up pretty well against them as well but it might be a case of pick your poison with this game.
Hey JPicks I figured I owe you one from the night before. I'm attending probably my last Suns game tonight for the season :hang:

Jazz actually match up pretty well against them as well but it might be a case of pick your poison with this game.

Rod I thought I recently read that the Suns are 0- in something when you attend there games?

GOY on Utah +6.5 because of the FADE the Suns when Rod attends there games?
BAR, Brewer -- Was honestly amazed when I went back and watched the 1st quarter of the Bulls game from yesterday. They looked like the damn dream team playing together. Hinrich has been playing real well last week and I think they'll run with the Pacers as they have this newfound confidence in their O.

Trueblue--Thanks and GL to to you as well.

Satyr-Feel free to steal them. No source needed. Might want to give credit to Killa though as he might have told somebody that he kind of though about liking something you played. You know, just to be safe.

Rod-I honestly thought about with the Heat up 40-27 and I couldn't help but laugh. If they lose tonight I might have to invest in some season tickets for ya. Or at least buy you a mini package so I'll be able to pick my spots to fade them. Tonight is very interesting. I'll be watching with my money in my pocket.

Marlo--I'm pretty sure that's what Rod had said. He wrote it in my Suns -10.5 thread from Sunday. Nothing like having a GOY because a CTG member is attnending a game. :)
Rod-I honestly thought about with the Heat up 40-27 and I couldn't help but laugh. If they lose tonight I might have to invest in some season tickets for ya. Or at least buy you a mini package so I'll be able to pick my spots to fade them. Tonight is very interesting. I'll be watching with my money in my pocket.

Completely agree with watching with my money in my pocket

Marlo--I'm pretty sure that's what Rod had said. He wrote it in my Suns -10.5 thread from Sunday. Nothing like having a GOY because a CTG member is attnending a game. :)[/quote]

Where these two teams are at right now in this season, its a complete watch and learn game for me.
if you like Charlotte as a fade of Clipss off a SU win, why not GS as a fade of Portland off a SU win as a big ass dog
Hey JPicks I figured I owe you one from the night before. I'm attending probably my last Suns game tonight for the season :hang:

Jazz actually match up pretty well against them as well but it might be a case of pick your poison with this game.


Speaking from a former valley resident, I would like to request that you wait a couple of weeks until you go to another Suns game. I think they started to come out of their funk a little in the second half the other night. I was wondering if you left early?

if you like Charlotte as a fade of Clipss off a SU win, why not GS as a fade of Portland off a SU win as a big ass dog

Because Charlotte is a desperate team. Not a complete fade of the Clipps by any means. The Warriors are off their own impressive win and could easily head to Portland and go thru the motions. Remember they do have the Lakers up next which is one of only two teams they've lost two over their last 11.
how could you not have bought a point in that one. geez, sportsbook allow you to buy up to 3 full pts as a gift. its like you don't like gifts