Warriorrrrrrrrrrs Come Out And Play!

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="415"><tbody><tr class="RCB"><td class="SNB" width="200">2513. 2H-Kings (Sacramento)</td> <td id="M1" ="" align="right" width="45">
</td> <td id="P1" class="LCH" align="right" width="75">+2½ -110</td> <td id="T1" class="LCH" align="right" width="95">ov 112 -110</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="415"><tbody><tr class="RCB"><td class="SNB" width="200">2514. 2H-Warriors (Golden State)</td> <td id="M2" ="" align="right" width="45">
</td> <td id="P2" class="LCH" align="right" width="75">-2½ -110</td> <td id="T2" class="LCH" align="right" width="95">un 112 -110</td></tr></tbody></table>
I might lay off, GS 2h unders have been screwing me by garbage time for the last 3 minutes...
Really? the game total was 225. there was little scoring done in the 1h at only 97 points. This should have opened at 112.5 or 113 at the least, im thinking...
I realize the under isn't too thrilling with these two shitbag defensive teams but all it takes is a drought for it to go under....112.5 is a ton of points...think sac keeps it close too
i woudlnt recommend anyone to touch the side. GS is so fickle in how they finished games. They could be up by 15 and let the other team go on a 10-2 run the last 2 minutes.
nope.. dont think they play runyan commercials down here in texas
i think they have a thing against the eagles here in dallas - lol

choke gsw choke... but, cover your -2.5 you bastids