Tuesday Discussion Thread

Braves the best HR team in the majors versus the Nationals with the worst ERA in the majors has yielded predictable results.
Braves the best HR team in the majors versus the Nationals with the worst ERA in the majors has yielded predictable results.

I been worried bout Phillies hot streak and missed those duckers winning every game this month! Phillies been more reasonably priced tho. Braves been so expensive the last few series. They caught a break w Josiah gray getting scratched after the delay yesterday and for some reason skipping his turn, think he coulda slowed them down
You can’t judge whether a person fat based off weight, best shape of my life i weighed in somewhere between 245 and 260!! I didn’t have a 6 pack or nothing as I never will but I wouldn’t been considered fat by any standard.

Damn you’re a unit
Damn you’re a unit

Lol. Was a beast at one point. Now I’m pushing 3 bills and don’t have nearly as much muscle, got old and lazy. Been trying to get myself motivated to get back into shape but it so hard. I was way out of shape around 28 also but then I went to prison, that a pretty good motivator for workin out a lot and getting in shape, nothing else to do!! Lol
Freaking rays blowing a great start by Kluber, they gave up the runs w shoddy d and they have shit the bed on offense 2 innings in a row after getting 1st 2 guys on base, I know teams hate to do it but they shoulda damn tried bunting runners over and manufacturing at least 1 run! Nobody plays sound fundamental baseball anymore.
Houston has the 3-0 lead. Hopefully they don’t blow it again like yesterday, I have a 4 teamer w phils and over, houston, and Gilbert over 17.5 outs coming up,
Lol. Was a beast at one point. Now I’m pushing 3 bills and don’t have nearly as much muscle, got old and lazy. Been trying to get myself motivated to get back into shape but it so hard. I was way out of shape around 28 also but then I went to prison, that a pretty good motivator for workin out a lot and getting in shape, nothing else to do!! Lol

You’re a badass. I’ll let you know if I ever need backup. Me and @King Slap can’t defend ourselves but 2 on 1 we tough!
You’re a badass. I’ll let you know if I ever need backup. Me and @King Slap can’t defend ourselves but 2 on 1 we tough!

Past tense brother. I can still hold my own but I ain’t the kicker of ass I once was. What I need is to get back on testosterone. That what happened to my motivation, I havnt did a cycle In 5-6 years and once I stopped that I stopped going to gym shortly after. Then started partying more again, fucking the new (at the time) woman, and eating of course. Guess it happens every time I get a new broad, then we both gain weight til eventually I get tired of her and get back into gym so I can find a new bitch!! Then start the process all over again!! Seems to be bout a 10 year cycle for whole process then do it all again! Lol
Fucking right. I thought Bassitt k prop was toast. He only had like 3 going into 6th inning and his pitch count was creeping up. I was close to throwing ticket away and next thing I know he in the 8th and got 7 punch outs! Fuck yea!!
It so nice when manager lets his guy fuckinv pitch instead of yanking them cause they have 90 pitches before start a inning. Hate that weak babying shit!
How you give up a 3 run blast to a fuvking catcher with a .250 slug on the year? You know that had to be a total freaking meatball for him to run into one!
Why is Philly always so determined to buy more and more hitting? Fuck Didi, get a damn bullpen instead!

I thought they improved the pen this offseason? It the damn defense that seems to be their biggest weakness on the whole but the pen really bitching things tonight. At least got 1st 5 out the way, felt lucky to cash that, in a way, also felt like they shoulda scored 10 runs off Rogers!
You made me double check because I have Houston as well and saw 3-0 Rangers. I was really hoping I was the one who saw it wrong, or that the score was fucked up on website. Lol

Maybe Stros will pull the comeback tonight. Freaking dunning, I never know how he gonna pitch.
Why is Philly always so determined to buy more and more hitting? Fuck Didi, get a damn bullpen instead!

It no shame giving up the solo bomb to Jazz, he a bad ass and Dominguez been a beast, that 1st hr he has allowed. It the 3 run bomb to the garbage .250 ops catcher given up by that clown familia That was the killer.
Fuck. Urquidy had Huff in 1-2 hole needing that k to cash his prop and couldn’t punch him out. Now I gotta hope they let him come out for another inning, hate when I get to this spot and have to count on manager to let his guy pitch! 6 innings only 84 pitches and they ain’t really been high stress, I’m shocked rangers have runs cause I had hardly seen guys on base. My guess is the prick pulls him and I don’t get a shot at the 5th k.
I just know they not gonna let him try to pitch 7th, he would get to face 3 guys w plenty of swing and miss too. Man I hate when they one short and get into this spot and I gotta sit here begging for them to come back out. Lol
Of course they pulled him. And watch what happens, every time my guy has more left and gets yanked the pen comes in and gives up lead or let’s game get out of reach. ThAt sucks. 84 pitches they shoulda let him try to pitch 7th, if he gives up a baserunner then fine yank him but give him a chance to go another inning to see if team can get him some runs
These soft ass front offices and managers who baby these pitchers make me sick. It no coincidence you see the best pitchers being guys who teams have always let them pitch deep as they can into games. Fish routinely let alcontera and Lopez go well over 100 pitches while some these other softies won’t let a guy start another inning if he above 80 stinking pitches! Weak
Mikolas still has the no Hitter but who cares he gave up a run. With his injury history I wouldn’t let him pitch 9th at 115 pitches already.
We can’t afford to get him hurt and who gives a shit bout no hitter other than the 2-3 guys here that will argue with me it important! Lol