Tuesday Discussion Thread

i just gotta hold out before going to casino for 5-10 more min then it be too late to play anything degen on the cards game, lol. cause now i kinda want to dabble on the over but it just bout to late for me to get there :)
With all the people in line ahead of you putting in their $2 15 team parlays you've got no chance lol

Not a fan of Pivetta to be honest, but have no idea who the A's pitcher is. I did ask my buddy who is maybe one of the only 53 people that actually go to A's games. Waiting to hear back

lol.. i played his k prop over his last 2 starts, i doubt he will have much trouble with A's this go around either but they raised his k total to 6.5 for 1st time all year, that too high to play imo.. i odnt know anything bout A's pitcher either but i dont really get involved with -200 favs very often and dont like sox 1st game home off the long road trip either, they probably win tho. A's lineup is awful and ya'll offense swinging bats pretty well right now, just feels like a possible flat day.
With all the people in line ahead of you putting in their $2 15 team parlays you've got no chance lol

not really a concern anytime but football season but they also opened up the part that been under construction for 2 years with the lounge and more kiosk and window places, havnt had that problem since but football was already over so we see in the fall. if anything shouldnt ever be that long a wait anymore.
not really a concern anytime but football season but they also opened up the part that been under construction for 2 years with the lounge and more kiosk and window places, havnt had that problem since but football was already over so we see in the fall. if anything should be that long a wait anymore.
You're lucky you don't live in RI - the lines are so long at the kiosks or counters because people just sit on their phones putting in $2 longshot bets, no joke. Usually on Sundays during NFL season it's just guys in pajamas and slide sandals. You gotta go real early to get a play in. That's why I use the app now even though I do enjoy going to the casino
i just went outside for a min and it is oppressive fucking heat out there! playing a double header today has to be up there on my list of shit i would rather not do!!! lol
One time I went with my landlords brother who's in his 60s who was up from Florida on a Sunday and wanted to get some bets in on NFL, there was a kid who stood at the kiosk for over 45 minutes and people in line started giving him the ole' Bronx Cheer
You're lucky you don't live in RI - the lines are so long at the kiosks or counters because people just sit on their phones putting in $2 longshot bets, no joke. Usually on Sundays during NFL season it's just guys in pajamas and slide sandals. You gotta go real early to get a play in. That's why I use the app now even though I do enjoy going to the casino

oh i feel ya,, i didnt realize you were talking from personal experience, i thought you had read my rants during football season! lol.. that is exactly how it was during football last year here too. i could have my roll and notebook with 30 prop bets and have them all made and out of there while the same losers are still trying to fill out there 15 teamer!! i used to go ballistic, i told them casino fucks there needed to be a time limit per x amount of dollars you put in machine! one day i saw a mfer seriously ask the guard to hold his spot so he could take a shit and come back and finish his $2 ticket!!
Didn't know you guys got humidity out there

i dont think many places get it worse.. before i got jammed up in mississippi i always heard the delta was miserable but then i was locked up down there for 3 years and wasnt any worse than here!!
oh i feel ya,, i didnt realize you were talking from personal experience, i thought you had read my rants during football season! lol.. that is exactly how it was during football last year here too. i could have my roll and notebook with 30 prop bets and have them all made and out of there while the same losers are still trying to fill out there 15 teamer!! i used to go ballistic, i told them casino fucks there needed to be a time limit per x amount of dollars you put in machine! one day i saw a mfer seriously ask the guard to hold his spot so he could take a shit and come back and finish his $2 ticket!!
Yup. I have a buddy who I used to go with but he only bets soccer, and he really wanted to bet a soccer match that was at Noon or so (I don't know shit about soccer but I remember this specifically) and he started cussing out all the guys at the kiosks when it got to like 11:55 and we were still a few back in line.

And lol his play hit and he didn't get it in. We didn't have the app back then, plus we would go and drink a lot then watch the games there so different times. I haven't been since last football season
i dont think many places get it worse.. before i got jammed up in mississippi i always heard the delta was miserable but then i was locked up down there for 3 years and wasnt any worse than here!!
Don't come to the Northeast then lol. Near the water, brutal. But beautiful
One time I went with my landlords brother who's in his 60s who was up from Florida on a Sunday and wanted to get some bets in on NFL, there was a kid who stood at the kiosk for over 45 minutes and people in line started giving him the ole' Bronx Cheer

if the lines too bad i usually just go to the high roller window but i prefer putting my stuff in on the kiosk cause the ppl at window not very good and takes them forever to find all my props and put my RRs in, half of them gotta be coached thru the whole stinking thing!! the funniest shit is those mfers stand there asking everyone what to play, call ppl and ask them, call other ppl and tell them they at casino "getting this money" all while making a 15 team parlay that will lose by halftime of 1st game!! i had some jerkoff one day next to me who wouldnt shut up bragging bout losing tickets that "almost won".
if the lines too bad i usually just go to the high roller window but i prefer putting my stuff in on the kiosk cause the ppl at window not very good and takes them forever to find all my props and put my RRs in, half of them gotta be coached thru the whole stinking thing!! the funniest shit is those mfers stand there asking everyone what to play, call ppl and ask them, call other ppl and tell them they at casino "getting this money" all while making a 15 team parlay that will lose by halftime of 1st game!! i had some jerkoff one day next to me who wouldnt shut up bragging bout losing tickets that "almost won".
Exactly. When I used to always go, I knew what I wanted, and was at the kiosk for less than 30 seconds. So we're my buddies. I don't want to discriminate at all but you know who the people that take 30+ minutes are
Don't come to the Northeast then lol. Near the water, brutal. But beautiful

not sure how your geography is but we have this little thing called the mississippi river!! far notheast i ever been is ohio, been all way to ocean in south carolina, never been anywhere humidity was worse than here. equally shitty some spots.
Exactly. When I used to always go, I knew what I wanted, and was at the kiosk for less than 30 seconds. So we're my buddies. I don't want to discriminate at all but you know who the people that take 30+ minutes are

it not racist when it true.
i just went outside for a min and it is oppressive fucking heat out there! playing a double header today has to be up there on my list of shit i would rather not do!!! lol
Man at least it's not old Busch with the turf, that makes me miserable just picturing it
Holy tornado. This is the most action I've seen in a baseball thread in forever. You know it's getting to the dead zone of sports for the summer.
Going to be extra level of dead this Summer since World Cup isn't til Winter
Already trying to figure out what the hell there will be to bet on the day after the All Star Game, hopefully some tennis
Going to be extra level of dead this Summer since World Cup isn't til Winter

maybe pitcher props will change things a bit but i dont bet or post nearly as much baseball after the asb. maybe i will this year, since the 1st month was lame without normal spring and im really zoned in on it right now time seems to be flying, usually by july im needing a break,.. guess not really working nearly as much changes things to!! lol
i just gotta hold out before going to casino for 5-10 more min then it be too late to play anything degen on the cards game, lol. cause now i kinda want to dabble on the over but it just bout to late for me to get there :)
Actually did a $1 same game parlay in honor of the discussion. Zero capping, zero feel. Did Pirates +1.5, under 9.5, Cards pitcher o2.5 ks, Brubaker o4.5 ks. Pays +500 :rofl:
Holy tornado. This is the most action I've seen in a baseball thread in forever. You know it's getting to the dead zone of sports for the summer.
People probably thinking we found the holy grail today or something with all the replies then they're just gonna see me and @2daBank bantering back and forth

Hey I can at least give wind status for BoSox/A's, and my buddy who lives out in Cali and follows A's religiously did just respond to my text from earlier and said the pitcher they have going today is utter dogshit
People probably thinking we found the holy grail today or something with all the replies then they're just gonna see me and @2daBank bantering back and forth

Hey I can at least give wind status for BoSox/A's, and my buddy who lives out in Cali and follows A's religiously did just respond to my text from earlier and said the pitcher they have going today is utter dogshit
We started EARLY today
it seriously so fucking hot i dont even want to drive to casino, the ac has to go full blast the entire time just to keep it decent in the ride.. even with the shade thing closed can still feel sun beating thru the sunroof!! fuck..
it seriously so fucking hot i dont even want to drive to casino, the ac has to go full blast the entire time just to keep it decent in the ride.. even with the shade thing closed can still feel sun beating thru the sunroof!! fuck..
Put the lid on the sunroof

I quit looking at temps about 6 weeks ago but know we set a record high here over the weekend, that takes a lot of work
Put the lid on the sunroof

I quit looking at temps about 6 weeks ago but know we set a record high here over the weekend, that takes a lot of work

we hit record yesterday and supposed to today,, prob 15 degrees less than yours but you know how the air is soup here. what you mean lid? it closed and the cloth thing shut, what else is there? i guess i could paint glass black?? or maybe white be better!! lmao..
we hit record yesterday and supposed to today,, prob 15 degrees less than yours but you know how the air is soup here. what you mean lid? it closed and the cloth thing shut, what else is there? i guess i could paint glass black??
Oh I can handle 110 here, pretty simple just jump in the pool or stay inside

95 there would be destructive
Haven't seen a cloud in over a month, finally Sat afternoon I see 36% chance of rain at 2, sunny at noon and again at 3 lol

Just need to see cloudy skies for a minute even if it doesn't rain
Haven't seen a cloud in over a month, finally Sat afternoon I see 36% chance of rain at 2, sunny at noon and again at 3 lol

Just need to see cloudy skies for a minute even if it doesn't rain

it was cloudy for half the day yesterday,, up until this shit hit it had been raining here every other day for last month. lol
i should turn the game on and see how miserable they look but think im bout to leave,, ill probably post some more from casino.
it was cloudy for half the day yesterday,, up until this shit hit it had been raining here every other day for last month. lol
Crazy, friends from here were up in Yellowstone but got kicked out of the park due to rain and mudslides

Sent a pic of a snowman this morning, first time the youngest kid had ever seen snow and it's June 14th
Yeah low hundreds I don't really even notice it unless driving and waiting for the AC to kick in
I'm trying to desperately find a job in Flagstaff or Tucson

Phoenix I could do too, I guess, Glendale too. But If ya see anything holla
I'm trying to desperately find a job in Flagstaff or Tucson

Phoenix I could do too, I guess, Glendale too. But If ya see anything holla
Flag is as expensive as Southern California anymore

Don't even remember what you do, there are jobs aplenty all over the Valley, just pretty important to live close or be able to work at home. Commutes sucked even before gas got jacked up.
it seriously so fucking hot i dont even want to drive to casino, the ac has to go full blast the entire time just to keep it decent in the ride.. even with the shade thing closed can still feel sun beating thru the sunroof!! fuck..
How close is Metropolis to you?
Flag is as expensive as Southern California anymore

Don't even remember what you do, there are jobs aplenty all over the Valley, just pretty important to live close or be able to work at home. Commutes sucked even before gas got jacked up.
I can certainly work from home, have a whole office set-up