time to post my 2015-2016 Bowls so far

Mission accomplished.

I have not seen a play.

However, my friend tells me Adams got banged up late in the half and the officials helped the under. in other words, it could easily have landed 41-45 and then with a hurt Adams get a 2h total of 31 or so. That is just how snakebit I feel right now.

It is 30.5/31 right now (lean over).

Will take the full game loss and I suppose the plan worked out ok. I am incredibly confident after watching that half that a healthy boykin would have meant an easy over. So it goes when you are dealing with the entitled athletes of 2016
I think I had a good over bet at the time i made it. Obviously it was a horrible bet by kickoff and worse at halftime with the Adams injury. I think I bet that game intelligently at every point I invested.

You will have to forgive me if I don't apologize for getting lucky.
I think I had a good over bet at the time i made it. Obviously it was a horrible bet by kickoff and worse at halftime with the Adams injury. I think I bet that game intelligently at every point I invested.

You will have to forgive me if I don't apologize for getting lucky.
I tailed your over when you posted it, then I bet TCU TT over 33.5 about 45 minutes before game time and Over 30 2H......I was purely lucky and not apologizing either
West Virginia was the better team and deserved to win.

With that said, I never, ever want to hear anyone defend these coaches again. Graham kicked an extra pt up five with four minutes to go in the game. Sorry.... you cannot make that up.

Willie Wonka followed that up by pooch kicking ... giving asu great field position because he feared them getting a big return. Idiocy at its finest.

This is a person we have leading kids who are already bad at math. Not a very good example.

In addition, we have a set of announcers who NEVER mentioned it. How can that be?
These coaches are first rate idiots.

I am thinking of starting a seminar on time and game management in coaching. If you are interested in possibly assisting me in this endeavor let me know. We could hold it in the spring and invite all the coaches in the country .. fbs, fcs, high school ... small fee. We can go over timeout usage .. when to go for two ... we can discuss the difference between going for it on fourth down in high scoring games vs going for it on fourth down when defenses are dominating. We can discuss the idiocy of the pooch kick. We can discuss using your first half timeouts when the opponent has goal to go with one and half minutes left in the half. We can discuss the proper way to manage leads.

There has to be a market for this because these coaches are borderline retarded when it comes to game management.

Anyway PM if you are interested in this. I am not a public speaker but could certainly contribute in many ways.
Bill Simmons once suggested all football teams should hire some MIT grads for like 150K a year, that will tell the coach when to call a timeout and when to go for 2

Probably don't need MIT, WVU grads would do just fine
I don't mind the public speaking, let's make this happen. Great news is that we will be dealing with a client base less smart than us so even the occasional misstep in the presentation won't even be noticed.
MIT for 150K? Um, no. No bachelor's even required. Most folks with a GED or associates who watch a greater than average amount of football could do a perfectly acceptable job of creating the content and materials for the seminar.
Right Side Losers

Utah/BYU under
Appst/ohio under
Boise/NIU under
clemson/ou over
iowa/stanford under
Ark/kst under

Wrong Side Winners
tcu/oregon over

I did rather well in coin flips though. I guess the Arkansas game is the game I feel most unlucky in. I feel that particular game, I had capped extremely well and a lot had to happen for it to go over the number, most notably the early turnovers and the incredible special teams events throughout it only saw 811 yards most of which came from one team who only scored more because of the fluke scores of kst ... a short field off a turnover td and a blown coverage for a td was all the offense they basically could muster. Appst/Ohio Under was probably the most clear bad beat from a statistical standpoint when you consider the defensive scores and turnovers needed .. even straight yardage was under 700 total yards. Boise/NIU had 687 yards of total offense and 62 pts. Utah/BYU had 586 yards of total offense and 63 pts, stanford/iowa had 716 yards of total offense and 61 pts because there was an interception for a td, a pass for a td on the first play of the game, a punt return for a td, a backdoor td against backups and then a bomb for a td when a team should have been taking knees (ok maybe this was the worst one). Indiana was your traditional better team loser .. kickoff return td for the opponent, better fg kicking from opponent, turnover problems, a lot more yards and looked far superior but found a way to lose on a made fg BY INDIANA on the last play of the game. You won't get to say that very often.

As for the lucky wins.... I suppose Utah was the luckiest. They were outgained by 189 and never showed the ability to move the football in the game. Benefited from a ton of turnovers. Of course this coincided with a right side loser on the total so it was hardly beneficial (nor was the total loss painful). The other one was the overtime affair with tcu/oregon the other night. Obviously the over was the wrong side in the game at kickoff. In my defense, no boykin and Adams out at halftime and I made some pretty well thought out strategic moves to make that game a winner ... including my belief the tcu offense would improve as the game went on as it clearly did. I cannot really find any other wrong side winners over the course of the entire bowl season.

So just looking at full games (not halftimes where I lost multiple unders where one of the two teams failed to score in the half..) I feel i was roughly minus 5 games in the luck factor though I do feel I ran decent on coin flips.

My worst bets were clearly the following:

NCState - I did and still do believe that miss st is a not very good football team but I overestimated ncstate's ability and while I knew Brissett was bad, I was hoping for better. I also somewhat liked the under in that football game which was clearly incorrect so it was really just a horribly capped game.

tulsa/vt under - I knew there was a threat of a shootout breaking out in that game if tulsa was able to move the ball. If not, I thought VT would control clock with their running game. They moved it at will and the game had over 100 pts. Whoops

WVU/ASU under - I bet that game with ASU and under because I liked the sun devils run defense and felt Howard was one of the worst power 5 QB's in the country. One of my biggest fears heading into the game was that he might get injured or suspended. As it turns out, he threw for over 500 yards and had the best bowl game in terms of passing yards from anyone at that position. So I suppose that is horribly handicapped. I still cannot believe it.

NW - Outmatched. Vols just physically dominated the wildcats all game long.

Ark St - Latech was jekyll and hyde all year .... cashed in both to become Voodoo witch doctors against ark st. Defense simply had no answer

memphis and over - almost forgot about this gem of a loser. ya that was badly capped. Guess all Auburn needed in order to become a good defense was to be rid of Muschamp. Fuentes mattered more than expected and Lynch was exposed. If you are an nfl fan, pray your team does not waste money by drafting him.

pitt/navy -- screwed up as far as handicapping pace. navy was running midfifties in number of offensive plays per game and ran 89 in this one. I didnt see it coming nor did i see the increase in passing plays coming.

All in all, pretty damn happy about how bowl season went again this year.

I am not going to lie to you guys, there is a decent chance I don't handicap or watch college football next season. There is an opportunity cost to handicapping this sport as compared to doing things worth more money. It was a financial sacrifice i was willing to make while loving the sport but this has become very difficult to be entertained by. It has gotten out of hand and they need to find a balance between offense and defense again to get my renewed interest. Please fix the game.

Great year regardless of the outcome in the championship. I think the two best teams are in the finals right now, though I admit I thought OU matched up well with clemson. Grats to both teams and their fans and alumni.
Not really a fan of this right side wrong side stuff

K st arky1st h went over, second half went over and u think the game under was right?
I think I used the word "ridiculous" to describe that game.

You don't have to agree. It's just something I do for me.
I love you coming into my thread to throw salt on my worst beat of the bowl season though. Good job trolling.
68 pts scored in game
No special team or defensive tds
Total was 56??
U think because they didn't actually score that they didn't have a huge impact on the game? I don't even really agree with kyle, but cmon
Anyway I did not watch the entire game, just parts. So maybe I should zip it
vk I really hope your penultimate paragraph does not become reality. I myself am worn down at this point, but I hope by next Sept your engine gets recharged.
But if not, I thank you for all the insight and good advice you have offered. You have helped me to become a better bettor. God luck to you.
Thanks Bull.

It is just hard to watch as a fan anymore is all I am saying. Take that into consideration with opportunity cost then it just doesn't become worth it.
68 and 47 plays. 64 of which were rushes. Yum yum.

I would bet it tomorrow and win more times than it lost, I promise you that.

I guess bad bead might be a bad phrase. It was the best capped game I lost all bowl season.
I definitely enjoy your insight. I played several of your plays for games I had no interest or clue. Worked very well for me.
Definitely hope to see you back next year.
Thanks for the hard work sir.
Damn was just ribbing you about the high scoring games the other day didn't realize it was eating you that bad. Great bowl season and great year. Very true about opportunity cost, hopefully we can also find a healthy balance. Best of luck with all your endeavors!
Damn was just ribbing you about the high scoring games the other day didn't realize it was eating you that bad. Great bowl season and great year. Very true about opportunity cost, hopefully we can also find a healthy balance. Best of luck with all your endeavors!

I can adjust from a handicapping perspective. I did well backing overs and I found most of the good unders from bowl season. Pretty happy about how I capped the bowl season .. it was certainly better capped than my regular season and it continues a streak I have going of destroying bowls.

I don't like the high scoring games because the product sucks. My buddy Garfather and I text eachother "not football" when one of these games break out. You just are not going to find too many people who have watched decades of football who don't think this is the low point of the sport. It is a matter of opinion, of course .. but since it is a matter of opinion, I largely only care about my own. And I hate it .... though I wonder if I am just spoiled with how good it was before. In other words, if I had never seen football before and then woke up to this brand of football, maybe it would be the greatest thing ever.
I can adjust from a handicapping perspective. I did well backing overs and I found most of the good unders from bowl season. Pretty happy about how I capped the bowl season .. it was certainly better capped than my regular season and it continues a streak I have going of destroying bowls. I don't like the high scoring games because the product sucks. My buddy Garfather and I text eachother "not football" when one of these games break out. You just are not going to find too many people who have watched decades of football who don't think this is the low point of the sport. It is a matter of opinion, of course .. but since it is a matter of opinion, I largely only care about my own. And I hate it .... though I wonder if I am just spoiled with how good it was before. In other words, if I had never seen football before and then woke up to this brand of football, maybe it would be the greatest thing ever.
Well as a younger man I can definitely attest to the fact that it is not the greatest thing ever in my eyes but it is not as bad as it is in yours either. I was not spoiled with as many years of that type of football so I am not as put off by it, but I can definitely appreciate good games when they happen. Is there anything to be said of schemes and rules outpacing the defense? I am sure as with gambling there will be some level of ebb and flow.. Or have we come too far down this road?
I am not going to lie to you guys, there is a decent chance I don't handicap or watch college football next season. There is an opportunity cost to handicapping this sport as compared to doing things worth more money. It was a financial sacrifice i was willing to make while loving the sport but this has become very difficult to be entertained by. It has gotten out of hand and they need to find a balance between offense and defense again to get my renewed interest. Please fix the game.

There is a place for you in this football world. It is called . . . The SEC East.
You in Fort Worth this week? Not too far from my digs in East Texas. When you leaving? Let me know, maybe we can grab a cold one and talk CFB.

You in Fort Worth this week? Not too far from my digs in East Texas. When you leaving? Let me know, maybe we can grab a cold one and talk CFB.


In Dallas now. Available tomorrow night. You got my number so text me if you think something is doable
I'll be at the airport in Dallas (forgot which one) for about an hour and fifteen minutes on Saturday as I make my connection to Arizona

Who's coming to meat me?
Kyle, I PM'ed you with my number if you want to let me know what's going on tomorrow.
I'm late to the conversation, but just wanted to say that even these high scoring games are way better than the product the NFL is putting out there. Bad QB play, a flag or replay every other play, stupid rule changes (nobody even knows what a catch is anymore), not to mention all the off the field BS - makes football unwatchable on Sundays. Thank God for hockey.