Thoughts on Cle/Buf?

Five means pretty much nothing to me. I usually see it as a four that's been bet up, but maybe this is a true five, or a six that got bet down, though I doubt that here.

I'm a Browns fan and am excited because this will be the first Browns game I've seen all year. If their line is healthy I think they keep this one close despite how pathetic they apparently have been.

This Browns team is emotional, and they've been embarrassed a bit this year, I think tomorrow night they really put up a fight.

Problem is, Buffalo doesn't get many MNF games and so they'll be all fired up. Still, this is about the time of year when a Dick Juron team has been overworked and they start to sputter.

I'm biased, but I would take the points or lay off.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a low scoring game either.
same here i always feel like 5 point favs always lose straight up and everytime the total is 42 it goes under (my experience again)... at least in my experience

yeah I like Dog's at that number but like Bills in this game but dont wanna lay 5
Five means pretty much nothing to me. I usually see it as a four that's been bet up, but maybe this is a true five, or a six that got bet down, though I doubt that here.

I'm a Browns fan and am excited because this will be the first Browns game I've seen all year. If their line is healthy I think they keep this one close despite how pathetic they apparently have been.

This Browns team is emotional, and they've been embarrassed a bit this year, I think tomorrow night they really put up a fight.

Problem is, Buffalo doesn't get many MNF games and so they'll be all fired up. Still, this is about the time of year when a Dick Juron team has been overworked and they start to sputter.

I'm biased, but I would take the points or lay off.

Wouldn't be surprised to see a low scoring game either.

be happy you didnt watch the games vs the ravens and broncos :hang:
Well, the one Raven game I bet blind and won, I think. But I saw the abreviated highlights of the Bronco game, that was more than enough, thank you. What a f**king travesty.

Good thing about that, though, that team has had 10 days to suck on that loss like a lemon. They've got to be ready to tear someone's head off right about now. Say what you will about their talent level, this Browns team under the Walrus hasn't seemed to be made up of quitters.
Bills should win and cover that game----

Quinn on the road is scary with Jamal washed up lewis, he should get no run game--

Browns D has quit on this season- they allowed over 1000 yards in thier last 2--

Bills need this to get to playoffs, they should win this game quite easily---

there is a chance the game could be fixed though---

there is also a chance that bills may come out flat and have packed it in for the year as losing 3 straight it messes with players heads and sometimes they dont try anymore--

BUt overall I thikn the Bills should win at home- Quinn with Lewis who sucks should be a win for Bills at home
I got a lean on the Bills. there offense should dominate that defense and they have a better special teams.

I just dont like all the Injuries on defense and how the bills have been playing as of late also Trent Edwards has been horrible.

Marshawn Lynch should go off.

One thing I like about the Browns is that Jamal Lewis basically called out the whole team and said he didnt know if they had any Heart. Caused a little tension in the locker room. With that alone makes me wonder and think the Browns may come out a little motivated and especially there bigtime players.

Browns already had 1 huge statement game on MNF @ home.

Now time for another MNF statement on the road ?

If the line was closer to 7 I would be all over the Browns.
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It's MNF so AGAIN we go back to the whoever wins SU theory tends to cover the spread. Of course when we get near DDs we throw that theory out the window.

CLE has collapsed twice in the 4th Quarter at home . They have had some rest but everyone was so interested in FADING Quinn last time and he played well . he should have won but Winslow started the spiral with the fumble. Anyway if your looking to fade a young QB how about on the road , in bad weather and on MNF !!!

To me the line is in no man lands because they are trying to make you overthink it ? Would you take Buffalo -3 or -4 so why not -5ish????? Buffalo if you go back to the Jet game didnt play nearly as bad as one might imagine but costly turnovers killed them. They moved the ball with ease . CLE defense was playing well for a stretch but simply has fallen to pieces last few weeks. Buffalo is a tough place to play and despite the injuries on defense think Bills play ball control and win here. Its basically a must win for a team with some hopes vs a lame duck team . CLE might be shedding a bunch of players and Romeo after this season. Guess its the typical regression one expects when a team comes out of nowhere but they just find ways to lose .......

BUFFALO BILLS -5 (lean UNDER guessing 24-14)

Looks like SNOW and high 20s at kick. Not good IMO for a team traveling with little to play for. The do we really want to be here mindset possibly creeps in .

Most importantly though is lets not forget when these teams last met. It was the terrible wind and snow game @ CLE which the Browns won 8-0 . That basically put them in a position to get into the playoffs and knocked Buffalo to 7-7 and out of the playoffs. They say PAYBACK is a BITCH .....:cheers:

Try that +1 / Under 47.5 Teaser as welllll.....

Throw my west coast affiliate-- the problem is this game does not fit my super system that you are aware off--

Seriously though BRO the NFL has become like going to the casino and dropping your bet on RED on the roulette wheel. Just hopefully you are on the side that the refs are FIXING----
spanish Shark called it perfect last week on the 9'ers- he said books are not dumb they are not taking all tha action on cards- they know something---

SO reallly its a COIN FLIP NOW-- I found totals especially UNDERS with all games involving the shitty qb's
Yeah Nut----

Browns are a funny team but IMO guys like Winslow and Edwards will start fighting, these are not the type of players who want to play in cold weather with nothing on the line--- they will be more likely trying to go to the bars and bang bitches--

They could care less about the team, its all about them as indviduals----

however this calling out by LEWIS may get them ready? Tough to say but I know Winslow and Edwards together will make any team lose- they are not winners, they are 2 losers, good athletes, but they are all about gold chains, bitches, cry babies, they are not that good, but have this aura about themselves that they are the best in the league and the team can win only when they decide to show up--

Edwards cant catch and Winslow is overrated-----

Jamal lewis should shut up, he is so washed up, sick of him hitting the line with those quick feet looking like he is a cartoon on slippery ice, his feet move but he goes nowhere--

THink ROMEO has lost control, Browns have no pass rush to speak off---

Just wonder how they even get motivated to play this game---

My only concern is that a team in Buffalos spot forgets how to WIN- once they lose 3 in a row they forget how to win and struggle in this spot, they rarely blow out the other team---

Bills have a good homefield avantage, but I am thinking is this like the Cardinals, where warner and company could beat the 9'ers by 20+ but becaues it was on prime time the players wanted no part of that and choked, Arizona even said they dont want to play on monday night they want to play on sunday day-- They said that before so physcologically the cards performance was not surprising as they basically said we are CHOKERS we cannot play in prime time----

I am wondering if Buffalo shows up and blasts them like they should or struggles and the game is a lot like the PItts game where Buffalo wins it on a last second field goal and wins by 2 to 3 points??????????????
^^ that cards game was fixed also refs kept takin td's off the board and killed the cards momentum all game.

10000000000000% agree buddy, you'l be getting extra candy canes for that point-----

You know what is also funny?? How come when the chances of picking games are 50-50% IT SEEMS THAT WE ARE ALWAYS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE FIX AS BETTORS?

SImple because the FIX is the side that the public is on majority wise and the House needs to lose--- This is why it seems everyone gets hit hard when this happens----

There are many more games that are fixed---- We just dont catch them all the time--
Donahue did it, he got caught,
you catch a crack head thief stealing from walmart? He always says its his first time stealing-- yah right just like it was donahues first time--

NFL is fixed, they are just doing a piss poor job of hiding it now--

Notice the flags are being thrown in these so called public games like nuts-- it is retarded---- they had to lay off the dallas game after they were busted on the PItts game to be carefull and not have RIOTS
Hope this helps Throwback :36_11_6:

PS He has nothing to do with this game nor football

Hes my inspiration for everything I do :smiley_abcs:

In all reality, Cleveland covers IMO. Cleveland's defense has been garbage, but where has the Buffalo offense been? Edwards hasnt played well since he got hit in the Arizona game. Quinn looked impressive against Denver. I think that this looks like a FG type game to me at worst. Do you guys realize that all of the Buffalo wins this season have been come from behind wins in the 4th quarter? They arent that good.
Hes my inspiration for everything I do :smiley_abcs:

In all reality, Cleveland covers IMO. Cleveland's defense has been garbage, but where has the Buffalo offense been? Edwards hasnt played well since he got hit in the Arizona game. Quinn looked impressive against Denver. I think that this looks like a FG type game to me at worst. Do you guys realize that all of the Buffalo wins this season have been come from behind wins in the 4th quarter? They arent that good.

I am feeling that usually teams like Buffalo just dont produce while favoried----

it is possible they dont even show up for this game, Trent edwards off 3 straigth losses, his confidence is shot------

WHen you lose and you need a win it never comes easy------

QUinn is alright, look at HIll last week--

plus I think the refs should be on cleveland prettty good tomorrow--

Refs are usually on the dogs on monday night
yeah the more I look into the more I like Browns pts and ML

but I have been over thinking alot this year in the NFL.

did it with the sains vs chiefs. liked saints at first then the more I looked into and when the line hit 6.5 I took +7. Hate when I do that shit.
I am feeling that usually teams like Buffalo just dont produce while favoried----

it is possible they dont even show up for this game, Trent edwards off 3 straigth losses, his confidence is shot------

WHen you lose and you need a win it never comes easy------

QUinn is alright, look at HIll last week--

plus I think the refs should be on cleveland prettty good tomorrow--

Refs are usually on the dogs on monday night

2 of those 3 games they were dogs.

We dont know how Trent Edwards comes us off 3 loses because he hasnt been a starter in the league for even a year yet.

A lot of teams need wins. Needing a win doesnt mean you will actually win.

How do Hill and Quinn have anything to do with each other? I dont see your correlation here.

Also Sportsnut talking about Cleveland being on road and it snowing. I dont think either are a very convincing argument. It snows possibly just as much in Cleveland as it does in Buffalo. Cleveland is a 2 hour drive from Buffalo.

I also dont agree with you that Cleveland has nothing to play for. From the outset they have no real hope. But considering that a 4-6 Chargers team is 2 games out of the playoffs, a win here could be key. It looks hopeless for us, but maybe for them not so. In fact that Chargers where even on a graphic tonight for the "playoff race" in the AFC.

Cleveland collapsed last week, but I dont think their is a real question, Denver is better then Buffalo on offense. The Baltimore game was a complete collapse, and even though they lost by 10, that game was a lot closer then the score indicates. I believe Suggs had a pick 6 for 60 yards with like 7 minutes to go in the game.

Going back to the snow angle, im pretty sure last year when they played in Cleveland it snowed like the North Pole in Cleveland, and I remember not really being able to see anything on TV. They still won that game.
I was saying that becaues QUinn is new it does not mean he sucks shit----

Look at Hilll everyone thought he sucked and he made enough throws to cover that game--

If Quinn can play like he did last week Cleveland covers without a doubt--

Right on about Denver being better on offense, Denver is way way better than the Saints even, they scored on ATLANTA today, while ATL stopped the Saints easily last week-- Throw in ROYAL with Marshall, sheffler, this offense is very good-- Cutler is scoring so the cleveland game was no big deal--

Buffalo is one of those teams that just suck at the end of the year bro--- THey barely win games and I dont really see them being -5 better--

In fact I could see them losign this game and coming back----

However maybe a Browns fan would be able to tell us if Browns have quit---

I am scared of Browns having quit because both Braylon and Winslow are selfish and will quit pretty fast when shit goes sideways, with a young QB on the road it looks tough, but Buffalo self destructs ever year late in the season- they dont get stronger--

I think both teams suck, but Browns may have quit on this season--- Other than playing on prime time I cant see them being too interested--

However the game vs the Denvers was a good game, I mean Denver beat ATLANTA who was everyoens darling team-- Give denver credit they are good--
It's MNF so AGAIN we go back to the whoever wins SU theory tends to cover the spread. Of course when we get near DDs we throw that theory out the window.

CLE has collapsed twice in the 4th Quarter at home . They have had some rest but everyone was so interested in FADING Quinn last time and he played well . he should have won but Winslow started the spiral with the fumble. Anyway if your looking to fade a young QB how about on the road , in bad weather and on MNF !!!

To me the line is in no man lands because they are trying to make you overthink it ? Would you take Buffalo -3 or -4 so why not -5ish????? Buffalo if you go back to the Jet game didnt play nearly as bad as one might imagine but costly turnovers killed them. They moved the ball with ease . CLE defense was playing well for a stretch but simply has fallen to pieces last few weeks. Buffalo is a tough place to play and despite the injuries on defense think Bills play ball control and win here. Its basically a must win for a team with some hopes vs a lame duck team . CLE might be shedding a bunch of players and Romeo after this season. Guess its the typical regression one expects when a team comes out of nowhere but they just find ways to lose .......

BUFFALO BILLS -5 (lean UNDER guessing 24-14)

Looks like SNOW and high 20s at kick. Not good IMO for a team traveling with little to play for. The do we really want to be here mindset possibly creeps in .

Most importantly though is lets not forget when these teams last met. It was the terrible wind and snow game @ CLE which the Browns won 8-0 . That basically put them in a position to get into the playoffs and knocked Buffalo to 7-7 and out of the playoffs. They say PAYBACK is a BITCH .....:cheers:

Try that +1 / Under 47.5 Teaser as welllll.....

That's a shame. You get paid good money to play a game that you (supposedly) love.

GL on your plays. I always like to read your take on the games.
That's a shame. You get paid good money to play a game that you (supposedly) love.

GL on your plays. I always like to read your take on the games.

I think its a rarity that players dont show up . Here I just see a team fighting with eachother , a team fighting with management (Winslow) , trying to break in a new QB , coming off 2 terrible losses (believe up 10+ to start the 4th Q) . I think maybe my points were taken the worng way . Its not that the snow is making CLE lose interest its just the whole situation. Which if your not mentally into it does it help out thats it 28 degrees and snowing ?? If you have to leave "home" do you want to be stuck in freezing weather with little to gain besides a moral victory ??

Like alot of people who dont enjoy their work atmosphere we all know unhappy workers produced less then expected . I just think CLE hit rockbottom in that DENVER game. Jamal Lewis is really the only vet and you know he cares but I doubt he has many allies . The guys one might expect to be on his side are on defense .

Romeo if he still has a job after 08 I will be shocked ........CLE is just a sinking ship IMO . They havent scored much on the road and now you have a rookie QB making his away debut on MNF vs a team desperate for a win . I guess if one is betting CLE they are comfortable with no margin for error as I see best case CLE loses by 3 or 4 points and they are getting 5 pts .......

I just the bad weather only adds to the negative drama going on in CLE . Trust me we all need motivation whats CLE ?? To prove Jamal Lewis wrong ? They already blew him off IMO.....:shake:

If you think BUFFALO has forgotten how to win then go back to the MNF game they hosted as 10 pt dogs vs Dallas a few years ago. They will be ready to play IMO . They lost @ Miami and @ NE plus at home to NYJ who they selfdestructed versus . Nothing to be ashamed of losing to those 3 teams with the injuries they have and 2 being away ......
Jamal lewis is not ray lewis--- they will blow him off and players like Winslow and Edwards dont give too shits about football-- Hell the NFl refs dont even care about late touchdowns being scored---
Edwards and Winslow willl not say we cant let our team lose the BROWNS-- they will say I have to look good---

Needless to say Browns are sinking, they suck reallly bad-- their recipe coudl be a blowout
2 of those 3 games they were dogs.

We dont know how Trent Edwards comes us off 3 loses because he hasnt been a starter in the league for even a year yet.

A lot of teams need wins. Needing a win doesnt mean you will actually win.

How do Hill and Quinn have anything to do with each other? I dont see your correlation here.

Also Sportsnut talking about Cleveland being on road and it snowing. I dont think either are a very convincing argument. It snows possibly just as much in Cleveland as it does in Buffalo. Cleveland is a 2 hour drive from Buffalo.

I also dont agree with you that Cleveland has nothing to play for. From the outset they have no real hope. But considering that a 4-6 Chargers team is 2 games out of the playoffs, a win here could be key. It looks hopeless for us, but maybe for them not so. In fact that Chargers where even on a graphic tonight for the "playoff race" in the AFC.

Cleveland collapsed last week, but I dont think their is a real question, Denver is better then Buffalo on offense. The Baltimore game was a complete collapse, and even though they lost by 10, that game was a lot closer then the score indicates. I believe Suggs had a pick 6 for 60 yards with like 7 minutes to go in the game.

Going back to the snow angle, im pretty sure last year when they played in Cleveland it snowed like the North Pole in Cleveland, and I remember not really being able to see anything on TV. They still won that game.

I know that everyone loves the wildcat offense, but a Suggs pick 6? I'm @$$uming that it was run from that formation.
First thign you need to find out who the REFS are on-- if the side has excessive action on it, stay away cause now I know why when everyone is on a team it always loses it makes sense to me now---

So look at the Fix angle-- they fixed last weeks game vs the Cards----

The organized crime is getting hungry for money, the season is almost over, they are basically doing fixes now, they willl continue doing it when the public hammers a team-- this is how casinos are built and the rich stay rich---

Second angle look at Bills Pass rush, if they dont have one and they are playing afraid they are done-- if they play like ZONA they wont cover----

I have been staying away as I knew some shady shit was going on, did not expect hte FIX in pitts game, they are stealing now blatantly
An Estimated $64 Million Swing in Favor of Bookies Las Vegas (November 16, 2008) - The Pittsburgh Steelers were 5 point favorites over the San Diego Chargers on Sunday. As time expired, the Steelers scored a touchdown to put them up by 7, with the extra point pending. Then came a video review. The official initially announced the ruling on the field was upheld and the touchdown counted. But the officiating crew huddled again and changed the call - taking the points off the board without explanation. The game was ended with Pittsburgh the 11 to 10 winner. Pittsburgh bettors lost. After the game, the official admitted that a mistake was made, and the touchdown should have counted.

An estimated 100 million dollars was wagered worldwide on the Pittsburgh/San Diego game, according to RJ Bell of Approximately 66% of that money was on the Steelers; with only 34% on the Chargers.

"If the touchdown was properly upheld, Steelers bettors would have won about 32 million dollars instead of losing big. This admittedly incorrect call resulted in a 64 million dollar swing in favor of the bookies," said RJ Bell of
That sucked, for Pit backers. Pit got their hopes up. Kind of like how USC got their backers hopes up.
Lol i made a new thread about that throw--- we are on a mission just pissed off--

but seriously it may make me stop-- it is the only thing that can make me stop, or bet on DOGS, because the faves always get fucked anyways
How is the Pitt game fixed ? Does anyone understand the meaning of fixed ? So the game was fixed when SD with 5 seconds left gets a latreal picked off and TD scored . Thats such a common play in the NFL I am sure books wanted 64 million decided on that .

The refs fucked up maybe they decided to just let it end 11-10 like it would have if SD was simply tackled . Rather then fuck around with something they werent to sure of . If something is fixed they would wait to the last 5 seconds on something as unlikely as a lateral to decide the winner .

Shit happens all the time but fixed means that it was someone's intentional doing. Seems far fetched to me. Of course books know shit we dont its called inside info ! Thats why financial instutitions are regulated well supposedly . LV always was more self regulated as are the offshores.

Might have been a terrible call but we only remember the ones that come at the end . So if not for the supposed fix LV was about to lose 32 million ??
^^ the whole game you got the feeling the refs were doing whatever they could to not let Pitt cover. 13 to 1 in flags ?

The ending proved it. I watched that whole damn game and could tell.
Nut what happens is that call was steered and in the best interests of some rich people VEGAS To make the call----

it does not take much, one call like that and Refs make the call upstairs, upstairs knows that the rich people want Pitts to not cover so they make that call--

By the way refs were on PItts all game long to ensure they dont cover the game, they just removed a late Td late in that game, called a holding call, penalties were 13 to 1 penalty--

2 outcomes were going to happen and simply put it was in some peoples best interest who are influential people for PItts to not cover so they remove the TD----

IT is that simple, they had the 32 Million dollars won and then they were going to lose 32 million on that TD--

so they remove the TD, give no explanation, even signals Td, says it is a TD, but then just decides okay fuck it just go home-- iS this some rec touch football mickey mouse league??? They know gamblers have money on games- they made it sound like they have no idea that anyone would ever bet on this game?
They said well it made no difference anyway PITT WON--

IT MADE 32 Million dollars and a 64 Million Dollar Swing-- You dont think that REF is set for LIFE NOW?
You see finishes like that in Yag touch football leagues, it was like it did not matter--

SELL THE LIE-- it does not matter? Are they trying to suggest that a 18 year NFL REF thinks that it does not matter PITTS WON?

THen why was it challenged?? Okay then it was UPSTAIRS who initiated the CALL- They called the review and what did they tell him--

he comes back and says its a TD and it counts------

BUt then he decides to remove it for no reason-- Everyone GO HOME---

If this is the case then it is an ERROR and should have immediately be corrected and the score should be 17-10--

What they are saying is that this REF accidentally somehow got so confused on this play that he just said game is OVER??

Coincidentally that play is worth over 32 million dollars to Bookies----

SO in RECAP-- THe Nfl is saying it is a TD, was a Td, was ruled a TD, but the REF had a brain cramp and should not have called the game?

SO that is the same thing as saying, Oh dallas did not win today 14-10 they actually lost 10-7 because the ref forgot to signal TD and we made a mistake??

They have no exuce, there arguments make no sense-- If the game clock is kept on the field due to clock problems, and the refs have it wrong and there was another play they review it-- SO they review it and find out there should be one more play in a game-- Do they just call the game and cancel it and say oh the ref fucked up--

Sure blame the innocent REF-- bullshit it was a FIX as clear as GLASS
I don't think there was a fix in this game, I just think it was a case of "stupid ass ref". How in the world can you overturn that td? Forward pass? No evidence there that I can see. And it was called a TD on the field so to overturn that, you would have to have visual evidence.

And for the record, I had SD and you Pitt backers have all the right to bitch about that ending.

Sammy it's not a good sign when the deciding factor in who you play tonight is the refs

You my as well just flip a coin. I will say this though, "stupid ass refs = corrupt refs"

Donaughy did it so I don't think it's out of the question that refs are in on these games. The Seattle super bowl looked like refs had something on Pitt. That dumbass NBA ref that raced Barkley is corrupt. I know he is.

----Holding in the NFL is a subjective call, meaning a ref can call it whenever the hell they please, and get away with it.

BUT tonight Buffalo looks good. Buffalo is a DECENT team. But they play hard, expecially at home. They are a consistent team. They can hang in there with anybody but they are just decent, there going to always be right on the cusp of the playoffs.

CLEV is a bad football team. A bad team. The Denver loss was awful. You could tell they quit. Brady Quinn was laughing when he had to go back on the field. I mean these guys have tanked it. They suck, that defense is horrible and offense is so inconsistent.

Even if Browns do show up Buffalo is the better team.

Wasn't there a touchdown with :15 called back due to holding before Pitt kicked the fieldgoal? I did not see the play as I was watching the end to TN/JAX, but kept seeing the bottom line flash the same score with time slowly ticking away.
After watching that Pitt game, I am done gambling. And yes I was on Pitt and maybe they shouldn't have covered the spread but to end a game like that was pure nonsense. How can a fumble be ok within the rules to advance yet a lateral not be able to be advanced? If you can't advance a lateral then that is the most stupid fucking rule I have ever seen. Then holding with 15 seconds to go in the game that nullified a Pitt TD. Maybe it was ahold and maybe it wasn't. Fuck the NFL.
How is the Pitt game fixed ? Does anyone understand the meaning of fixed ? So the game was fixed when SD with 5 seconds left gets a latreal picked off and TD scored .

Couldn't agree more. I look at "fixed games" the same as ghosts. Until I see one in person I won't believe. Although I have been hearing some strange shit late at night outside the bedroom.