Think Players Have It Good Today? Ya.

what does this have to do with how whiny they are today? this story has happened 3 times already; start up league wants to take on the NFL, does a few things for publicity and people get interested but after one or two games they realize its not NFL quality and not worth their time and the teams go broke and players don't get paid.
It's safe to say they were getting fair market value unlike many today

Unless your talking about the diets, not sure Mickey D's makes the cut by today's health standards
what does this have to do with how whiny they are today? this story has happened 3 times already; start up league wants to take on the NFL, does a few things for publicity and people get interested but after one or two games they realize its not NFL quality and not worth their time and the teams go broke and players don't get paid.
They played for free for a ring the final game. Ya, that happens today.

Players are pussies now, just like our 20-35 year olds are now.
Cutting it close with the ages lol

Haha ... it is not an all-inclusive statement of belief. It is a stereotype, more or less. Not meant to insult anyone who falls in that range, as on an individual basis they could be much tougher than any of those players. And it is just my opinion. It doesn't mean I am right (even though I am).