THE Ohio State University 2012 national champs thread

So disrespectful to Coach Urb... He got you two rings now he returned home to tradition and glory..
Poetic justice. OSU sells their soul to beat an SEC team in a BCS bowl. The resulting probation keeps them out of the BCSCG. Beautiful
Fondy, with all due respect I think this site has a few bigger problems than one posters "stupidity".
Should be a helluva game Saturday. I know you Prolly think Osu wins by 2 Tds
Not sure why you think I would think that, I am not one to predict my teams to win each week. I do not think it will be a good game. I am not sure if OSU will win or not but I can see a boring sloppy game. Should be good weather at least. I am happy that we once again have a HUGE coaching advantage, which is very important in games like this. I hope Denard is healthy and able to go, think that helps OSU...