The Boss' Card for MONDAY--MLK DAY


Pretty much a regular
YTD 43-27 (61.4%) +13.3 units
CBB 25-12 (67.5) +11.8 units
CBB O/U 6-0 (100%) +6 units
NBA 18-15 (54.5%) +1.5 units
NBA 1st Halfs 8-2 (80%) +4.8 units
Not a bad day on Sunday going 5-2. Making my bookie sick always gives me pleasure. You have got to love MLK day with all of these day games. Here is what I've got:
**All scores below are based on lines-makers opening projected final scores before posting the line**

Utah 106
Washington 111

Too close to call in my opinion. These guys are keeping this game exactly where it should be with all of the expected action on Utah. Supprisingly, so far the public is on Washington.

Sacramento 102
New York 103

Again, exactly where it should be. New York should beat these guys but you never know what to expect out of the Kings.

San Antonio 91
Chicago 90

The Spurs should win this game...but I expect it to be a close one. Staying away.

Milwaukee 103
Charlotte 100

I don't like this one with the big boys still being out. I think the Bobcats should take care of the Bucks, but I'm never giving 5.5 points with Charlotte. I'll be playing the first half on this one. See Below

Boston 95
Atlanta 93

Nothing better to do on MLK day in his hometown than to go watch two shitty basketball teams run around like high-school kids. I have not seen a line on this one but I expect Atlanta to be 1.5 pt favs.

Toronto 96
Philidelphia 97

Another game i'm passing up. You would think that the 76ers would win this one, but its tough to go against the Raptors with the way they have been playing.

Minnesota 88
Detroit 92

Staying away from the spread. However the O/U looks to good to pass up. See Below.

Indiana 94
New Jersey 97

About right where it should be. However the Nets are expected to be up by 5 at the half. I think this is another 1st half play for me. See Below

L.A. Clippers 99
Golden State 110

With Golden State being a 2.5 point favorite, I think i'll be pounding on this one. See Below

Phoenix 116
Memphis 104

Another first half play on the Suns here. And I love the UNDER. See Below

Miami 96
L.A. Lakers 107

I would probibly play this game if the Heat were not playing out of their minds. Staying away.

Charlotte -3 (1st Half)
I smell money.

Minnesota/Detroit UNDER 186.5
I'm looking at more like 175-180

New Jersey -1.5 (1st Half)
I think they will be up by 5+

Golden State -2.5
DD win here for the Warriors

Phoenix -4.5 (1st Half)

Phoenix/Memphis UNDER 232.5
I'm Looking at a max of 220

Once Again, Good luck to all.

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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Best of luck tomorrow Boss. Sweep the board!</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
If you have Chicago to win by 1pt, why not get them @+4?

Same goes with Bos winning straight up against the Hawks

BOL tonight mob
j3pj3p said:
If you have Chicago to win by 1pt, why not get them @+4?

Same goes with Bos winning straight up against the Hawks

BOL tonight mob

You make a good point. These projections of normally real close. What I do is look for a larger margin between the projections and the line. 1-4 points doesnt normally give me a good wager. This system hits 62%-75% over the season. For example:

The projection in the Bucks/Bobcats game had the bucks winning by 3. When I went back and looked at the 1st half projection it was tied at 52-52. I went with my gut that the Bobcats would win the 1st half playing against a hurt Bucks team. I made a big mistake, as you see the score at halftime was 52-51. These boys down in the islands are good...real good..and I should look a little closer next time. Like I said about the Charlotte excuses.

Another example last week had the Bulls leading by 8 at the half and then losing their lead in the 2nd. Sure enough the Bulls coverd the 3 points in the first half ant then blew the game. I should trust these boys a little more.

j3pj3p said:
If you have Chicago to win by 1pt, why not get them @+4?

Same goes with Bos winning straight up against the Hawks

BOL tonight mob

I would have won them both,lol. Still I think they were too close.
djnukem said:
burnt on the det/minn game as i got it at 184...push...but what a moose job...congrats on it...and keep it up!
It was the right play. Overtime burned you. I wish you got the line earlier when it started at 186.5
I also lost the PHO/MEM Under...unbelievable shooting by both teams!

Im on your Over in the Zags game...
Phoenix -4.5 (1st Half)----------------LOSS
I hate losing a bet by a half point

Phoenix/Memphis UNDER 232.5------------LOSS
Nothing to say other than congrats to those who had the over

I round out the night going 3-3 in the NBA, but it looks like college is going to make me some cash.