Tantalizing Tuesday Total-2H added


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I will only admit to being a good totals player in the first 30-45 days of the season. After that I would say I am average at best. When I pick my spots I have my moments in the middle of the "NBA Grind"

I love this one for Tuesday.

Phoenix-Indiana O217 -110 5 units

I will have a short analysis on this game tomorrow @ approx 3:00 pm. I wanted to get this out now as I suspect it will rise in the morning.

Best of luck.
Im hoping it doesnt rise much. Indiana is a totally different team since the trade. They get out and run more, and their defense has definately declined. Hoping to grab a value bet w/ this, as it probably should be at 220.

On this as well. If you're playing this, should consider Phoenix with it. If it's a run and gun game, cannot see how Indi keeps up with Phoenix
I'm looking at the Suns ATS now, kinda liking it more than the total. We'll see though, a long time till the game.
I would lean to the OVER as well. Just wanted to post a quote from Carlisle after their last game

"Defense is definitely an issue for us right now, in a big way," coach Rick Carlisle said. "It's execution to a degree. You have to say the effort wasn't good enough."

Just something to think about, similar to the Heat, not sure if it will improve their D, but worth a consideration. GL
I like the over too. Pho's games that go under are usually at home when they pound the opponent into submission. Indy at home should at least stay competitive and not give up in the 4th qtr regardless of what the score is. IMO, the thing that makes games go over is the play of pt. guards back-ups included. Nash and Barbosa always push it. Tinsley does too. But the only thing that can hurt the over is the play of Darrel Armstrong. He's more defensive minded. But he's been shooting pretty decent lately so hopefully he doesn't slow it down. Good luck BAR.
Give me the Team Total for PHX and I'll be happy. I don't want to watch the game hoping that Indy scores.

Probably be lookin at PHX Over 110.5?
1) I like the Over, but like others if you think the pace is going to be that fast, it seems like the Suns -6 (w/hook) might be the better bet. 2) Great use of alliteration in the thread title 3) I like that the Hawks are arguably the most well represented NBA avatar, it was only a matter of time BAR till you came around
Love it Big Al. Saw it was 217.5 and coming down last night so decided to wait. GL man!

Over sounds very enticing. I have a strong lean on it, but i may pull the trigger now that i see good many cappers on here making the play.
This puppy is dropping like a brick, now at 214.5... Kinda weird
Baack in a few fellas..dealing with some stuff right now.

The drop doesn't scare me too much. Fading total moves isn't that bad of a thing in NBA at times.
Baack in a few fellas..dealing with some stuff right now.

The drop doesn't scare me too much. Fading total moves isn't that bad of a thing in NBA at times.

As I mentioned above, public perception right now is Indy is still playing that set-offense / tough defense style. It's not the case since the trades. This team likes to open it up, and get up and down. And their D is horrid.
Think I am staying away...there real thin right now...Dunleavy might play some point...Armstrong starts...guessing macleod becomes the #2 but he has barely played since the trade could be feast or famine with him , and then Orien Greene...
Phoenix accuracy off here this 1Q. Not sure why Kurt has taken the 2nd most shots on this team so far though.
not sure how Phx cannot brerak 20 against a team featuring Dunleavy/Murphy..LMAO

Ah well...I'll check score later after game...pointless now
Hoping to see Suns FG % go up, if they start to control the tempo the more likely is the over.
Might be a good game to just roll the losing Full Game units on the 2H Over. Might get some value...

I will prolly do that...now that I think of it..

I won;t be able to post it most likely..we'll see..but would recommend at this time
fuck, i said it earlier in the post, with darrell armstrong in, he slows the pace down. man, did they even say Tinsley wasn't playing? I didn't hear shit.
Game isnt necassarily slow, if you take a look at the amount of shots attempted. they just are missed a lot. 2H over should hit. Im taking it for 2 units.