Suspending baseball...

Tanking an illegitimate season makes some sense. It will be extremely difficult, but I dont think I can help these asshole owners make another dollar. Fuck em.

You seem to be way too pro players. Why do you think that owners are making money if they pay for full pro rated salaries without fans at the games. The super big market teams can take the losses a lot more than the small markets can.
No matter how this season shakes out its pretty much a sure thing that there will be either a lockout or a strike when this collective bargaining agreement expires at the end of the 2021 season.
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You seem to be way too pro players. Why do you think that owners are making money if they pay for full pro rated salaries without fans at the games. The super big market teams can take the losses a lot more than the small markets can.

I dont give two shits if a group of billionaires lose a few million dollars due to a once in a lifetime event, when the value of the team is in the hundreds of millions. I think I already demonstrated above how little of a hit it would be costing small market owners to pay full pro-rated salaries.
I dont give two shits if a group of billionaires lose a few million dollars due to a once in a lifetime event, when the value of the team is in the hundreds of millions. I think I already demonstrated above how little of a hit it would be costing small market owners to pay full pro-rated salaries.

Why should the Pirates or Reds or Marlins be willing to lose say 50 million in order to pay the players in full. You may not care if they lose money and thats fine but you would feel a lot different if you owned one of those teams. Honestly I don't care for either side at this point but this idea that the owners should just absorb losses for the good of the game while the players get 100% of their pro rated salaries makes little sense to me.
Why should the Pirates or Reds or Marlins be willing to lose say 50 million in order to pay the players in full. You may not care if they lose money and thats fine but you would feel a lot different if you owned one of those teams. Honestly I don't care for either side at this point but this idea that the owners should just absorb losses for the good of the game while the players get 100% of their pro rated salaries makes little sense to me.

Where are you getting 50 million from? I will also point out that MLB just signed a 1 BILLION dollar deal with Turner for postseason rights, games that are played by the players basically for free. The players were willing to expand the playoffs and play more games for free.

I will again reiterate. If owners were willing to pay 75 percent of pro rated salaries for an 81 game season on a 100 million dollar normal payroll, that means they would be paying .75 × 50 or 37.5 million. Paying full salaries costs them 12.5 million. A one time expense of 12.5 million dollars would get you the only seat at the big 4 sports table and you're not willing? Fuck off with that shit.
I will also point out that owners have no problem absorbing all of the profit when times are good. 1 year in the red for the good of the game, for the good of the country, for the good of the fans? Nope, cant do it. Again, fuck that shit.
Here where Ill say the NBA and MLB have differed on this.

NBA- this will cost us money , but we understand that long term not finishing out the season could have huge impacts on the sport/league . We care about our sport

MLB- this will cost us 600k to play each game, therefore we want to play as few games as possible ( I also think some of the owners don't want to play at all )
I would not be surprised if there will have to be some bailouts to some franchises here. Maybe that's going into the Owners thinking here, and why they are taking such a hardline approach
does the sporting viewing public really care if Baseball is played or not?

This isn't the NFL, CFB, or even NBA.
This is just as much as the owners being split with each other as it is owners vs players. If we can have football and NBA playoffs in the fall then baseball can do what it wants. Itll be hard to ever want to pay for a regular season game again.
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I was pretty sure it's a subset of owners that didnt want to play. The others with brains should leak their names and force them to sell.

As long as there is no revenue sharing and no cap owners will have different interests. The NFL owners are all in the same boat so it’s easier to get a majority of them to be in agreement with one another. In baseball you can’t possibly expect the Yankees and Pirates to look at this from the same lens when their situations are not nearly the same.
Bad ownership is a huge problem in MLB. Salary floors over a rolling time period should likely be implemented.

I’m fine with a salary floor over several years as long as there is a cap. Right now if you don’t have elite management it’s pretty hard to compete with a payroll less than half of the big markets. Why spend 100 million to lose 90 games when you can spend 70 for the same results.
I’m fine with a salary floor over several years as long as there is a cap. Right now if you don’t have elite management it’s pretty hard to compete with a payroll less than half of the big markets. Why spend 100 million to lose 90 games when you can spend 70 for the same results.

I think it's fine to spend 70 instead of 100 when you stink, buy you sure as fuck should be spending 130 when you're good instead of just pocketing your revenue sharing payment.
As long as there is no revenue sharing and no cap owners will have different interests. The NFL owners are all in the same boat so it’s easier to get a majority of them to be in agreement with one another. In baseball you can’t possibly expect the Yankees and Pirates to look at this from the same lens when their situations are not nearly the same.

Except there is revenue sharing. And way too many owners pocket the money instead of making their teams more competitive.
Except there is revenue sharing. And way too many owners pocket the money instead of making their teams more competitive.

The revenue sharing is very minor and does little to make the small market teams competitive when you see the top payrolls near 300 million and the low revenue clubs below 100 million.
The revenue sharing is very minor and does little to make the small market teams competitive when you see the top payrolls near 300 million and the low revenue clubs below 100 million.

BS it’s very minor. They may need a salary cap, but this just isn’t true. There is 10.05 BILLION dollars in the two revenue sharing pools. (2.79 billion is equally distributed each year)

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