Suspending baseball...

If I'm any indication, they're at danger of losing some of their biggest fans. Do they not know or do they not care?

I think baseball takes their most hardcore fans for granted when you see all the proposals they have been floating around for the last couple of years.

I really don't pay much attention at all to the baseball in the regular season , so I don't have as big of issue, but it does seem like at times they just keep shitting on the most avid MLB fans
I think baseball takes their most hardcore fans for granted when you see all the proposals they have been floating around for the last couple of years.

I really don't pay much attention at all to the baseball in the regular season , so I don't have as big of issue, but it does seem like at times they just keep shitting on the most avid MLB fans

The way they have handled is disgraceful
I think baseball takes their most hardcore fans for granted when you see all the proposals they have been floating around for the last couple of years.

I really don't pay much attention at all to the baseball in the regular season , so I don't have as big of issue, but it does seem like at times they just keep shitting on the most avid MLB fans

def seems that way since every proposed change I freakin hate! Seems they would cherish us cause they never gonna win trying to get new fans, not gonna happen. They outta keep us goofy die hards happy!
they are really slow walking this, starting to question if there will even be a season

Its definitely all about safety and not money for the players. This is exactly why they want to play 114 games and not 50. Screw it let them beg back for the 2021 season and see how fans react to them not being willing to compromise.
At one point I was desperate enough to accept a season of any length but I would rather have no season than 48 games.

As Frank pointed out, especially the sooner the season were to start, we‘d anyhow become so annoyed from being hit over the head with the political bullshit ... commentators, commercials, etc. Like the NFL Draft except that happened before all this stuff started
As Frank pointed out, especially the sooner the season were to start, we‘d anyhow become so annoyed from being hit over the head with the political bullshit ... commentators, commercials, etc. Like the NFL Draft except that happened before all this stuff started

You really can't watch any tv at all especially the sports networks without hearing about bullshit like systemic racism every minute. Once games come back I am probably going to watch with the sound turned off.
Its not going to happen. The players are unwilling to compromise at all.

They already agreed to a 25% pay cut, so what more is to discuss now you have to wonder. Seems like, if I’m reading this correctly, the owners aren’t asking for any more concessions than already agreed upon...and the players are getting 75% salary for 50% of a season. How can they say no?
They already agreed to a 25% pay cut, so what more is to discuss now you have to wonder. Seems like, if I’m reading this correctly, the owners aren’t asking for any more concessions than already agreed upon...and the players are getting 75% salary for 50% of a season. How can they say no?

that's exactly how I'm reading it as well.
Then what’s to discuss right? They’re getting more money than they should have expected for playing 76 games. I can’t even imagine how they could say no.

it may be dependent on having a post season, the salary money. I know owners wanted protection in case a second wave forces them to cancel the season again, and the players were against that.

Not sure though
I do get the feeling there are a number of players ( probably small) that just don't want to play . I'm sure there are some owners as well
it may be dependent on having a post season, the salary money. I know owners wanted protection in case a second wave forces them to cancel the season again, and the players were against that.

Not sure though

We aren’t reading it correctly...or rather, that headline is trash.

They will get 75% of the 76 games they’d be playing, in addition to the 25% cut already agreed upon. It breaks down to 35% of their normal full salary for 76 games. And yes, that goes down to 50% if the post season is canceled (why would this be a concern anyway?????).

We aren’t reading it correctly...or rather, that headline is trash.

They will get 75% of the 76 games they’d be playing, in addition to the 25% cut already agreed upon. It breaks down to 35% of their normal full salary for 76 games. And yes, that goes down to 50% if the post season is canceled (why would this be a concern anyway?????).

ok, I don't think this gets approved by the players union
If they are unwilling to accept this they can fuck off and try coming back next season. Fact is the owners are taking a big hit with no gate revenue and the players have to take a hit as well.

Sure, of course. But how can they be expected to make 35% of their salaries to play 50% of the games? That’s seems a bit much.

Especially given how cheap most of the owners have been in the past, pocketing revenue sharing money and refusing to spend it making their teams better.

Why can’t the owners just allow fans in their stadiums and move on? It’s all one big fucking social experiment anyway, people aren’t catching a respiratory virus outside in the middle of summer ffs. Just open your ballparks and let the chips fall where they may.
both sides are treating this like they have all the time in the world to come to a solution...There are a bunch of other steps that have to be put into place even when they come to an agreement on salaries
Sure, of course. But how can they be expected to make 35% of their salaries to play 50% of the games? That’s seems a bit much.

Especially given how cheap most of the owners have been in the past, pocketing revenue sharing money and refusing to spend it making their teams better.

Why can’t the owners just allow fans in their stadiums and move on? It’s all one big fucking social experiment anyway, people aren’t catching a respiratory virus outside in the middle of summer ffs. Just open your ballparks and let the chips fall where they may.

I am all for letting fans in the stands but we know that isn't going to happen especially in places like New York and California with their idiotic governors and mayors. As far as the owners being cheap I will look at it from my teams perspective. The Brewers have consistently had a high payroll for being the smallest market in the game and I would be shocked if they aren't going to lose a ton of money with no fans in the stands.

The Yankees and Dodgers will be fine regardless but teams like the Brewers are taking big losses this season regardless of how many games are played. If the players aren't willing to play for less I just say screw it lets not play at all. The small market teams greatly outnumber the major markets and their votes don't count any less. If they can't find a way to play at least 80 games or so let them just cme back next season and hope that the fans come back. I certainly will because I love the sport and my team but I understand why the casual fan won't come back so quickly.
If a team has a payroll of 150 million, they are telling the fans fuck you over 17 million dollars (what they save by paying 75 percent instead of the whole thing). That's bullshit.
If a team has a payroll of 150 million, they are telling the fans fuck you over 17 million dollars (what they save by paying 75 percent instead of the whole thing). That's bullshit.

Why should small market teams that are heavily dependent on revenue from fans at the games be willing to pay the pro rated salaries and take a big loss for the season. Yeah the big markets will be fine but the teams with little revenue from local tv contracts are pretty much screwed.

It’s kind of like the reopening of the economy with limited capacity at restaurants. The Starbucks and McDonald’s will be bringing in less revenue under these constraints but they will be fine but the independent local restaurant will suffer greatly. I think it’s wrong to paint all teams with the same broad brush.
Because their franchises are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and if they shit on fans now their franchises will likely be worth much more than 17 million dollars less a year from now.
Because their franchises are worth hundreds of millions of dollars and if they shit on fans now their franchises will likely be worth much more than 17 million dollars less a year from now.

Teams are losing a lot of money and they have to draw the line somewhere. Players should understand that they can’t get 100% of the pro rated pay when the revenue streams are greatly reduced. Both sides are going to lose out on something but it seems to me that the players are not willing to compromise when they have to realize that no fans in the stands means less money for them.
Baseball has always been my favorite sport but I’m getting fed up with this nonsense. There has to be some sort of compromise but I don’t think one will be reached. If they can’t agree to play 80 games or so there is no reason to play at all.
Teams are losing a lot of money and they have to draw the line somewhere. Players should understand that they can’t get 100% of the pro rated pay when the revenue streams are greatly reduced. Both sides are going to lose out on something but it seems to me that the players are not willing to compromise when they have to realize that no fans in the stands means less money for them.

But it seems easy, just pro rate the fucking salaries based on how many games you’re playing, minus the 25% cut already agreed upon. The end.

And the Brewers are the exception...many small market teams have owners that pocket the revenue sharing money and don’t do nearly enough to win games.
Owners should work something out between themselves if they need to. I wonder who is dragging their feet. Surely, teams like the marlins, royals, and pirates arent dragging their feet over 8 or 10 million bucks, are they? If so, they should be forced out as owners. And you're not telling me the Cubs, dodgers, yanks, and red Sox cant afford the 25 million. That's just 1 year of shitty johnny damon, matt kemp, or jason heyward for fucks sake.
There’s going to be baseball in one form or another, but it seems to be trending toward the MLB forcing the 48 game schedule, which is garbage.
Should do some feature on the scouts, many of which will be unemployed on Friday. No need to have this draft until August. It was discussed, but owners didnt want to delay it because they didnt want to pay scouts another 2 months.