Suspending baseball...

That's ideal as can be.

It allows opportunity for fans at a later date.

It is realistic as well.

This has the chance to be a really fun season. Now, gambling could be very wild!
With the way some of these states are handling the virus I would be shocked if we get any baseball at all unless its played with no fans in Arizona and Florida.
I have no idea why but they lowered the draft to 5 rounds and after that teams can sign as many players as they want for 20k. I've always thought the 40 or 50 rounds that they used to have was way too much but they need more than 5 rounds. This is going to cause a huge increase in high school kids going to school instead of signing for 20k.
What’s up bitches. My local just opened back up. Who’s got some Korean plays tonight?? Hope everyone is well
I have no idea why but they lowered the draft to 5 rounds and after that teams can sign as many players as they want for 20k. I've always thought the 40 or 50 rounds that they used to have was way too much but they need more than 5 rounds. This is going to cause a huge increase in high school kids going to school instead of signing for 20k.

Owners wanted it. Nobody else did. Everyone else pushed for 10. Owners are pinching pennies. They also wanted to keep in early June so they can lay off all the scouts as soon as it's over.

Also FWIW, Buster Olney was on ESPN Radio Saturday morning and said he believes baseball won't be played be played at all this year.
Owners wanted it. Nobody else did. Everyone else pushed for 10. Owners are pinching pennies. They also wanted to keep in early June so they can lay off all the scouts as soon as it's over.

Also FWIW, Buster Olney was on ESPN Radio Saturday morning and said he believes baseball won't be played be played at all this year.

If Buster Olney says no baseball my money is on the season starting no later than July 4.
Owners submitting their plan to MLBPA today....let's see if these candy ass players can take not seeing their families for a few months to give us some baseball. Prepare for the concerned sportswriter outrage.
Owners submitting their plan to MLBPA today....let's see if these candy ass players can take not seeing their families for a few months to give us some baseball. Prepare for the concerned sportswriter outrage.
Yup, sportswriters will be freaking today.
Owners basically saying they will lose money if they have to play without fans and pay pro-rated salaries

I’m a little skeptical of that
Owners basically saying they will lose money if they have to play without fans and pay pro-rated salaries

I’m a little skeptical of that

Depends what team you are talking about. The Yankees and Dodgers will be fine regardless but the Brewers rely heavily on gate revenue with their local tv contract being as awful as it is.
Blake Snell is a fucking pussy. The end.

If you have ever heard Blake Snell speak you would know that if he wasn't lucky enough to be a major league pitcher he would be lucky to hold down a minimum wage job.
I hope this doesn't generate any kind of domino effect. But Snell isn't the only absolute moron or bitch who's also an elite athlete.
I get not wanting to take a huge pay cut and still play, especially as a pitcher where your arm can fall off any time you take the mound and throw 99. But the "risk my life" shit is pretty bad.
I get not wanting to take a huge pay cut and still play, especially as a pitcher where your arm can fall off any time you take the mound and throw 99. But the "risk my life" shit is pretty bad.

The only thing about the “pay cut” he refers to is that they’ll get paid for the games they’re going to play. Outside of the 25% reduction, or whatever it is, of course. He wants to get paid for 162 games even though they’ll be playing half of’s absurd.
The only thing about the “pay cut” he refers to is that they’ll get paid for the games they’re going to play. Outside of the 25% reduction, or whatever it is, of course. He wants to get paid for 162 games even though they’ll be playing half of’s absurd.

Stop being so mean to Blake Snell. He is clearly a victim not getting paid for a full 162 game schedule.
I get not wanting to take a huge pay cut and still play, especially as a pitcher where your arm can fall off any time you take the mound and throw 99. But the "risk my life" shit is pretty bad.

I understand negotiating and getting you're fair safe but when you start backing it up with that type of stuff ..cut it out
This is fucking insane. Might as well just cancel sports going forward if this is the complete garbage they’re proposing. What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?

This is fucking insane. Might as well just cancel sports going forward if this is the complete garbage they’re proposing. What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?


This is the question...

If they are testing them beforehand, why all the restrictions?

This is the question...

If they are testing them beforehand, why all the restrictions?

That was my question about the upcoming golf match. Why on Earth do they need to “social distance” if they’re being tested? Nobody answered, by the way. As usual, it was cricket time.

Someone standing in RF in a huge baseball stadium can’t spit or chew seeds? Hahahahahaha.
That was my question about the upcoming golf match. Why on Earth do they need to “social distance” if they’re being tested? Nobody answered, by the way. As usual, it was cricket time.

Someone standing in RF in a huge baseball stadium can’t spit or chew seeds? Hahahahahaha.

It's part of being in this together
What scares me is that these are the guys who little kids worship and seek to emulate.

There aren't little kids looking up to baseball players anymore...that's their problem. Football and hoops have taken over....the average age of a baseball fan according to the last article I read is 57. The game is dying...and they don't know how to fix it.

Basketball has never been played at a higher level.

Hockey with their rule changes has improved their game ten times over.

Football will always be king.

Hell, UFC is even a company that gets it...they have turned themselves into a billion dollar business.

Baseball is the old guy yelling at the cloud....the game that I once considered my favorite sport is hard to watch for me now. So there aren't little kids looking up to emulate any of these guys IMO
Mike Trout doesn't want to play unless they can get tested every day. I can't believe how many of these guys are total pussies.

it’s hilarious. They like the most likely group of ppl the virus would have little effect on yet some them acting like they risking their lives to play! My fucking ass. So pathetic this generation is. It like humanity gets softer every freakin generation!