Suspending baseball...

So they are getting full pro rated ?

owners did all this and basically agreed to what players wanted all along ?

guess they aren’t able to file grievance, which is a win for owners I think

Public pressure was really starting to turn on owners in the past week

Is this still based in two bubbles?

For some reason I thought they decided home parks would be fine.
Just cancel it...this bickering is really killing the sport and people's perception of it. Major black eye for mlb already...because it really doesn't have very much to do with's greed.

To boot, it has probably the worst commissioner in my lifetime of any pro sport.
The players turned down the 60 game season with full pay. Fuck them and I hope the owners just cancel the season instead of this back and forth thats going nowhere.

If this is the final proposal, then do they play with replacement players like 1987 or whatever year that was?
No replacement players. The union thinks they can win a grievance but I don't see how. The owners offered the full pro rated pay for 60 games so I have no clue what the players want.

This is bizarre.... It doesn't even have to do with Covid-19 precautions either, which is what this was all about in the first place.
This is bizarre.... It doesn't even have to do with Covid-19 precautions either, which is what this was all about in the first place.
Keep in mind that according to Jason Mackey with the Athletic, the safety protocols for training camps and a season of games are still under negotiations as well. Three months and there is literally nothing in place yet.
Keep in mind that according to Jason Mackey with the Athletic, the safety protocols for training camps and a season of games are still under negotiations as well. Three months and there is literally nothing in place yet.

Unreal. Social media is saying it's back but not sure on the logistics.