**************Super Bowl Ingame***************

Fins could get a TD, but somehow Tanny will throw an out on the 2 point conversion and Cincy will house it the other way.
This guy on FS1, voice sounds like he just gargled nails and just called TT Texas. Fox is so fucking awful with virtually everything they touch
It's got to be him, worst announcing voice I've ever heard

Tech doing everything they can to give me blue balls
this Wembley grass field sucks...players slipping all over the place.

Maybe they need longer cleats or something.
I'm guessing all the fans in the stands with other team jerseys were given them for free by the NFL along with those stupid flags. I think every team is represented in the stands. What are the odds a Titans fan in London is going to watch another AFC South team play??
Take it a step further, I think David Carr had a better supporting cast in his first year
This day deserves the all sport ingame as I'll spend all day watching golf while periodically checking in on the NFL
Liking Browns tt over 20 for the 12 games to along with my other plays