Super Bowl Discussion Rams vs Pats @Atlanta Stadium

He does get a lot of luck. More than usual you would have to conclude--

I believe Brady's heaven QUI is very high- Heaven Qui is the luck you are born with- Your attributes- Looks height smarts intelligence resiliency-

Think about it-- Brady is like 6'5 handsome- model wife- rich- GOAT- gets lucky breaks as you pointed out---

Hes obviously been set up for success by the GODS above- He got the best of everything even without football--

He has been given every good characteristic- patience- competitiveness, resilience- smarts- leader- aggressive--

Heaven QUI is real--

Ragnar Lothbrok basically.
They simply wouldn‘t have won as much. Brady didn‘t always have something to take advantage of, like what did he exploit when he was watching Seattle drive at the sidelines. He was completely helpless. Just like when he fumbled against Oakland and in so many other examples. The deflategate spygate Patriots are a product of the nfl
That's a pretty BS argument that the spygate Pats are a product of the NFL IMO.

Now if you want to argue that the Patriots are the luckiest team to have SOOOOOOO MANY ridiculous idiotic occurrences happen by their opponents to keep giving them chances, then I'd probably be buying.

Listen, I live in New England. It is a football nightmare. But nobody made Dee Ford line up in the neutral zone, Pete Carroll not give Marshawn the ball at the 1, Matt Ryan take sacks to knock Atl out of FG range...

Luck is a part of the game.

Jesus, I still remember watching the game where Jets Linebacker Mo Lewis hit Drew Bledsoe so hard he broke his ribs. It was 14-7 Jets victory in Foxboro. Pats were going to be eating crap like a goat as they had this re-tread 2nd year head coach who'd won nothing...and a 6th round 199th overall pick backup who had no experience.

To this day I hate Mo Fucking Lewis.
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. TJ

Maybe the Patriots just work harder then everyone else? Maybe Dee Ford did not have the work ethic or discipline to not line up like that, considering he did it again in the Pro Bowl that would seem to be the case. Practice, reps, disciplined coaching all goes into that. Do the Patriots do stupid shit like that, no! Why? Luck?
Brady is so freaking overrated. How is the tuck rule his doing? Matt Ryan taking a sack to get out of field goal position? Russ throwing at the one? The roughing the passer vs the Chiefs keeping that drive a lot. Sooo much of „his“ winning legacy is gifted

Vircavs....your dislike for the Pats is looking a little obvious here....Brady works harder than any QB in the league....he has watched more film than any QB in the league by twice and that includes Peyton....luck isn't something that is particular to a person, it is the result of hard work and relentless pursuit.....following a game Brady goes immediately to his next opponent and studies and by Monday morning when all the Pats are sitting the war room going over Sunday's goofs and upcoming opponent Belichick says if he's not totally prepared then Brady blows him out of the water.....he reads defense as well as anyone and that's because he studies more than anyone....and what game were you watching last week when Brady was zipping balls at 100mph into ridiculiously small windows within 1.5 seconds of identifying where he was going....i could go on and on but the facts are Brady had been operating at the very highest level for 17 years against the very best and succeeding not due to luck but because he is an incredibly high functioning human being who works harder than anyone at his craft....for you to demean that is just plain wrong
Sounds like Roger is leaning toward an open roof, not sure it much matters because that little hole in the roof shouldn't effect much other than the flyover
And as you all know I am a Sox,Celtis,Pats Bruins fan in that order and have been for 51 years since I was 12....and I respect our opponents when they come in and kick our ass and give them the credit they are due....Mariano who pitched 115 games against us over 19 years and never gave up more than one home run per year...he's awesome...and the coach of the Eagles last year for calling a brilliant offensive game against us last year....and Mickey who hit 536 home runs with a hangover....those guys weren't lucky, they were fucking good
Pats aren‘t good enough to win without stupid luck
It could be discipline. Luck favors the prepared, and if BB's team is anything it's prepared. That actually makes a lot of sense. I'm proud of that. Also it might make the opposing team's gaffes seem more amplified when Pats are covering their asses on all the intangibles the entire game/season/etc.. So on the flipside I guess it's "How disciplined are the Rams?" I don't know.
1st Q OVER 10.5 +116... NE has already shown how it moves up the field and scores on their 1st possession of the game. Any reason to not think they do it again?! Rams 4th highest points scored in the 1st Q this past season... I'm jumping in...
Belichick average 0.4 ppg in the 1Q of eight Super Bowls: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3 and Pats u½ 1Q only paying 2/1 if that says anything
The books know Pats don't historically beat up on teams in the SB & it always comes down to the 4th Q. I believe the 6 against Falcons was their largest margin of victory.
absolute value margin of victory in Belichick eight Super Bowls: 3,3,3,3,4,4,6,8
Brady is so freaking overrated. How is the tuck rule his doing? Matt Ryan taking a sack to get out of field goal position? Russ throwing at the one? The roughing the passer vs the Chiefs keeping that drive a lot. Sooo much of „his“ winning legacy is gifted

Of all the retarded posts you've made this one takes the cake.
If you're discussing luck then its only fair to include the dropped interception and the helmet catch that were of the pats superbowl losses. You're right that they've been lucky but its part of the game and a solid argument shouldn't cherry pick only the plays that support your assertion. And his resolve for the comeback against Atlanta, its hard to acknowledge that there's a chance he may not be overrated.
Well there was also the Edelman shoestring grab. I‘m not denying that luck is part of the game, i‘m just saying he‘s been gifted it more than most. So far people are just responding with insults or rationalizing pathos that he works hard. His winning legacy is absurdly overblown
Well there was also the Edelman shoestring grab. I‘m not denying that luck is part of the game, i‘m just saying he‘s been gifted it more than most. So far people are just responding with insults or rationalizing pathos that he works hard. His winning legacy is absurdly overblown

After Sunday, Tom Brady will have played in more SUPER BOWLS (9) than ROAD PLAYOFF GAMES (8) ...he is in his 17th season and is 41 years old.

He is UNDERRATED in reality...You and I (and the world) will NEVER see another player like him for the rest of our lives.
Not a lot of road playoff games, huh? Cause six games per year aren‘t annual gimmes in the afc east

I hope there isn‘t another like him. Tired of the rules being changed so often for one fucking player
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After Sunday, Tom Brady will have played in more SUPER BOWLS (9) than ROAD PLAYOFF GAMES (8) ...he is in his 17th season and is 41 years old.

He is UNDERRATED in reality...You and I (and the world) will NEVER see another player like him for the rest of our lives.

Not a lot of road playoff games, huh? Cause six games per year aren‘t annual gimmes in the afc east

I hope there isn‘t another like him. Tired of the rules being changed so often for one fucking player

Break that down year by year (take away the team that won the division) and see which divisions have the best records...

After Sunday, Tom Brady will have played in more SUPER BOWLS (9) than ROAD PLAYOFF GAMES (8) ...he is in his 17th season and is 41 years old.

He is UNDERRATED in reality...You and I (and the world) will NEVER see another player like him for the rest of our lives.

Correct. A once-in-a-lifetime player. There's never been a better combination of dedication, drive, preparedness and ability to perform in the clutch. And there never will be.

And above and beyond, Brady is just a genuinely good dude and it's the one reason I love the guy so much and why he's my most favorite athlete, ever. And it's not close. You can hate him all you want for the success, I guess that's a reason. But you damn sure can't hate him for this, and it's oft-repeated over many years:

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Phillip Dorsett sat on a table inside the New England Patriots’ training room, having just completed the physical that made him an official member of the franchise. Just then, one of his new teammates entered the room and walked straight toward him. “Hi,” the teammate said. “I’m Tom Brady.”

“I’m like, I know who you are,” Dorsett said this week, laughing. “You don’t have to introduce yourself.”

Brady turned 41 in August, which makes him the oldest non-kicker in the NFL. He belongs to a protected class under the Age Discrimination Act. He’s a decade older than all but six Patriots. About 30 of his teammates this season are closer in age to Brady’s 11-year-old son, Jack, than to Brady.

Brady takes connecting to his teammates seriously. It starts with the greeting Dorsett had in the training room. Every time a new player signs, regardless of stature, Brady makes it a point to say hello. A quarterback who requires no introduction has nonetheless grown expert at it.

“He’s one of the first guys in the building to know a new person’s name,” (Josh) McDaniels said.

Wide receiver Damoun Patterson, 24, joined the Patriots’ practice squad in November. On his first day, Brady held a door open for him, which was “kind of shocking to me,” Patterson said. The next day, Brady approached Patterson and asked, “What’s up, man? What’s your name?” “That was kind of a dream,” Patterson said.

Younger teammates say they can converse with Brady about the music and pop culture they consume. In training camp, teammates spotted Brady attempting the Kodak Bop, a dance move running back James White had performed after a touchdown.

“He’s a very down-to-earth guy, easy to talk to,” 24-year-old defensive end Deatrich Wise Jr. said. “That’s what makes him so likable and lovable on the team, how he builds team chemistry amongst everybody on the team, through just talking, just interacting. And everybody knows who he is, and he knows who he is. He doesn’t allow the stature he has to distance himself from everybody.”
I respect the good guy stuff, I don't think he enjoys it all. Towing the company line to the media has to be so annoying and it's showing. Kinda hope one day he actually is allowed to tell the world how he feels about the "Patriot Way"
Brady dislikes how Belichick has handled him in certain respects over the years, so he (Brady) was especially happy when Kraft forced Belichick to trade Garappolo.

As far as being a genuine person, that's who Brady is - whether inside the Patriots facility, at home or wherever. That really has nothing to do with the company line, the Patriot Way or anything else.
If you're discussing luck then its only fair to include the dropped interception and the helmet catch that were of the pats superbowl losses. You're right that they've been lucky but its part of the game and a solid argument shouldn't cherry pick only the plays that support your assertion. And his resolve for the comeback against Atlanta, its hard to acknowledge that there's a chance he may not be overrated.

Don’t forget about Edelman dropping the sure TD in the 2nd Giants SB which would have probably won the game as well.
I respect the good guy stuff, I don't think he enjoys it all. Towing the company line to the media has to be so annoying and it's showing. Kinda hope one day he actually is allowed to tell the world how he feels about the "Patriot Way"

Outside of a few disagreements I’m sure they’d had, I would imagine Brady loves “the Patriot way.” I recently read a great article about James White and how much he respects and loves that “Patriot way,” and why he fits in so well in NE. It certainly isn’t for everyone, but in reality it’s nothing more than being held accountable for doing your job, which isn’t a bad thing at all.
Was coming from a different direction. It's the Brady Way more so than franchise/coach who implemented Tom's work ethic and responsible teammates to make it a brand. Should be the TB12 way!
Was coming from a different direction. It's the Brady Way more so than franchise/coach who implemented Tom's work ethic and responsible teammates to make it a brand. Should be the TB12 way!

Sure, that makes sense too. But his way is just as restrictive and accountable as the Patriot way, which is why I don’t really think he would ever have much bad to say about it.
As a lifelong patriots fan I've heard it all. I don't mind when people hate on Brady or the Pats because everyone does. But when people use the same tired weak arguments it ends up exposing their own bitterness more than encroaching on Brady and the Patriots objectively historic run. It's just sports, you can hate all you want but why not take it in, you won't see anything like this again.
As a lifelong patriots fan I've heard it all. I don't mind when people hate on Brady or the Pats because everyone does. But when people use the same tired weak arguments it ends up exposing their own bitterness more than encroaching on Brady and the Patriots objectively historic run. It's just sports, you can hate all you want but why not take it in, you won't see anything like this again.

Honestly I love all the hate, makes it easier for me to bet them a lot. It the guys like Peyton and brees I couldn’t stand, those universally loved assholes!! Lol.

Clearly when guy like VC spews that bs bout Brady it hate based and not factual in any way, anyone being honest knows dude is the best we ever have or will ever see.

On other hand the fact I’ve been able to bet on and root for pats over the years it makes me more willing to be against them as well cause I feel when I am it for the right reasons.

I think this one so tough, leaning to only having that rams/under teaser I mentioned earlier in the week. Starting to like the under even more so I might play that straight, far as side love rams with the teased points (obviously that only way to tease the side, if pats were small dogs I’d havd happily teased them up as well), that just more playing numbers than a real strong opinion on outcome. Strongly believe rams defense will put hands on Brady but also agree w most that pats will have success rushing the ball so by time 4th qrtr comes around dunno if rams will still be getting pressure? Only thing I’m fairly confident about is I think it def be another close pats SB and I do feel reasonably confident it played in the 20s and not the 30s. Other than those 2 things im not real sure, lol.
As a lifelong patriots fan I've heard it all. I don't mind when people hate on Brady or the Pats because everyone does. But when people use the same tired weak arguments it ends up exposing their own bitterness more than encroaching on Brady and the Patriots objectively historic run. It's just sports, you can hate all you want but why not take it in, you won't see anything like this again.

Yeah, same here. There aren't a lot of Patriots fans in Austin, to say the least. Wearing my sweatshirt around town today, or any day, always yields looks. I don't like individual sports - tennis, golf, whatever. I gravitate toward team sports and there's never been an organization that best exemplifies what that means than the Patriots. Egos and names are checked at the door - from 1 to 53 and beyond, and that includes Tom Brady. They don't have the best athletes or players, but the sum is and has been the best in the business. I have absolutely zero ties to anyone or anything in the far northeast but I absolutely love how New England approaches the team aspect of sports and that's why I like them so much.
BettorX hammered Rams ML.
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Million-dollar bets show up on Rams in Las Vegas
By David Purdum

A flurry of big Super Bowl bets, some greater than $1 million, showed up on the Los Angeles Rams late this week in Las Vegas, the largest ones coming from a bettor who shredded sportsbooks for millions on last year's Super Bowl.

MGM Resorts reported taking a $2 million money-line bet on the Rams late Thursday. Bookmaker William Hill on Friday said it took a $1.5 million money-line bet on the Rams, and hours later the sportsbook at South Point Casino in Las Vegas reported taking a $300,000 money-line bet on Los Angeles. The bets were made at +120 odds and first reported by the Vegas Stats & Information Network and RotoGrinders.
Sources told ESPN that those bets were made by the same customer who last year went on a remarkable gambling run that stretched from the 2017 World Series through Super Bowl LII between the Philadelphia Eaglesand New England Patriots.
Bookmakers and the media nicknamed him "Bettor X," and he did some damage. The bettor, who has asked to remain anonymous, won $10 million in the World Series between the Houston Astros and Los Angeles Dodgers. He followed it up by staking between $8 million and $10 million on the underdog Eagles to beat the Patriots in Super Bowl LII. Philadelphia won 41-33, and Bettor X ended up with a net $25 million from the run.
Now, he's back, betting again against the Patriots in Super Bowl LIII.
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Before Patriots fans get concerned, their team does have a 9-5 record in games Parry has refereed. The Rams are 7-0 in games Parry has officiated, however, including an NFC Divisional Round win over the Dallas Cowboys nearly two weeks ago.
What makes for a well-officiated Super Bowl? In the minds of many, it's a game with minimal flags. On paper, at least, we have a chance for that outcome in Sunday's Super Bowl LIII.

The Los Angeles Rams and New England Patriots tied for the NFL's seventh-fewest penalties during the regular season (113). Referee John Parry's regular-season crew ranked right in the middle of the league with an average of 15.8 flags per game, and his first postseason crew threw 10 during the Rams' 30-22 divisional-round victory over the Dallas Cowboys.
Generally speaking, penalty totals in recent Super Bowls have fallen below season averages. There were only eight last year in Super Bowl LII, and the average per game since 2010 is 13.3 -- nearly two flags lower than the regular-season average per game (15.2). Crews that "let them play," of course, can sometimes lull themselves into a bad spot. Consider the NFC Championship Game two weeks ago, marred in the fourth quarter when referee Bill Vinovich's crew failed to penalize Rams cornerback Nickell Robey-Coleman for pass interference. There are many theories to explain the missed call, but the simplest is that it was an extension of allowing physical play from defenders the entire game.
Psychological hurdles aside, let's take a closer look at what we can glean about the all-star crew Parry will take to Atlanta. It is made up of highly graded officials from six different regular-season crews and should be viewed as the best the NFL has to offer. We'll pair their positional assignments with the major fouls each will be responsible for monitoring.

Super Bowl LIII officiating crew
Position Name Regular-season crew RefereeJohn Parry--UmpireFred BryanClay MartinDown judgeEdgar CampShawn HochuliLine judgeJeff BergmanAlex KempField judgeSteve ZimmerBrad AllenSide judgeEugene HallCarl CheffersBack judgeTerrence MilesBrad Allen

Roughing the passer
The scourge of September reappeared in the AFC Championship Game when the Patriots gained a key first down on a phantom grab of Tom Brady's face mask by Kansas City Chiefs defensive end Chris Jones. The referee is responsible for most fouls involving the quarterback, so it should be noted that Parry threw the NFL's second-most flags for roughing the passer during the regular season (11).
Both Super Bowl teams pride themselves on strong pass rushes, both ranking in the top three in pressure rate -- percentage of dropbacks in which the quarterback was sacked, hit or put under duress -- during the regular season, according to ESPN Stats & Information research. The Patriots have been far and away the best at delivering pressure during the playoff run, with their 44.9 percent rate ranking No. 1 by almost 5 percent. But the Rams' aggressive pass rush tied for the second-most roughing penalties this season (six), including two from defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh. It should consider itself warned.
Offensive holding
Parry and umpire Fred Bryan will be the primary officials looking for a foul that experienced a curious one-week blip during the regular season. Parry's regular-season crew threw 59 flags for offensive holding, fifth most in the NFL, while Bryan's threw 54 (No. 8).
The player to watch here is Patriots left tackle Trent Brown, who was penalized seven times for offensive holding during the regular season, tied for the fourth most in the league. As a team, the Rams were penalized the fourth-fewest times for holding (21), but left tackle Andrew Whitworth and center John Sullivan were flagged four times apiece for it.
Pre-snap movement
Watching for false starts, encroachment and neutral-zone infractions will fall to down judge Edgar Camp, line judge Jeff Bergman and Bryan, the umpire. You would think that detecting early movement would be an objective, straightforward endeavor, but there are annually wide gaps in tolerance among crews for these fouls.
Parry's regular-season crew actually called the fewest (31), nearly half of the most active crew (Shawn Hochuli, 57). Bergman was part of Hochuli's crew, but the regular-season crews of Camp and Bryan each ranked in the bottom half of pre-snap flags. Both teams were quite disciplined in the regular season; the Rams committed the second-fewest pre-snap penalties (17), and the Patriots ranked No. 8 (21).
Players to watch here are the Rams' Whitworth and Patriots right tackle Marcus Cannon, each of whom was penalized four times for false starts.
Pass defense
Four officials will share primary responsibility for pass interference and related penalties. Of that group, one -- Camp, the down judge -- spent the regular season with a crew that threw a high number of such flags. Serving with Hochuli, Camp was part of a crew that called the fourth-most combined penalties for defensive pass interference, illegal contact and defensive holding (44). It also called nine penalties for offensive pass interference, the third most.
On the other hand, side judge Eugene Hall was part of referee Carl Cheffers' crew, which called the fewest combined penalties in pass defense (27), including only nine for defensive pass interference. The other two relevant officials, field judge Steve Zimmer and back judge Terrence Miles, were part of referee Brad Allen's crew, which ranked No. 9 with 38 combined flags.
The players to watch here are Patriots cornerback Stephon Gilmore, who was called for eight combined penalties in pass defense, and Rams cornerback Marcus Peters, who was called for six.
Not overthinking this one. Pats win and win easily. First, experience matters. Secondly, the saints should be playing not the Rams.
I have zero understanding for the point that saints should be playing its so nonsensical that it makes me want to blind-bet the Rams haha. Wtf does that have to do with this match-up. The Rams are playing the Patriots that‘s all there is too it. Cap that. If anything, Rams gonna use the „nobody thinks we should be here“ as a motivation angle cause everyone loves to be the freaking underdog
So let's take the one aspect of this game that the Rams backers are banking on. That Donald gets to Brady. And it's very legit, the guy is a stud with numbers that no one has ever seen, recently. And he may very well get to Brady and make this a contest. But what if he doesn't? The Pats are coached by the very best O line coach in maybe forever and they are playing at their best currently. So maybe they have a plan to impede Donald. And then there's Suh. Average numbers at best IMO. Distracted when things don't go his way so vulnerable. Nothing else in the entire Rams attack is superior to the Pats. Nothing. They are very good in a lot of areas but not exceedingly better than the Pats. And the Pats have an edge in a lot of the intangibles one of which is the experience of being there so they are not going to blink. I understand the thought that the Rams may be more athletic, if so, to perform to the needed level will take structure, discipline and execution on the largest stage. Le's kick the ball,run fast and see who comes out on top.
I have zero understanding for the point that saints should be playing its so nonsensical that it makes me want to blind-bet the Rams haha. Wtf does that have to do with this match-up. The Rams are playing the Patriots that‘s all there is too it. Cap that. If anything, Rams gonna use the „nobody thinks we should be here“ as a motivation angle cause everyone loves to be the freaking underdog
All teams in any sport at any level use this pity me approach. Pats been using it this year, Dabo said it this year after hoisting the trophy and saying little ole Clemson, Sabah says it on stage after every chip. Played out AF
All teams in any sport at any level use this pity me approach. Pats been using it this year, Dabo said it this year after hoisting the trophy and saying little ole Clemson, Sabah says it on stage after every chip. Played out AF

100% agree. Sick of it. Its deluded and repetitive as fuck
Not a lot of road playoff games, huh? Cause six games per year aren‘t annual gimmes in the afc east

I hope there isn‘t another like him. Tired of the rules being changed so often for one fucking player

The Patriots are 71-19 since 2003 in the AFC East. That’s a .788 winning percentage. Outside the division, they are 118-32 (.786).

Every game is a virtual gummy vs tommy touchdown aka the goat aka hes still here aka the norcal Neptune bomber aka aka tom mother fucking brady