Sunday Showdown


Calculated Risk Taker
Updated Record 60-40-1 60% (+32) Units NBA units SINCE 1/1/07
Hit 60% for the first 100 plays hope I can keep it up.....

For today I see Revenge and I see an Overvalued Miami Heat team...I know back to back 4of5 yada yada yada, I really see the Wizards geting it done in Miami, they want to prove they are a force in the east.......

Too many points........

WIZARDS +5 1 unit
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Adding Portland Trail Blazers...
GS has become a popular play and historicly they have been bad on the road, they a 6-2? on the road...The Blazers are rested and at home and thats all I need to know....Portland can keep up against the no defense playing Warriors.....:shake:

Portland -1 1 unit
Portland looking good man. I hit them up 2h +1. I know I lost a lot of value, but I wanted to see the first half.

:cheers: To a good 2nd half