Sunday how bad is Cutch's injury Discussion

yeah i agree, but she works at a place that name half there sandwich with Steeler player names...youd figure she has an idea
yeah i agree, but she works at a place that name half there sandwich with Steeler player names...youd figure she has an idea

Yeah, I agree. Just like when you go to a sports bar and there's a big game going on and they're not showing it. Then you ask and they're clueless.
i have been de-briefed on what happened in my absence. Men left everywhere. Rockets being hit everywhere. Two men thrown out at the plate or at third with a man about to score (WTF?), a couple of double plays... i turn on just in time to see 34 for Boston pose for the second time in two days on a warning track flyball (Soriano got lost out there ayer, Ichiro did not tonight), then watched a guy for Yankees crunch one that gets banged down by the wind. Sigh.

I guess for now I'll just root for 4-4 and not be greedy.
i have an excessive bet on this OVER. I need to get it to 4-4 so i can somewhat relax. Need a run here. Buddy Gardner has smacked the ball twice for outs to that queer Nava
stone fucking right, don't care about the result... except I NEED to result; this is not a 1 unit play. THis is a week maker or breaker; one of the few times I'm in a sweat for my whole week on the last game.
Always considered O'Nora more an over ump than anything but his zone has been pretty wide tonight
Cant believe this over is in such bad shape... SOOOO many hard hit balls, home runs that missed by a couple feet, etc.
It's 3-2 and I think I only want 3-3 or 6-3 because anything in-between, while giving me 3 more outs, makes Boston a prohibitive favorite with their pen.