Sunday how bad is Cutch's injury Discussion

lmao McCann got hit in the hand off the deflection, this is the most amazing fucking game... only boston-yankees.... come on, has to last at least another 2 hours!
I'm not sure I've seen more of a stone over that's not getting over this season thus far. Brutal game here.
good point, it's a getaway day for the umps also. That said, I always handicap that into my sunday night game. My price on the game was 11u20 (or 10.5ov15, almost the same). When you get 2 full runs the best of it, and it flies in your face, you go for more. Result be damned (sigh)...
i am sweating this one significantly more than i usually would a baseball 5 ish unit bet because of how bad it's been since, well, last baseball season. It's always supposed to turn around at some point, but jesus h christ i sure wish it would start here in the next 24 minutes or so...
CDS, was covered over a roughly two page span somewhere around the start of this game, when i lost power i would say the up and down is around page 24 or so
I've only got one unit on this over but I'm rooting hard for you Rex, know you've got a shit ton on the line.
Is the wind blowing in? How many guys tonight thought they got all of it...for it to not even reach the warning track?
wind was supposed to be blowing slightly out, but it can't be because everything that has gotten lift has died...beltran's homer was a line drive
I think they had him detained, they never said he was arrested... I guess he yelled "bomb" in the airport, so, sounds like making it bigger than it actually was.

What I just read paints a bit of a different story. Says he was selected for random search and got real angry and walked toward the gates saying he had a bomb. He was still belligerent when the cops arrived.