Suicidal Jayson Williams gets tazed

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Apparently cops get called to a Manhattan hotel room to deal with someone "drunk and violent," turns out it's Jayson Williams who's barricaded himself in the room, drunk with pill bottles all over the place.

They have to break out the stun gun to put him down.

He's now in the hospital, ESPN says he's suicidal.

That ain't good.
Wow, absolutely terrible. This guy really could of had it all post-career. He was/is one of the more personable characters out there. He woulda been 2nd to only Barkley for studio guys/announcers. The whole incident at his place, and subsequent events is sad. Haven't heard much about him in recent years.

Still have his book. Was a great read for those who have never read/heard of it.
Wow, absolutely terrible. This guy really could of had it all post-career. He was/is one of the more personable characters out there.

I agree. Sadly, he's probably going to end up in jail if he doesn't do himself in first.
did he at least get to yell "don't taze me bro" before they hit him?
Jayson Williams at it again

Cops take ex-NBA star Jayson Williams to hospital

By COLLEEN LONG, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 19 minutes ago

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NEW YORK (AP)—Officers stunned a drunken and agitated Jayson Williams with a Taser at a swank Manhattan hotel Monday morning after reports that the troubled ex-NBA star appeared suicidal, police said.
Police were called to the hotel in Battery Park City in lower Manhattan around 4 a.m. after a report that the former New Jersey Nets star was suicidal, authorities said.
When officers arrived, there were empty bottles of prescription drugs strewn around the disheveled hotel suite of the 6-foot-10 Williams, police said.
Emergency Services Unit police, an elite team trained to deal with emotionally disturbed people, responded and stunned Williams with a Taser, handcuffed him and took him to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.
Williams played nine seasons in the NBA with the Nets and the Philadelphia 76ers before retiring in 2000.

He was convicted in 2004 of trying to cover up the shooting death of his hired driver Costas “Gus” Christofi at his mansion in Alexandria Township, N.J., in February 2002.
Williams was acquitted of aggravated manslaughter, but the jury deadlocked on a reckless manslaughter count. A retrial is pending. Williams has been free on bail since the shooting.
His wife filed divorce papers this year claiming he was abusive, adulterous and had a drug problem.
Williams’ manager told the Daily News of New York outside a Manhattan hospital that the athlete was on the mend.
“Jayson is doing fine. He said he was fine,” Akhtar Farzaie told the newspaper. “All of us are here to be by his side as friends.”
Williams graduated from New York City’s Christ the King High School, one of the country’s biggest producers of college and pro basketball stars.
He was a first-round pick in the 1990 NBA draft and went on to become a valuable Nets star. He was named an All-Star and ranked second in the NBA for the 1997-1998 with 13 rebounds per game and a league-high 443 offensive rebounds.
An injury forced career-ending surgery in 2000.
hopefully he's recover well.

Hopefully he doesn't. Dude is a murderer, just because he was a ex nba player is the only reason you are saying this. He worked the corrupt rich people legal system like Oj and now his mind is eating him the fuck up for what he did. Now the little pussy can't even kill himself properly. His life should be taken for the life he has taken. Can't believe anyone would want this dude to recover well, I hope he rots. I give a damn how good of a career you had.
that's a messed up situation there. but his life was never going to the same after that "mistake" he made years ago.

man, I didnt even know he was out of jail.