STEED n JUMP Vs. SCHRUTE n M.W. in-game

I always hear how good chef is, but I have yet to see a game where he didn't look terrible at times.
Alex is lucky he's my brother from another

I am an ACC dude as well, remember

i cheer for these guys

have satellite tv where I am tonite...flipping channels much delayed vs cable
Can someone explain why 2 big bowls are on at the same tonight? This is annoying, same shit happened on Jan 1st.
Funny thing is he is wrong 1/2 the time. My favorite is when he is openly disagreed with on the air. He gets so confused and doesn't know how to react.
Hbomb good feeling for sf this weekend?

2 things....

1. Rogers and Wright questionable with injuries is not good for the SF secondary. 2. Weather. If it weren't for those 2 things, I 'd be very, very confident. I still really like SF to win this weekend, but there are the unknowns. Still think Niners are much better suited for the cold than GB despite public opinion differing on the matter.
agree with SF being better cold weather team...(rushing team, strong run D , etc....) IF, it is as cold as they say, it will be the coldest playoff game in the history of the NFL....51 below zero with the wind chill factored in.