STEED n JUMP Vs. SCHRUTE n M.W. in-game

Didn't know that. Then yes you can hate as much as we do. Fucking cocksucker he is

He even said he wanted to teach his son to throw a curveball which was harder in the thin air. Wtf does that have to do with anything you dick? Of his lips are moving, he's lying. His fake health issues should really piss you guys of
He even said he wanted to teach his son to throw a curveball which was harder in the thin air. Wtf does that have to do with anything you dick? Of his lips are moving, he's lying. His fake health issues should really piss you guys of

I hate nothing nor no one more than him.
hey twink - who was the recruit that said "I'm going to the University of LSU?"

Was his name Stern? I remember that fucking clown on NBA draft day announcing that some team had selected a player from Georgia Tech University.
Don't get me wrong - Strong's coaching resume is pretty strong (ha), but he wouldn't have been my choice.
Strong to Texas when they could have had Briles? Wow - huge mistake.

MW: not sure they cudda had Briles. Briles and his wife from Central, N Central area. Briles did not want to put up with social pressure, bs of being TX coach...etc... just my somewhat informed opinion