Stafford And Lions and Rams oh my!

lol. There spots in stl where one street perfectly fine, then a street or 2 over you better watch your ass! Lol.
Checkerboard. It’s like that here, but it’s insane.
Literally Victorian mansion and next block wat h your ass is right
Seems like rams want Stafford. I read

Goff, this year #2, next year #1 and a #3 for Stafford.

I'd take that all day as a lions fan. I'm a big Goff fan though. He's never really had a great wr corp unless you think Robert Woods or Brandin Cook is a #1 target (I don't). Kupp is a great secondary receiver, not a #1. Then the Lions wouldn't have to draft a qb at #7. Get a great wr or parsons and stock up draft picks.
San Fran and Detroit heating up trade talks to. At the end of this, the lions are gonna fleece someone. I can't believe I just typed that.... But Stafford won't win you a super bowl. Watched the guy for 13 years. He won't win a super bowl. Tough dude but not elite. Doesn't have the mental makeup upstairs and never been a guy to take the team by the reins.
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San Fran and Detroit heating up trade talks to. At the end of this, the lions are gonna fleece someone. I can't believe I just typed that.... But Stafford won't win you a super bowl. Watched the guy for 13 years. He won't win a super bowl. Tough dude but not elite. Doesn't have the mental makeup upstairs and never been a guy to take the team by the reins.

You don't think with Kyle he would be elite? He's had the worst coaching of any QB maybe in NFL history.

I want the 9ers to keep Jimmy because I like him and he came to the 9ers at a time I sort sympathize with and brought a ton of hope.

But I would definitely take Stafford > Watson if I'm saving 25 million/year and 3 1sts
Knowing what I know about the 9ers if trade talks are heating up that's just a bluff to get the Rams to give up even more.

Stafford on the Rams doesn't bother me.
You don't think with Kyle he would be elite? He's had the worst coaching of any QB maybe in NFL history.

I want the 9ers to keep Jimmy because I like him and he came to the 9ers at a time I sort sympathize with and brought a ton of hope.

But I would definitely take Stafford > Watson if I'm saving 25 million/year and 3 1sts

He would be better with McVey or Shanny for sure... But he's 33 and got a short window left to win a bowl. Dude been getting injured and beat up pretty good last few years.

I personally think he's better in an open offense like rams rather than the west coast play action Shanny does.
You don't think with Kyle he would be elite? He's had the worst coaching of any QB maybe in NFL history.

I want the 9ers to keep Jimmy because I like him and he came to the 9ers at a time I sort sympathize with and brought a ton of hope.

But I would definitely take Stafford > Watson if I'm saving 25 million/year and 3 1sts

Call me crazy but I'm a Jimmy G fan
Seems like rams want Stafford. I read

Goff, this year #2, next year #1 and a #3 for Stafford.

I'd take that all day as a lions fan. I'm a big Goff fan though. He's never really had a great wr corp unless you think Robert Woods or Brandin Cook is a #1 target (I don't). Kupp is a great secondary receiver, not a #1. Then the Lions wouldn't have to draft a qb at #7. Get a great wr or parsons and stock up draft picks.
I'm fine with that trade but you have to draft a QB

If we're just trading Goff got Staff, the team gets slightly worse.
San Fran and Detroit heating up trade talks to. At the end of this, the lions are gonna fleece someone. I can't believe I just typed that.... But Stafford won't win you a super bowl. Watched the guy for 13 years. He won't win a super bowl. Tough dude but not elite. Doesn't have the mental makeup upstairs and never been a guy to take the team by the reins.
Disagree here

I'm not saying he will, but he's literally been on one team capable of winning a playoff game and they were up against the NFL / Refs in that game.

Jury still out.
As a Rams fan, give me Stafford over Goof 100 out of 100 times. Goof is Sam Bradford minus chronic injuries. McVay and Stafford is much better. An elite coach needing a competent QB. Thank you
Disagree here

I'm not saying he will, but he's literally been on one team capable of winning a playoff game and they were up against the NFL / Refs in that game.

Jury still out.

He's been in 3 playoff games. With some pretty good offenses. He's always had good receivers. He's a better Rivers.
As a Rams fan, give me Stafford over Goof 100 out of 100 times. Goof is Sam Bradford minus chronic injuries. McVay and Stafford is much better. An elite coach needing a competent QB. Thank you

I'd take that all day...Goff is 26, and has proven he can win playoff games.
I'm fine with that trade but you have to draft a QB

If we're just trading Goff got Staff, the team gets slightly worse.

It wouldn't just be Goff. You have your 7 pick still (get chase, davonte,parsons), get a 2nd this year, a 3rd this year, #1 next year and a #3 next year..whatever it is, is a damn good haul to rebuild the team...with a SB QB.
Wow I see Goff has a fringe NFL starter with the influx of all these QBs last couple of years. I've seen glimpses but body language is the most concerning for me.

Rams didn't need to pay him when they did. Still wonder who they were bidding against that year?
Disagree here

I'm not saying he will, but he's literally been on one team capable of winning a playoff game and they were up against the NFL / Refs in that game.

Jury still out.

Sorry bro... I clearly got passionate about this yesterday. Lmfao. Good discussion. Just hoping to God the lions don't fuck this up.
Jimmy g just can’t stay healthy and let’s be real here, shanny obviously did not trust him in that SB run! Then when time came to make a winning throw he missed a wide open guy by 5 yards, a great play design, perfect time to call it, woulda won the game and Jimmy shit himself. He a fine qb if healthy, cousins type. Not the guy I want to lead my championship ready niners team tho!! Cant count on him to be available!!
Shanny knows more football than all of us combined and it clear he doesn’t want to go to war with Jimmy g. Time to move on.
Goff is a top 15 QB man. Give him some receivers, he will be fine.
He has Woods, Kupp, and solid tight ends. Not to mention a great o-line that keeps him from getting pressured. Top 15 wouldn‘t be saying‘re basically admitting his mediocrity with all the support he does have.
He has Woods, Kupp, and solid tight ends. Not to mention a great o-line that keeps him from getting pressured. Top 15 wouldn‘t be saying‘re basically admitting his mediocrity with all the support he does have.

anx he has one the best coaches/play callers to help him out. I’m pretty confident I could come up with more than 15 QBs I rather have. I mean cmon, his own coach who has all the incentive in the world to make it work wanted to start some guy we never heard of over him in playoff games! He not even the best qb on his team! According to Mcvey who knows more than us?
Like by completing 9 of 19 passes vs Seattle? He‘s had superb defenses plus the aforementioned cast on offense

Mcvey can win with anyone to a point! He gonna let the no name kid beat him out in camp, started him over Goff in the playoff game! Obviously Goff was fine to play since he came in and played the last 3+ qrtrs! That wasn’t a move based on injury, that was a move saying Goff not the best qb on the team!
It wouldn't just be Goff. You have your 7 pick still (get chase, davonte,parsons), get a 2nd this year, a 3rd this year, #1 next year and a #3 next year..whatever it is, is a damn good haul to rebuild the team...with a SB QB.
Let's not forget that Goff is a Super Bowl QB who has the worst performance in Super Bowl history by a QB. I've watched every snap, and clearly see he has ZERO confidence & has shit for brains. He's the type that on 4th and 19th with the season on the line would dump it off if everyone is covered. Has no clue to try and set up a PI in this flag happy league. Im done rooting for him like I was with Bradford and Fisher.
If the Rams make a move at QB, it will inject a new belief. Watch and see how far they go post Goof era
Looks like it's heating up with Niners for 2 #2s and 2#3s. I'd personally want a #1

yea. That seems pretty low balled. Although some teams do great with the 2nd and 3rd rounders, plus they cheaper!! Not sure lions one of those teams tho!
Lmao. Hunt, Goof is such a dumb fuck and with no confidence now. He plays butt hurt. He's probably the most frustrating QB in Rams history since Jim Everett. Everett had playoff wins too but once he took a shit in the 89 Title game he went right into the tank and never recovered. This was after winning in New England to clinch a playoff berth, and the subsequently winning at Philly and NYG. Goff is toast in LA. Maybe a new scenery helps. Doubt it

cousins years in minny he been surrounded with way better teams and coaches. Better group of wrs, way better run game as he got one the best backs in the league and lions run game has been garbage most Stafford years, I just think Stafford efficiency numbers would go thru the roof if he had even a average run game! Give him a top 5 run game and he would set the league on fire imo. Cousins can make big time throws but he has always shrunk in the big moments imo.
Lmao. Hunt, Goof is such a dumb fuck and with no confidence now. He plays butt hurt. He's probably the most frustrating QB in Rams history since Jim Everett. Everett had playoff wins too but once he took a shit in the 89 Title game he went right into the tank and never recovered. This was after winning in New England to clinch a playoff berth, and the subsequently winning at Philly and NYG. Goff is toast in LA. Maybe a new scenery helps. Doubt it

The fact they started wofford over him in Seattle says all we need to know imo.
The fact they started wofford over him in Seattle says all we need to know imo.
No doubt. That's where the final straw was. McVay hinted even prior to Goff getting his contract that he wanted to see if he was the franchise QB. Goof was drafted by Fisher so he's not a McVay choice.
and fisher was a tard.
Fisher couldn't even land the Tennessee Vols opening. Not sure how he became so robotic and scripted with his personality. He was a fucking joke in Hard Knocks. I don't think he's a bad guy at all but just lost himself.
Not sure why Fisher would go to NCAA at this point, he's not the rah rah type like Marv to jump back in to having to recruit
Quarterback win it just me or are quarterbacks being treated as though they were starting pitchers?