Season SYSTEM plays from the DAWG.......


Go the Bulldogs!
Here's what u guys have been waiting to see. I know Fondy asked me to post these in the other thread, but I don't think we both saw that thread getting that long.

Here's what's on tap for today......................


Cincinatti +7
N'Wern +2.5
Iowa St. +13
Iowa +3
Indiani +13
UNC +3
Okie St. +6.5
Baylor +21
Michigan +7.........has nothing to do w/ coach S.'s sad death.....
Ole Miss +27
Oregon St. -14.5
Alabama +3
AZ +14
New Mexico 27.5
Arkansan -14.5
KSU +2.5
UVA +3
Calli +6
UL-Monroe +20
S Carolina -15.5.........has nothing to do w/ me an SC alum

Anyway, there they are.........let's make some money........

Let's get it on.....................
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Tennessee -7.5

No, this isn't something that has changed. I just missed it a few minutes ago.
On your system moondawg, what do you do if the spread is -10?
Nick, just look at the "70%" thread. All your questions will be answered there. But, at 10.........it's a no-play.
two ranked teams vs each other

I thought you said only one team can be ranked?

USC vs. Cal (still playing cal?)
Michigan vs. Ohio st (still playing michigan?)
I look at lines much the way you do, Moondog. I look at the opener more than the closing #, as I feel the opener is set to attract the money and after a week of betting the books have a side that's heavy/lopsided many times. But it's tough coming up with exactly what is the opener at many places.

Good luck today.
Questions answered:

At LEAST 1 ranked team
BCS Conf game (OSU/UM)

LINES at 10:30 am EST-not game start (no game starts that early

So far he's looking good.
NOTE: System only applies to games involving BCS conference teams and/or in the top 25. Plus, it could only involve 1 such team (ex. Ark. St. +33 v. Auburn a cople weeks ago).


so what's the verdict?? Wouldn't that mean you can only have 1 ranked team in the matchup?
moondawg said:
Cincinatti +7 (W)
N'Wern +2.5 (W)
Iowa St. +13 (W)
Iowa +3 (L)
Indiani +13 (W)
UNC +3 (W)
Okie St. +6.5 (W)
Baylor +21 (L)
Michigan +7 (W)
Ole Miss +27 (W)
Oregon St. -14.5 (W)
Alabama +3 (L)
AZ +14 (W)
New Mexico 27.5 (W)
Arkansan -14.5 (L)
KSU +2.5 (L)
UVA +3 (W)
Calli +6 (L)
UL-Monroe +20 (W)
S Carolina -15.5 (W)

14/20 = 70%

Props, much better than I could manage this wk..
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ka678 said:
NOTE: System only applies to games involving BCS conference teams and/or in the top 25. Plus, it could only involve 1 such team (ex. Ark. St. +33 v. Auburn a cople weeks ago).


so what's the verdict?? Wouldn't that mean you can only have 1 ranked team in the matchup?
I think what he's saying is that the conditions don't have to match both teams, just one. Hence the example using Arkie St...neither a BCS conference, or a top 25 team. Auburn fits the mark, so the game is considered for the system.
nice call moondawg....are you gonna post these every week, i know season is just about over but would appreciate your system...gl :cheers:
Yeah, I'll keep posting e'm.

Actually, it was 15-6, not 14-6. I added Tennessee. I had just missed it when I 1st posted the plays. U'll see it in @ the 3rd or 4th post of this thread.

...A COUPLE ???'s answered...........

It COULD only involve 1 BCS conf or top 25 team.....UL-MON V. KY, SC V. MTSU, MICH V. OSU..........all 3 involved atleast 1 top 25 or BCS conf team. And my book comes out w/ lines on Monday just like most places. I just think the books settle their lines on Sat morning to where they wanna "TEASE" the public cuz that's when most of the pub place their bets - on Saturday. Guys, it's been this way for 5 years. I just wish I'd have started posting this thing earlier to help u guys make more cash.

Well, all's not lost...........still more time in NCAAF and the SYSTEM hits at close to the same % in NBA, although the SYSTEM is different.

Anyway, I'll be back on here Monday am............

Well done bro, appreciate the post. Actually, went 9-4 yesterday and 2 of the 4 losses were against your plays :hairout: !

Keep them coming bro, we appreciate it!

Yeah, there are some different spread marks for NFL. I'm gonna post e'm in a minute in the NFL forum.

In NBA, it's a totally different. It's a mix of spread marks and line movements. Sounds crazy, I know........but it's making me a killing.

How'd you come up with the Michigan +7 and Cal +6 picks if the matchups could only have 1 BCS conf team or TOP 25 team?

Should the matchups have "ONLY 1" or "AT LEAST 1 BCS" conf team/TOP 25?? Please clarify.

678, "atleast 1"..................

That's why I said it COULD only involve........

I guess I should have clarified anyway. Now that I read it, it does look a little confusing.
Thanks dawg..

I look forward to your post on the NBA and NFL spreads...

Jax wins by double digits tonight...take'em

Thanx 678....yeah, I'll take Jax on the ML for a few hudred just for kix. It seekms like every time the world sees an injury depleted team on the road, that's just when that team comes off the mat fighting. I dunno about 4 points. I may not even hit it at all, because this SYSTEM I have makes so much money, I could care less @ forcing a play. In o/ words, if I play that one, it'll be a personal play only and not a SYSTEM play.

Anyway, GL..............

BTW, I'll be posting NBA and what's left on NCAAB @ 6 pm.
SYATEM playzzz from the DAWG 15-6 YTD last week.....

Here's what's on tap for today.................

A&M +14
Arkansas +2.5
Colorado +14
Oregon +3

Let's get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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Here's what's on tap for today.......

SFL +21
KY +21
ECU +3
Mizzou -7.5
UNC -7.5
Okie St. +6.5
FL -7.5
Miss St. +3
ASU +3
GA Tech +3..........I won't play that one....GO DAWGS!!!!
ND +9
Purdue +19
Nevada +3

Mizzou o51
BYU u55.5
ASU o43
Clemson u47
ND o56.5
Nevada u55
10-6 on the weekend......25-12 68%.....YTD

Yes, I know. I tossed in a few total plays Saturday that weren't part of the SYSYEM. They're part of a totally differnt SYSTEM that only hits @ 55%. I prolly won't post those anymore. I dunno. We'll see.
Please clarify:

You have noted 13 sides and 6 totals.

Sides were 7-4-2 (which are the systems plays you've been touting)

KY +21 WIN
Mizzou -7.5 WIN
Okie St. +6.5 WIN
FL -7.5 LOSE
Miss St. +3 PUSH
GA Tech +3 PUSH
Purdue +19 WIN
Nevada +3 LOSE

and totals were 3-3 (from the "other" system)

Mizzou o51 WIN
BYU u55.5 LOSE
Clemson u47 LOSE
ND o56.5 WIN
Nevada u55 WIN

So it looks like 10-7-2 to me. Please clarify where the 10-6 for the weekend comes from? Thanks!:cheers:

Also, do you count the totals into the YTD #'s? Just trying to get a feel for this thing you are doing.

Is there a way to look at last week at see what the line was at 10:30AM?

MZ........u're right......guess I just missed it.....so YTD is actually ...........................24-13 65%.....just as planned so far.

I don't count the pushes cuz nothing's won or lost. The pushes are few and far between, so they really don't affect anything. No, I don't include totals in the YTD record cuz it's a totally different SYSTEM.
Here's what's on tap for tonight.......................

Ohio +3.5
Ohio u47.5
A spread at 3.5 would normally produce a play on the fav, BUT remember. Plays are determined on where the line is at 10:30 am EST. At that time this morning, it was 3. Well, Joe Pub has pushed it up just recently to 3.5, so we get a "free hook".

NFL...I haven't been posting these plays, but Balt +3 is the play tonight.
Lets get that damn system straightened out for the weekend bro! LOL!

GL and keep the picks coming.

I know Mags, I know!!!!!!!!!!!! The weekday games hit just a little less than on Saturdays.....except when the bowls come!!!

Sides: 24-14 63%
Totals: 4-3 57%

Here's what's on tap for tonight............
S Miss +6.5.....man that thing's gone today....good for us!!!
S Miss u54
Against you here bro..

Houston -4 so maybe a 30-24 Houston win and we can both be happy... GL!
Sides: 24-15 62%
Totals: 4-3 57%....as I've said earlier, I don't count pushes.

Here's what'son tap for today.....................................


Army +21
Cal -29
UCLA +12.5
Louisville -29.5
HW -7.5
GT -1
Arkansas +2.5
OU -3.5

WVU o49.5
Cal u47
USC u47.5
Louisville u55
GT u40
Arkansas o45
OU o45

Let's get it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!