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***Season Long NCAA In-Game***

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Just so much stuff seems artificial now. Dudes are tough, stronger, faster, but it is like a whole marketing thing about the player's identity selling jersey's and stupid crap. It is a job now just like it was then, but the scale was so much smaller, it just seems more "real". I kind of romanticize the history of the NFL and the conditions they played, it took hard nosed people back in the old days, not primadonnas that some of the current players are now. You started getting that in the 70s too. Just kind of where pro football has ended up these days for me isn't what I thought it was all about watching it growing up. Maybe it is me, maybe it is them.
Great post.. feel much the same way.
Cam Newton is the epitome of what I tend to dislike in the league. I don't know him personally, but from the outside looking in...it really just seems alllllll about him
We live in an enervated culture that revolves around the individual. A short-sighted, superficial culture with a low attention-span that only wants to see highlights. The result: A lot of ego and very little discipline.
Feels like a trip to Canton is brewing for me. One benefit of living in NE Ohio. Probably been 5 years since I went. Always a good time to go about now with college football ending, frees up weekends!
I like the dancing or celebrations, it's fine...creative and for a split second it's entertainment

Most who know my politics won't be surprised by this but I hate how much they are making out of militarizing the NFL...the flag, national anthem, every spot is an effort to make money off of patriotism. Makes me sick. But I still watch. Just become so commercial. Only place I'll say it is this post...the anthem shouldn't even be part of the pregame. No problems anywhere at that point...but money.

Tackle football is losing steam, that's not shocking (I hope) to anyone with functionality, concussions are real, people are larger and more violent. How could that be a shock?

Enjoy it, the rules will be bent until they can't bend any more. This is a real thing that kids aren't playing nearly as much any more.
Yeah..going to bed. Poppy going to be in my head, not sure if that is good or bad. Probably bad. VK and that Poppy of his.
Honestly going to games anymore seems like a fucking hassle and I regret agreeing to it the minute I do. Hate them.
I said about Hugh McElhenny, he was real big in the battle to try and get more retirement and health benefits for the old timers. NFL and owners have all the money, but they just look forward to spend it on something new while the players that came before, the ones that never made enough money to seriously retire on for the rest of their lives and now with medical expenses, the NFLPA just doesn't do enough for them, but they need more money. Everyone needs more money and the old timer players gave everything, worked jobs in the offseason back in the 60s. The old time players are the ones that built the game and some of their situations now aren't too great financially and medically. I don't know, where the league came from and who built it is more interesting to me than where it is now and who is playing in it today.
Oh yeah, the evolution of the sport and athletics, the speed and agility of white skill players just isn't there. Doesn't bother me at all. That is a great thing about sports, for any bad we find in it, the money and all, it makes alot of people color blind. You're part of a team, it just doesn't matter what color you are, if you are good, you play. But to a point, it does create a reverse discrimination. Just one more bit of controversy to add to our lives. It doesn't matter though. The cream rises to the top and one's skill and one's ability, knowledge and strength, if you have what it takes you can be as great as your potential takes you. Atleast today you can. Alot of minorities fought that back in the day, but that is probably the greatest thing about sports today is the opportunities it offers any person, race or what have you. But yeah, white skill players now, pretty rare.
well gents, i should try to fall asleep so i should get off the laptop. thanks for the patience of my ranting, raving. See you at the finish line
Oh yeah, the evolution of the sport and athletics, the speed and agility of white skill players just isn't there. Doesn't bother me at all. That is a great thing about sports, for any bad we find in it, the money and all, it makes alot of people color blind. You're part of a team, it just doesn't matter what color you are, if you are good, you play. But to a point, it does create a reverse discrimination. Just one more bit of controversy to add to our lives. It doesn't matter though. The cream rises to the top and one's skill and one's ability, knowledge and strength, if you have what it takes you can be as great as your potential takes you. Atleast today you can. Alot of minorities fought that back in the day, but that is probably the greatest thing about sports today is the opportunities it offers any person, race or what have you. But yeah, white skill players now, pretty rare.

So lets get rid of the Rooney Rule. Total double standard.
So lets get rid of the Rooney Rule. Total double standard.

Yeah, it's a bigger issue and probably better for another forum. Lots of things in life don't make sense, but we do them for one reason or another we do them. Can't fix all the problems, can't right all the wrongs, sometimes you do and create other issues in the process. Unintended consequences. What can you do. Just live your life, do right by the people you know and encounter and let the bigger picture stuff get worked out by the bigger picture people.
Rosen implies he doesn't want to play for the Browns. Darnold on record saying he will be honored to play for any team and appreciates whoever will give him the shot because it has been a dream of his.

Manning v. Rivers 2.0 lol
Yeah, it's a bigger issue and probably better for another forum. Lots of things in life don't make sense, but we do them for one reason or another we do them. Can't fix all the problems, can't right all the wrongs, sometimes you do and create other issues in the process. Unintended consequences. What can you do. Just live your life, do right by the people you know and encounter and let the bigger picture stuff get worked out by the bigger picture people.

Knowing everything is the ability to forgive everything
Rules to live a PEACEFULL life.

Do not judge others

Don't worry about what others say

Enjoy each and every day

Give to the less fortunate

Make peace with your past.

Show your love

Make sure to pick winners
"Do not judge others" This is the quote that people confuse all the time. 100% we are to discern who we hang out with, or do business with, or don't. We determine that through our judgement of them. There's no way around it period.
What we aren't to judge (if you're a believer in eternal life) is whether they're going to heaven or hell. That's not up to us to judge.
"Do not judge others" This is the quote that people confuse all the time. 100% we are to discern who we hang out with, or do business with, or don't. We determine that through our judgement of them. There's no way around it period.
What we aren't to judge (if you're a believer in eternal life) is whether they're going to heaven or hell. That's not up to us to judge.

People will come into our lives.

Some People will test us

Some people will anger us

Some people will love us

Some people will betray us

Some people will teach us

However what's truly important is those people that bring the absolute best out of you.

We all are capable of goodness and great deeds of charity and a SELFLESS existence where we treat all others as ourselves.
Sammy in here pregame dropping some wisdom to the youth. Go ahead Sammy give it to em.

I'm on a spiritual roll as well as bowl run$$.

Just met a buddy who came back from Sri Lanka. He visited many sacred spiritual Spots. He has inspired me.

He told me outside of one of the temples there was a man who everyday would stand outside in perfect stillness and concentration for 8 hour straight every day.
He said this guys energy and eyes had a magical presence to it.
To experience that state of bliss cannot be described. It is indescribable.
It can only be attained through doing this yourself-

As Steve jobs once said when you clear your mind and Make it a simple mind YOU CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS.

no limitations since limitations are the workings of the mind.

Purify the mind and many things can be achieved.
Yeah, it's a bigger issue and probably better for another forum. Lots of things in life don't make sense, but we do them for one reason or another we do them. Can't fix all the problems, can't right all the wrongs, sometimes you do and create other issues in the process. Unintended consequences. What can you do. Just live your life, do right by the people you know and encounter and let the bigger picture stuff get worked out by the bigger picture people.

Brilliantly said

If people would just focus on their own existence and salvation everything would be harmonious.
"Do not judge others" This is the quote that people confuse all the time. 100% we are to discern who we hang out with, or do business with, or don't. We determine that through our judgement of them. There's no way around it period.
What we aren't to judge (if you're a believer in eternal life) is whether they're going to heaven or hell. That's not up to us to judge.
Except for Duke football. They are going to hell.
We live in an enervated culture that revolves around the individual. A short-sighted, superficial culture with a low attention-span that only wants to see highlights. The result: A lot of ego and very little discipline.

Brilliance once again my friend.

Revolves around the individual.

Allow me to add.

Revolves around the FALSE I. The 5 senses that mistakenly think with the I.

I am hungry I like that sound.

Senses are senses. They have no I attached to them.

No discipline is correct.

mind is everything. What we think we become.

Mind is all. Mind needs to be disciplined focussed calm , everything that society is against.
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