***Season Long NCAA In-Game***

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WTF they gonna do? I got a crackin on my noggin, tell me to sleep it off?

Quite frankly that dive was unbelievable, water just wasn't deep enough to appreciate how graceful it was

They going to make sure you don't have an swelling on the brain.....appreciate the dive performance
Did he family affected by the flood?

No. Of the 4 guys on the team from Houston, only Tony Brown's family was affected. The school flew them to Tuscaloosa on a private jet. I'm sure it's a violation or something
Oh my brain's been plenty swelled since grade school

Serious question, KJ...do you sleep much? Sleep deprivation can do some fucking crazy shit to the body...I've had friends go through symptoms similar to what you've referenced just from being so insanely overtired their bodies just freaked out.
Louisville with ANOTHER turnover in their own territory....good God how hard can you try to hand the other team a football game?
And FL should not be ranked in the top 40 IMO. what a joke of an offense. GLB should jump off a bridge watching that shit every week.
shocker. Bama with kicking issues again. Sort of like how LSU can never find a decent QB...

I don't even know which kick in particular this was referring to but I laughed, always seems like bama runs some dude out there to kick with a number 99 jersey. Is it even ever safe to trust a kicker wearing a jersey in the 90s?
I home from the casino. Ready to relax and in game tonight. Here to hoping we get 2 good gms. Subs they are on at the same time.
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